Bedroom Design 11 sq. M: Choosing a decoration, furniture and techniques of expansion of space


To create a high-quality bedroom design of 11 sq. M. Must be as well as defined knowledge. It is important to choose the right wallpaper, furniture and small decor. In the case of a small room, you will need to resort to non-standard designer solutions, because you need to save each square meter.

Room decoration

Visually expand the space will help the right finish. It is necessary to deal with what materials and colors should be used in a small bedroom:

  • Walls. Increase width needed with horizontal stripes. In the small bedroom it is better to choose monophonic and light coatings. In order for the interior is not boring, several lanes of wallpapers with an unobtrusive pattern add to it. Interesting details are paintings. A more complex, but effective solution is the combination of dark and bright wallpaper. (How to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper)

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

  • Ceilings. Here it is necessary to calculate the height of the ceilings. If it allows you to make several levels of suspended or stretch designs, then this step will add unusual interior. It is worth contacting mirror and glossy materials. Thanks to reflective abilities, they allow playing with light and space.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

  • Floor. In the case of a small room, you should choose a floor covering in light shades. Material styling technology (parquet, laminate) is also important. The diagonal orientation will help to expand the room and create the desired effect.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

You need to select all the items in accordance with each other. They must be combined and work for one result - expansion of the bedroom borders. It is worth focusing on light colors. Well, if white, beige tone will be present in the interior. They dilute them are not bright, and gentle flowers.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

There is a color selection scheme and depending on the illumination. So, the premises flooded with light, it is recommended to design in the cold range. The shortage of light, on the contrary, compensate for warm colors and shades.

On video: Bedroom wallpapers: selection and tips.

Article on the topic: The ideas of creating and designing a bright bedroom

Choice of furniture

Performing a bedroom design of 11 sq m. It is necessary to harmoniously enter the furniture in the interior. On such a small area, usually mounted:

  • sleeping place;
  • bedside tables;
  • chest of drawers;
  • cupboard;
  • Table for makeup.

This is a standard set. It is assumed that in addition to sleep in the room, it will be necessary to store clothes, minor things, jewels and have a corner for applying cosmetics. You can try to distribute these functional zones on other rooms. Then there will be more space for recreation.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

In a situation with a limited space, you should take care of compact embodiments of furniture. Today, designers are recommended to look at the products that are easily transformed. These include modular sofas, beds, tables and chairs. Closed cabinets and cabinets can be replaced by the shelves. Open shelves visually add air in the room.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

Does not overload the atmosphere and wardrobe. But it is worth choosing models with mirrors on the doors - the reflection will help expand the room and make it lighter.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

Backlight and details

The bedroom with a small metrah needs good lighting. You should choose the backlight, replicating from the desired result:

  • Sofa on the ceiling create patterns that looks unusual and makes the room more comfortable.
  • Woods on the walls are placed next to the bed. This allows you to add romance and comfort.
  • Get muffled light will help point lighting. Little sizes Lamps (original homemade lamps on the wall) are distributed using different functional zones. Most often allocate sleep and rest.
  • The main source of light is the upper large chandelier.

When creating a backlight, the multifunctionality of the room should be taken into account. It is recommended to immediately make several levels of lighting: for day and night, rest and reading before bedtime. For each of these purposes, a different type of light will be required.

Article on the topic: Little Bathroom Design 4 Square: Style Rules

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

Having drawn room and filling it with various small elements, you need to remember the small area. If in a large room, these details are appropriate, then in the bedroom with 11 squares will become alyappish and superfluous. Textiles need to be chosen based on a common style. Light and light fabric will always be a good idea. Sometimes in the bedroom I want to create an impenetrable kingdom for the world, then you can resort to heavy porters.

Coloring curtains should be within light tones. Otherwise, the image of the room will deteriorate.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

Expand functionality

Little space is a field for creativity and a variety of ideas. After all, the most courageous and unusual solutions are implemented here. If it allows the height of the ceilings, you can create an improvised second floor with plasterboard structures and special furniture. This step will allow you to set up a sleeping place.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

Replace the bedside tables are recommended by consoles. They are located at the level of the bed and paint the color of the walls. All the necessary and important little things should be placed in open wall shelves. Closed cabinets look very overall. But thin wooden elements will add elegance room and make it more functional.

A popular reception is to combine the table with a window sill. This solution saves space significantly.

Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to overload the room, and leave too much empty corners. In both cases, the irrational use of the area can break all the harmony in the room.

The decor of the bedroom with a small quadrature takes a lot of time. After all, it is necessary to think through every item, relate it to the rest, and then embody the idea of ​​life. Using all design tips and techniques, combining colors and shades, you can get a dream bedroom.

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Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

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Create a design for a small bedroom of 11 square meters. M: Expand functionality

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