Color for paint - we knew your own hands


Probably everyone wants to achieve some bright and saturated colors of paints, and sometimes it is necessary to give a certain shade of the LKM. For such purposes, the paint canter is used. Today I will tell you how to make a tinting with my own hands and at home. After all, we often need to achieve this color, which in the store simply can not buy, as it consists of several tones. The most interesting thing is that the kel can be applied not only for paint breeding, but also as a ready-made mixture for painting small surfaces. And today we will look at all sides of this material.

Color for paint - we knew your own hands

Colors for paint

Varieties of pigments

Color for paint - we knew your own hands

Color for paint

I must say that now pick up the necessary kel for your type of paint is very simple. Manufacturers represent a wide range of pigment compounds that can be used independently. By the way, the color can be added not only in the LKM, but also plaster or putty, thereby giving it the necessary colors.

Important! Choosing the necessary pigment in the store, consider what lighting will be in the room. The fact is that the painted surfaces can have a different shade. Artificial lighting will make cold colors muted and dark, but warm on the contrary will be brightened.

Table of mixing proportions LKM and Koller:

Basic white paintProportions in% ratio
Water soluble paint.No more than 20%
Oil mixture1.5-2%
Other formulationsNo more than 5%

When mixing, the koller and the LKM should not overdo it. Although thanks to this, you can get more rich colors, you can simply reduce the quality and properties of paint.

If we talk about Guest, then the kel is:

  1. Organic - In the advantage of these, you can enter the presence of bright and rich color. However, these compositions are very unstable to alkali
  2. Inorganic - they have small color variety, but they are quite light-resistant

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Classification of materials

Color for paint - we knew your own hands

Add a kel in paint

In order to understand which killets are suitable for certain types of paint, I decided to make a small, but clear table:

CategoryFor which LKM.
Liquid Coler, Pigment PasteSuitable for varnishes, impregnations and primers, which are treated with wood and sawn timber
Specialized pigment mixFor paints with water basis
Koloral or Pasta (Tex, Cole, Izhsintez)For pigmenting of oil or alkyd compositions. Also fit for whitewash
Universal Pasta (Professional, Polymer, Unicoller)Suitable for epoxy enamels, polyurethane and nitrocellulose
Keper with pearl and metallic shineUsed for most paints and varnishes

Important! It is the waterproof paint that is the most popular for use in private houses and apartments. That is why one of the most sought-after boldly can be called a kelper for water-based paints.

Consider some factors if you want to get the most water-based colors you need:

  • Immediately calculate how much of the caller makes you need
  • Immediately view the manufacturer's catalogs, the color of the material and the finished shades are indicated in them.
  • If you have a desire to mix a few shades and get some kind of complex color, then be sure to use the mixing tables
  • Testing new shades and kernels, do not immediately interfere with the paint buckets, try mixing a small amount of material and look at the result. After that, you can safely knead the whole bucket of LKM
  • Having stirred a small amount of color you need, apply it to the surface and wait until the paint is dry. After that, look at the result
  • A special nozzle on a drill will help you to intervene the entire mixture to the desired consistency. Only a good kneading allows you to achieve the desired result.
  • Do not forget that before applying on the surface of the mixture you need to stir again

Important! Although mixing paint with a kelner will not be much difficulty, you can use this service in a construction store. The meaning is that many specialized stores have special automated machines that allow you to mix the paint to the shade you need. In this case, you do not have to worry about the resulting color.

The price of such a composition is slightly higher than the paint is involved in their own hands - it is worth considering the predicting of its expenses on the ball and the LKM.

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Tweaking do it yourself

Color for paint - we knew your own hands

Add red color

Mix technology is very simple and does not require any special skills. With this task, a newcomer will quite cope with no experience of staining surfaces. Coloring paint with their own hands is performed when there is a desire to paint the room in several different colors. Do not forget that the colors should be combined with each other.

The sadness of this process is that you can't miss two times in a row one and the same shade, so you will immediately calculate how much the mixture for staining you need. The surrender of the process is very simple, we take a kelter add to white LKM and mix. However, consider some details:

  1. Use only one container for the knead - there is a possibility that in different packages and color will be different
  2. Watch out for the percentage ratio of materials - if you move to the kel, you can lose the right qualities, and if you add less, then you do not achieve the desired shade
  3. Immediately calculate the amount of material used - to get the same color twice and the same color will fail.
  4. Do not forget to make a trial kneading on a small amount of paint - kneading at once the whole mixture, you can spoil the material without achieving the desired color solution
  5. Do not hurry to mix and apply a solution - the well-known proverb acts even in this case

By the way, if you have some amount of the koller, and it is no longer necessary to use it, then do not hurry to throw out the material. Take the container with the kernel and add a small amount of water there, but do not mix and do not shake the container. After this trick, it is possible to store the kel to five years. To obtain the most saturated shade, mix the pigmented mixture and paint before applying on the walls - it can occur in a couple of hours before the start of staining.

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When you mix the color you need in advance, that is, more than 3-4 hours before the start of painting, then there is a very high probability that the kolker will fall a little and therefore the result of the shade will not be so saturated as initially.


Color for paint - we knew your own hands


At all, you should not worry before the start of the tinting of the materials you need. If you are not sure that you will get the right color from the first time, then recording the proportions and actions, you can experiment in small tanks. For those who do not want to spend their time, there are automated machines that are capable of making the shade you need. Take into account all the nuances when using a kolacher, and then you will have the necessary shade for you.

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