Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo


The article will give a description of the implementation of technology Enterlak with knitting masters. She is something similar to Patchwork, but the procedure for the confusion of elements is different. Also, this master class will suit more experienced craftsmen who are in finding new options.

The main stages of work

Next will be given photos of the stages of knitting and the description of them. At the bottom of the sample are triangles. With them and let's start. To begin with, you score 35 loops.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

The first row (for the 1st triangle): remove the edge, and the next knicted invalid. Turn knitting.

Second row: both loops facial.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

The third row: the edge, involving, with the left knitting of the initial set, add another hovercut.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Thus, in each marginal row, it will be necessary to add one loop from the main dial each time.

Fourth row: all three loops will check the facial. Dressed row: edge, 2 outbreak loops, gain. Sixth row: four facial loops. The seventh row: edge, three wrong, gain. The eighth row: facial loops - five pieces. Ninth row: edge, 4 wrong, gain. Tenth row: 6 facial loops. Eleventh row: edge, 5 irons, gain. Thus, on the right spice it turns out 7 loops.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

The following triangles knit in the same way, also starting with two hinges of the set. What the pregnant base looks like, look at the photo below.

Painted side:

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Front side:

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

If you want to tie everything in one color, then continue to them. But we will change the color, for this we attach the thread of another shade, the tip is initially cut off.

Our knitting should be on the front side. From the extreme loop of the triangle first knit for the rear wall, and then for the front. In the end, we get two loops. So we start our side triangle.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Now it is necessary for the rear wall of the two subsequent loops to check the third. The first row of the extreme triangle is pregnant.

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Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

We deploy the work and knit the second row: the edge, two outbuilding loops.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

The third row: knit two facial loops from one of the most extreme, the previous series, one facial, but from the third loop of the new color and another loop of the original shade in the front of the rear wall. Such a maneuver will use each time on the front side.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Fourth row: edge, three wrong. Fifth row: from one loop - 2 facial, 2 facial loops, facial from two hinges per rear wall. Sixth row: edge, four outbreak loops. The seventh row: two facial loops from one, three facial loops, one facial from two per rear wall. The eighth row: edge, five wrong hinges. Ninth row: from one loop two facial, four facial, again from two loops one facial. According to the result, we have seven loops on our right spice.

From that moment on, let's start taking squares.

First row: We recruit seven loops through the left side of the white triangle of the base. At the same time, the last seventh must first translate to the left knitting needles and to stick it together with the next loop for the back wall.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

We deploy the work and knit one edge and six wrong loops.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Turn over the front side. The working thread should be at work. Remove the first loop, and as an invincible, then five facial, two together for the rear wall of one facial.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

So knit until all seven loops of a white triangle are cluttered.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Now go to the left side of the root triangle and again type 7 loops. And knit as the first square. So until the end of the lilac row.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Remember the thread on white and shift knitting. We turn out to be on the wrong side, therefore will continue to knit with the corresponding loops. From the extreme loop knit two wrong loops, first for the front wall, then behind the front.

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Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Third Purpose knit from two hinges. This will be our gain on each irons.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

We will expand the work and check the facial loops. So knit the entire side triangle. When there are seven hinges on the needker, then around the edge of the purple triangle, score seven loops.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

We will not forget the seventh move to the left knitting needles and check together with the subsequent wrong.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

We sympathize with the whole range of white squares, not forgetting on the invalid side to squeeze out of two hinges.

Technique Enterlak knitting needles for beginners with description and photo

Here our master class ends, as it is already clear how knitting in the technique of Enterlak is built.

This technique can be used not only when knitting planes (plaid, scarves, etc.), but also in those where you need to knit in a circle. For example, a hat.

Or socks.

As can be seen, the technique is not as complicated, as it seems at first glance. The most important thing is to remember the principle of knitting and perform that the number of loops, which is described in the master class. In a selection of video, there will be examples for knitting in the technique of enterlake of various products. Try and inspire.

Video on the topic

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