Little Dark Bedroom Design: Room Design Rules


Each room in the house performs certain functions. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the interior very carefully. As for the bedroom, its interior should have a positive effect on the dream and the mood of a person, as it is used to relax. This room can be darkened or, on the contrary, make lighter. Here they take into account, on which side the windows come out. So, if the room is located in the north side of the house, the bedroom will be darker. This also applies to cases when a balcony is adjacent to this room. It is able to reduce the natural lighting of the room. It remains to decide how to create a small dark bedroom design.

How to separate a dark bedroom

The dark bedroom is perfect for relaxing. This is due to the fact that the level of natural lighting is slightly lower here. As a result, a person is quickly relaxing and falling asleep. Also minimal lighting allows you to create a romantic setting in the bedroom, which is no less important.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

If you look at the other hand, the bedroom design in dark colors is very rapidly bored. A long stay in such an atmosphere can negatively affect the mood of households and lead to a depressive state. It is worth noting that in rooms with poor lighting it is not recommended to read and work.

If it is necessary to slightly clarify the dark room, you can use the lighter finishing materials. It should be borne in mind that the lighter will be finishing, the more light will be in the room. A good option will be the light beige wallpaper.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

If the bedroom windows come out in the north side, and cloudy weather predominates in the region, it is better to abandon artificial lightening of the room. In this case, the bright bedroom will look gloomy and uncomfortable.

The optimal option is the use of finishing materials with a cream tint. They are well combined with any colors.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

An equally important stage is the design of the floor. In spacious premises, you can freely use darker finishing materials. The room with a dark floor will look elegant. But, as it is a small room, it is better to equip a lighter flooring. This will prevent light absorption, which is so in short supply.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Road rules

Even a gloomy and dark bedroom can be made more comfortable and cozy. To achieve such a result, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • Use of light or white furniture. For the arrangement of a small room, it is recommended to use light headset and the more product, the lighter they should be. Small furniture, such as a coffee table and the otfik, may have a rich dark shade. This will make it possible to slightly illuminate the room.

Article on the topic: The ideas of creating and designing a bright bedroom

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

  • No barriers. This will make the bedroom more spacious and visually large. Therefore, it is necessary to completely abandon the monolithic partitions. It is better to replace them with shirms or walls of glass blocks. In a dark and small room, it is not recommended to use bulky furniture, without which you can do it at all. For the arrangement of the room there will be a bed, a wardrobe and a chest.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

  • Warm lighting. When making a dark and small bedroom, special attention should be paid to the lighting. There will be no single chandelier. It is better to give preference to ceiling lights located all over the perimeter of the bedroom. In this case, the light should be warm.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

  • Use of mirror surfaces. Mirrors and materials with a glossy surface are often used to visually increase the space. Therefore, such a method should be applied in a dark bedroom. The optimal option will be the location of the mirror opposite the window. Thus, the sunlight will be reflected, and dispel around the room.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Compliance with these simple rules will allow to illuminate the room and make it more comfortable for recreation. In a small room you can use brown and black headset. Bedroom design with dark furniture will look very elegant and noble.

Use of bright accents

The room in a monochrome look looks pretty boring. To correct the situation and create a rainbow mood, you need to establish bright accents. So, if cream wallpaper was used to decorate the bedroom, you can decorate the interior with a yellow, blue or turquoise color.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Floor coating has a considerable significance. To do this, it is better to use yellow mats that resemble the sun's rays. With the help of such elements, a rainbow mood can be created.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

You can arrange accents with the help of a blue shade that is associated with the sky and reservoirs. The use of such a color will allow the space somewhat volume and lighter.

Article on the topic: Selection of bedroom design: lightness and calm

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Bright accents should be firmly fit into the interior. It may be paintings, textiles (decorative pillows, bedspreads) and other interior items.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Choosing a suitable curtain

For window design in the bedroom, it is recommended to use two curtains. One of them should be made of organza. This material will ensure the maximum penetration of daylight into the bedroom. As for the second curtains, it is better to choose products from dense tissue. For the design of a small room use dark and light curtains.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

The advantage of dense light curtains is that they protect the room from the penetration of light, but at the same time preserve artificial lighting. In this regard, it is worth considering that the darker the room, the brighter there should be textiles used to design windows. Yellow curtains use yellow curtains to create a warm and cozy environment.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

On video: How to make a lighter dark room.

When it is worth using dark wallpapers

Recently, dark wallpapers have been particularly popular. The use of such a finishing material allows the premises of mystical energy and make it more mysterious.

Dark wallpaper in the bedroom should be used only in cases where the room:

  • It has impressive sizes. Otherwise, the bedroom will look like an inconspicuous and close storage room.

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

  • He has two windows. If there are two large windows in the room, it will provide maximum natural lighting.

  • Normally illuminated at night. In addition to natural lighting, artificial light sources are installed indoors. In the dark room, in addition to the chandelier there must be other lighting devices.

Specialists are not recommended to use in a dark and small indoor finishing materials of dark shades.

Choice of furniture

For the design of a dark bedroom widely use light furniture. This will reduce the load on the interior. At the same time, you should not forget that in small rooms it is worth using the minimum number of furniture. Thanks to this, you can save the missing space.

Article on the topic: Creating a black and white bedroom interior - Creativity and balance (+40 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

In some cases, dark furniture can be used. Of course, here you need to make sure that it makes the most organically fit in the interior and visually did not reduce the space.

Little Room Design Options (2 video)

Interesting ideas (35 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

Nuances of a small dark bedroom: selection of finishes and furniture (+42 photos)

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