Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]


December - It's time of preparation for the new year . By tradition, the rod of the New Year's mood - the presence of ate . The most appropriate time for making paper Christmas tree.

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

The product from paper is better reminiscent of a fir in the event that it is made volume.

Throwing Christmas tree

In order to start origami, the following items will be needed:

  1. A4 paper sheet of green;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Wooden skeletal;
  4. Line;
  5. Glue.

Step 1. Cut circles (25-30 pieces, like the number of "levels" of the Christmas tree) of different diameters (proportionally, measured using a ruler).

Step 2. Folded the resulted circles in half four times (instructions: folded, then folded again, and so up to above the specified number times)

Step 3. Cut the tips (the tops of the resulting bending of triangles in the circles), bend in such a way as to straighten the forms of these triangles.

Step 4. Place the figures obtained on the skewer - starting with the biggest and ending the smallest. It is necessary to neatly lubricate with glue every feature planned on the skeleton (from the very first (bottom) up to the penultimate).

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Tip! So that the sheets hold the form, the paper should be quite dense.

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Complete Christmas Tree

You can also make a bulk fir to glue somewhere (for example, in a postcard).

For the manufacture of such a Christmas tree we will need:

  1. Leaves of green paper (15 * 15 centimeters), gold (or red) and dark brown;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Line;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Glue.

Step 1. Bend a sheet diagonally so that it turns out an equifiable triangle.

Step 2. Cut the excess remaining part.

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Step 3. Apply the following markup on the triangle: to spend in one centimeter from the longest side of the triangle line parallel to it; Retire from the drawn line, parallel to one of the short sides of the triangle and perpendicular to the other.

Step 4. Cut the obtained lines (cut both sides - both upper and lower)

Step 5. Expand the workpiece so that the cutting strips "watched" up.

Step 6. Bend all the bands (on both sides) by the middle to which you need to stick the ends of these bands (leaving the rhombid top).

Step 7. Printed stars carved from gold (or red) paper to the top (on both sides)

Step 8. Gently glue small rectangles cut from brown paper, fielted on both sides.

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Paper tree and yarn

This option is the easiest after all of the above.


  1. Paper;
  2. Glue;
  3. Paper tape;
  4. Multicolored buttons;
  5. Thick threads of green.

Step 1. Collapse the cone, without leaving the hole on top.

Step 2. Secure the resulting Cone with scotch (and outside, and from the inside).

Step 3. Crop the base.

Step 4. Loading with glue paper.

Step 5. Wind the yarn pattern.

Step 6. Decorate with buttons Christmas tree.

Tip! In case the top turned out to be not completely neat, it can be covered with a star.

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Form for baking in the form of a tree

Baking form will be one of the best gifts for mom or grandmother. For appliqués need:

  1. Pencil or paint (preferably silver color).
  2. Dense paper
  3. Glue and brush
  4. Set of molds
  5. Scissors, stationery knife

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Step 1. Lubricate the face shape glue on one side

Step 2. Press the sheet of paper to the shape of the shape smeared glue.

Step 3. Cut all the extra "details" with scissors (or by the stationery knife)

Step 4. To fill the edge of the cardboard with the help of a stationery knife.

Tip! It is better to be the first thing to smear with glue, and then already begin to remove the extra "parts" with scissors.

Step 5. Break up the figure (for example, draw snowflakes on it)

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The manufacture of these origami leaves about one hour of time (mainly from beginner applicators) . This hour will naturally be done with benefit.

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Detailed master class how to make corrugated paper christmas paper (1 video)

Trees from paper with your own hands (8 photos)

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

Trees from paper per hour [mini master class]

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