How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos


Boys love to play war. At the same time, as in the real wars, their army carry losses regardless of whether they are or defeated. Instead of going to the store for the replacement of military equipment defeated in battle, it is necessary to offer the "general" to fill the ranks with their own forces. You can begin immediately with severe and powerful techniques that can significantly increase the combat capability of the army. With this article, you can teach the commander-in-chief how to make a tank from paper with your own hands.

For small warriors

The simplest in the manufacture of the model is assembled according to the principle of origami from one A4 sheet. For the trunk, you will need another, very small, sheet.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

Tank assembly instructions:

1) The sheet needs to be folded in half. Then the folds are outlined by flexing the corners.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

2) the ends of the rectangle are bent into the intersection of diagonal folds.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

3) With both ends of the rectangle, the folds should turn out in the form of the letter "F".

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

4) Side triangles inside the sidelines are folded on the bends two double triangles with vertices in different directions.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

5) Side sides bend to the central line.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

6) The same parties bend again, but in the other side, outward.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

7) After smoothing the crafts, the sharp ends of one triangle wrap up.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

8) The layout turns over and bends in two places across. The fold lines must be a little further from the folded triangles.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

9) Corners of the second triangle bend inside.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

10) Corners of the first triangle are included in the pockets of the second, as the key is suitable for the lock.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

11) Case ready. Need to do a blow.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

12) The paper sheet is covered with a spare or rod from the handle, the leaflets are wedged and wounds in the opposite direction. So the roller will not be promoted.

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How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

13) The layout is spreads, the tower is raised, the caterpillars are aligned, the trunk is inserted.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

Tank is ready to paint. The chief general can decide what will come down, but it is necessary to convince him that among the military it is customary to put signs of differences so that at first glance it was clear to which army this combat unit belongs to which army.

Complex assembly

Origami complex tank assembly scheme:

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

T-34 Tank Scheme:

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

Details must be printed, it is desirable to use a thin cardboard.

Instructions for tank T-34:

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos


This scheme is better printed on a color printer. If there is no such, then you have to paint all the details manually.

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

Schemes for printing:

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

Tank KV-1:

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

How to make a tank paper with your own hands: instruction with photos and videos

Video on the topic

Video how to make a tank of paper with your own hands. Little Tank Origami:


Tank T-80:

Tips on the tank assembly according to the scheme:

Another way origami tank:

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