How to paint the fridge with your own hands?


Every year, humanity is increasingly dependent on the equipment, including the household. Now you will not be able to find a family, which in the kitchen is not worth such a product "safe" as a refrigerator. When he comes in a malfunction to all of us visits the thought: "How did our ancestors lived without this miracle of technical progress?".

How to paint the fridge with your own hands?

Painted fridge in the kitchen interior

But, as statistics show, we do not always buy refrigerators due to their breakdowns, more often we go for the acquisition of a new one just because the appearance of an old refrigerator does not please us as before.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that it is known that the problem of the unsuitable appearance of the refrigerator can be solved by painting it. That is what will help without large financial investments to transform your indispensable kitchen "keeper" of products.

Of course, like any restoration, the transformation of the refrigerator has its subtleties. Especially all the tips should be taken into account if you decide to paint the fridge with your own hands.

How to choose a paint and tool?

How to paint the fridge with your own hands?

Old refrigerator

To paint the fridge with your own hands, you will need to buy paint and find suitable tools.

The main task is the right choice of coloring materials, because the surface of the refrigerators is made not from the simplest material itself, and not any means can come up for this purpose.

It is worth drawing your attention that the paint layer first must be protected from mechanical damage, and then be a decor.

To paint the refrigerator, it was done with its own hands, paints and varnishes should be different in such characteristics:

  • be able to calves;
  • be able to keep the layer of paint in a vertical position;
  • vary with elasticity;
  • Do not be afraid of the effects of detergents.

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Considering the above requirements for the paint, it can be concluded that paint on the waterproof basis is suitable for the device for work indoors on the surfaces of metal.

Such a kind of paints and varnishes may have a varied composition.

But, for the design of the surface is not necessarily too deepening in the composition of the paints. For such purposes may come:

  1. nitroemal, which is used in the automotive industry;
  2. acrylic mass for metal work;
  3. Epoxy or polyurethane mass.

From such a variety you can choose what you want. Also with these means you can handle the device and inside. For work, a roller with a not very wide working canal or brush is perfectly suitable. You can also use aerosols for which no tools will not be needed at all.

To date, paints on a rubber basis are most popular. Their detailed technical characteristics are shown below in the table.

CharacteristicThe name of the paint
Plastidip (USA)REZOLUX (Russia)RUBBER PAINT (China)Farbex.


PaletteA wide variety of flowersBase of 8 shadesA wide variety of flowersBase of 9 shades, and 5 colors can be ordered
Type of surface resultingMatte or glossy, may be luminescentSmooth or small textureMatteMatte
Paint consumption130-150 ml / m2120-200 g / m2110-140 ml / m2120-200 g / m2
Duration of drying each layer60 min.30 minutes.30 minutes.120 min.
Cost15 € for 310 ml18 € for 14 kgup to 10 € for 400 mlup to 3 € per 1.2 kg

Surface preparation

How to paint the fridge with your own hands?

How to paint the fridge?

It will not be discovered for anyone that when cooking food on all surfaces of kitchen devices, fat is sisted, which, after drying, turn into unpleasant stains. After some time, they are covered with dust, so for their high-quality removal, the devices are better coated with paints resistant to detergents, and the refrigerator is not an exception.

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Of course, before the start of applying the paint, the surface must be cleansed well, so that no contamination prevented the smooth and smooth paint applied.

To clean the surface you may need:

  • detergents for purification of fat;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • rags;
  • stacker with small grain;
  • liquids for degreasing surface;
  • possible primer;
  • Food film or painting tapes and scotch;
  • lining in the form of old newspapers;
  • individual protection means.

Varieties technician for refrigerator

How to paint the fridge with your own hands?

Prayer refrigerator do it yourself

After all the necessary materials prepared, you can proceed to direct staining.

Preliminary preparatory materials look like this:

  • Disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply and remove all the inner shelves and boxes.
  • Well do the device from the outside using the detergent.
  • Remove the old coating of the sandpaper, as well as sand all chips and damage. Such manipulations will increase the level of adhesion surface of the refrigerator with paint.
  • Remove the remnants of dust wet, and then a dry cloth.
  • Decrease the surface.
  • If the paint requires, sting the surface of the refrigerator.
  • Hide accessories under food film or painting ribbon.
  • Optionally, with the help of a scotch, you can apply a specific pattern.
  • Each floor near the device with old newspapers.
  • For samples, apply a little paint to the inconspicuous area of ​​the refrigerator, to make sure the right choice of shade.

After all the preparatory work ended, you can proceed to staining the instrument. At this stage, all recommendations will depend on the selected type of colorful materials and tools.

Note that regardless of the type and composition of the paint, the use of personal protective equipment is required!

If you choose to paint on the refrigerator in the paint in the aerosol breakdowns, apply such a composition at a distance of 30 cm from the surface. Your movements must be uniform, try not to linger for too long in one place, so that there are no influx of too much paint on a separate surface section. If such trouble you failed to avoid, immediately use solvents.

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Collecting paint should occur in two or three layers, between which it is necessary to take a break for 30 minutes, so that each previous layer had the opportunity to dry well.

How to paint the fridge with your own hands?

Prayer refrigerator

To work the roller or tassel, you must apply a little paint to the tool and move from left to right in a vertical position. After 30 minutes, the subsequent layer of paint can be applied, and hard-to-reach areas can be scratched with tassels with small workers. If you are visible small errors on the product, apply the third final layer of paint, which will hide all defects.

To secure the result and give the refrigerator with a brilliance or mattness, it can be treated with a varnish in the form of an acrylic-based aerosol.

As you can see, resolve the question "How to paint the refrigerator?" possible without much difficulty. Such manipulations will give your old kitchen assistant new life and make originality to your interior. For this, it will not be sorry to spend a couple of hours, especially such a decorative transformation will be able to rejoy eyes and you and your households.

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