[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom


Decorative plants have a gift - to update the room atmosphere and the bathroom is not a rare case when flowers are coming out and there. In case there is a window to the room, this is the best place for most herbal plants. In the current apartments, bathrooms do not have windows and often this factor keeps the ideas of flowers lovers. True: if there is no light in the room, any plant will die . The lack of sunlight does not put in a dead end position, there are many plants that feel perfectly with artificial light. The underlying condition for the resulting colors in the bathroom - plants must make the shadow and love water.

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom


This plant is known as a fern. It is part of the most practical home plants. However, it is hard for nefrolyptic to find a good place in the house. This type of fern does not like heat and ingrave air, so it is not always possible to place on the windowsill. During the growth period, the plant requires a temperature of 20 to 24 degrees, and 15 degrees will be satisfied with a state of calm (October-February). You will most likely not be able to stay in the bathroom for a long time.

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

So that the plant adequately grew is required: to put the pot to put drainage to remove extra moisture. The Earth dries quickly and requires abundant and frequent watering.

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom


In nature, the flower grows in places wet and rainy, so the home shadow is not afraid. Aglaione is to hide from drafts and large heat.

Additional quality Aglionmi: She adores high humidity. In that case. If it lacks the sheet plate, they may change, but in shower moisture is enough.

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

For good growing, rich watering and moderate temperature is required - up to 25 degrees . If the temperature fell to 15 degrees - the roots rot. Aglionma does not make a sharp change of thermal conditions.

Important. The juice highlighted by the Agolatem is very harmful, so it is recommended to deal with a plant exclusively in gloves.

Ficus Lovyoid

The second name of the grass is Ficus Lirat. A plant in distant tropical Africa was born, so the high moisture is not frightened. During when they start to trammed, it is recommended to remove it from batteries and other warm and dry places, and it is worth accepting this fact into account. It is worth a particular concern, consider the fact that Ficus loves loneliness and does not take other flowers next to him. However, Lire-shaped ficus loves light and air, so providing him with these conditions still have to.

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[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom


This flower includes a Lian group, and its place of origin in the hot forests: Starting India and ending with Northern Australia. If your choice fell on the epipremnium, the variety should correctly pick up. The one that with bright leaves will require the sun rays and their drawback will destroy it, and if you take a zelinolistic plant, then it will delight your eyes and do not disturb.

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

Regarding the right content: Water flower when the soil has dry and do not have it next to the dryers or batteries.

Royal Begonia

The home plant was born in the tropics and adores a shadow with high humidity. However, the flower leaves are often not desirable to use water, for it is a great chance that there are dark spots on the leaves, which will remove the beauty from the face of the flower. But the plant is to provide a plant, and there is enough in the bathroom.

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

It is recommended to pay attention to leaves. Right sunlight Royal Begonia does not tolerate, because burns appear on it.

In the event that the flower was lost the brightness and became faded and non-living, it is worth transferring it to the window sill in the room.


As they say - "Teschin Language". This name was determined for the flower due to solid leafs with acute bodies. This plant requires minimal attention and calmly live a few months without water, as the moisture is copied in the leaves. Plus, the moisture is not asked. As a result, each person will be able to grow this miracle at home. Sansevieria happens different colors and if you choose the right interior, it will look efficiently and gorgeous.

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

Plants that love shadow is needed for those who grow flowers. Even in the darkest rooms, they do not require great effort and a large number of your time of your time.

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[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

[Plants in the house] 6 plants that can be put even in the bathroom

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