How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video


Rose is a symbol of love and beauty. Every romantic would like to have a unstable rose. Unfortunately, the living flowers of the capricious and are short-lived. They are easily replaced by paper: not so fragile, do not require special attention, but they are not inferior to anything alive. From paper roses, you can make a bouquet, weave wreath, attach to a gift, decorate a festive table or put in a vase. Romantic nature is often wondering how to make a rose from paper with their own hands. It is very easy, even a child can cope with it, barely learned to use scissors.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

With the help of scissors and glue

The easiest way - a spiral is drawn on a sheet of paper. Then you need to cut.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

The end of the spiral turns into the tube (you can use a pencil that painted the spiral), and the whole end is attached glue.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Below are some schemes:

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

We use paper

For the manufacture of roses, you can use any paper: from the usual newspaper before cardboard. But the petals made from corrugated paper, more than all others look like alive.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Due to its structure, corrugated paper allows the master to give petals to similarity with the original. How to make such a rose, told stages, with a photo.

It will take all that you will need to work in the photo.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

You need to take two types of paper: green for stem, and for bud you can choose any color. A strip is cut down 7-8 cm wide and longer than half a meter.

Attention! Corrugated accommodations should be along the strip, and not across.

On the width of two fingers, the paper tape turns into a roll.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Then one roller end is clipped with semicircle with scissors.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

It is divided precisely in the middle, and cuts are made, not reaching the opposite end of approximately 1 cm.

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How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Now the roll must be deployed and start forming petals. From one edge they turned less - it will be the middle of the rose. They need to be slightly pulled to form a bulge.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

The remaining petals along the edge stretch along.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

To give even greater similarity with a lively rose, the edges of the petals with the help of a thin metal rod are separated inside.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

The tape should take this kind:

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

At the next stage, a piece of wire wrapped with a loop.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

The tape is screwed up on it - the billet, starting from the smallest petal.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

The bottom edge hangs. When the tape is assembled, the roll on the bottom is pulled by a thread.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Gently straightening petals, forming a flower.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Now you can proceed to the formation of the stem. To do this, it will take a piece of green corrugated paper with a height of 7-8 cm and more than 10 width.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Long teeth are cut out of it.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

For one rose, you will need 5 teeth. Each triangle pages for the tip and stretched along.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

The formed cup is glued to the base of the bud.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

The next strip of 2 cm wide is stretched along and is labeled with glue.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

It is tightly winding around the bud and the helix covers the wire, forming the stem.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Of the same green paper, leaves are 3 per 4 cm.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

On them, the pencil is joined by a residence, the leafs are given a convex form. From a paper strip, a melted glue, a thin tube is formed, to which the leaflets are glued.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

A finished twig with leaves is applied to the stalk and is tightly attached with a ribbon, which wrapped the wire. Dogging it to the end, the finished rose is obtained.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

For those who like to use Origami technique, the instruction of one of the ways of making roses is given.

How to make a rose from paper with your own hands easily and stages: Scheme with video

Video on the topic



Video in Russian: Origami Rosa.

Rose Cube:

Corrugated paper:

Huge rose for photo shoot:

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