How to make a balcony with your own hands (photo and video)



The balcony is not just an architectural element, this is a place where you can relax in the summer, nice to spend the evening with your loved ones. But sometimes it happens that the balcony needs to expand, that is, to reconstruct or make it yourself from scratch. This is not so simple, a number of questions are common, which are associated not only with the strength and reliability of the design itself, but also with those loads that the balcony has on the wall of the structure, the slabs of the overlap. Therefore, the question of how to make a balcony, it is necessary to solve with specialists who will be able to glorify everything correctly, pick up the frameworks for the frame.

How to make a balcony with your own hands (photo and video)

To make a balcony cozy, you need to get acquainted with what ways it can be done.

For a private house, such issues are usually less such questions, but for the construction of a multi-storey house, it is necessary to consider:

  • making and installation of frame;
  • load on overlapping and walls of the house;
  • Materials manufacturing.

Features of the device

The device in a private house is characterized by some features, including:
  • Balconies are made with a minimum of two floors (including at the presence of an attic floor);
  • The size and form must correspond to the appearance of the structure, the characteristics of its design.

It is possible to build balconies in the house from various materials, but the mains are the wood, reinforced concrete slabs, the fences can also be wooden or made of bricks, forged metal elements.

At the same time, you will have to take into account the load that the whole design will have on the walls of the house, its overlap.

Materials and tools

How to make a balcony with your own hands (photo and video)

Glazing scheme with removal

In order to build a balcony in the house independently, a draft future design should be prepared and prepare such tools and materials as:

  • concrete (the most frequently used material for construction, although working with it is characterized by consideration, the construction is solved lasting and attractive, its service time is quite large);
  • Channel 10/12 for frame;
  • Metal fittings;
  • knitting wire;
  • trowel, spatula;
  • plywood, wide edged boards;
  • Metal pipes or thick wooden boards.

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The exact amount of all materials depends on the specific project, which must be compiled, taking into account the recommendations of the specialist.

Mounting work

Installation begins with the preparation of the project. It takes into account not only the location of the design, but also conditions such as accommodation at the level of seismopoyea, the installation site of the chawls, future loads. When installing with your own hands, all the channel is better to fill with concrete, which will increase the strength. In addition, for the part overlooking the street, it is recommended to make additional backups in the form of columns, diagonal stops and other things. In the latter case, the center of gravity should have to the angular parts of the walls in the house.

Stages of construction are as follows:

How to make a balcony with your own hands (photo and video)

Balcony installation scheme

  • Installation of a chapellery on a rib with a mixer in two meters. Before that, it is necessary to make holes under the chapellor in the overlap, the smooth edge of which should look at the outer side, profile - in its inner part. For the design there are enough two or three channels to ensure strength and reliability;
  • Installation on a sheller of metal reinforcement is observed in a step of 10 cm along the length of the balcony, the fittings of the knitting wire on the places of contact are mounted;
  • The installation itself should include two meshes from the rods, the size of the cells of which should be 10 cm. All meshes are fixed to the lower and top of the chambers;
  • After that, the formwork is installed from the edged boards, the surface of the future balcony plate is poured with concrete, which should dry up to 28 days.

After drying, the concrete can be processed to the construction of the fence, the visor for the balcony.

Visors do it yourself

Installation of visors can be made from a wide variety of materials, most often they serve to protect against snow and rain, bright sunlight. For the construction of a visor with their own hands, it is necessary to observe the following conditions:

  • The descent of the visor over the design should be on the sides of 20-30 cm, in front - 10-20 cm;
  • The bias should be about 30-35 degrees;
  • The carrying design is made of terry and longitudinal beams, two boats;
  • The rafal beams made of wood are taken with a cross section of 5 to 13 cm, mounted in a step of 50-60 cm. Each of the ends of the beams is treated with waterproofing compositions and is strengthened in a specially made nest in the wall;
  • All the bars, strengthened in the wall, must be additionally fixed by bolts;
  • The doomle for the visor is attached to the rafting beams.

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Metal sheets, wood, but the most optimal option is considered to be a cellular polycarbonate that can be the most optimal option, it perfectly protects against direct sunlight, but it allows the light to penetrate the coating in sufficient quantity.

As a rule, the balcony is scheduled at the construction stage of the house. The appearance of the balcony in the house is influenced by a variety of factors, ranging from the floor and ending with the materials used. Make a balcony for a private house is much easier than in a regular apartment, since in the latter case all work is complicated by a feature of the design of a multi-storey house, the need not only to obtain various permits, but also security. As a rule, such structures are not performed with their own hands, only professional builders are involved in the construction of a balcony in a multi-storey building.

For a private house, such problems as when building a construction in the apartment, no. Here you can use a variety of materials, and appearance and sizes are selected by the owner of the housing.

How to make a balcony with your own hands (photo and video)

How to make a balcony with your own hands (photo and video)

How to make a balcony with your own hands (photo and video)

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