[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care


In the modern interior, Zamokulkas settled quite recently, just in the last years of the last century. For the first time appearing at the auctions of Holland, the plant made a pleasant impression by his decorative features and an unusual species. And the minimum care and unpretentiousness to the content only added to it the advantages.

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

The only minus - Zamokulkas does not like a lot of water. Therefore, the flower, as it is impossible, is suitable for novice flowers and very busy people who do not have the ability to constantly care for green pets. Zamiculkas is the perfect option for office space.

Botanical features

This room plant refers to the genus Zamokulkas and is still the only species representative. In the botanist, Zamiculkas is a hammering, and the people are simply a dollar tree. Its juicy glossy leaves are covered with wax and resemble crispy dollar bills. Some breeders argue that the overseas guest is able to attract wealth into the house in which it settled.

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

A long-term flower has a root in the form of a tuber who collects and keeps moisture. Powerful reprehension shoots meat and thickened at the base. They stretch vertically up and in their top slightly bent the arc, growing up to 80 cm. Evenly and along the entire length of the stem is complexly cervic dark-green leaves. They are elongated, smooth and dense, can also accumulate moisture and nutrients in case of drought.

Zamiculkas grows very slowly, per year, increasing only 10 - 12 cm. Plant flowering - the phenomenon is extremely rare. And it happens only in adulthood. A kind of cream shade with green petal appears on a short stem. Lives Zamiculkas up to 10 years.

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[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

Home care

The birthplace of the growing evergreen flower is the lower tier of the rainforest of East Africa. Long-term lack of water, hot climate and stony soils of natural habitats and spawned a unpretentious plant. However, here you should know the basic rules of care.

Important! Within 2 weeks after purchase, you should not disturb the plant: replant, feed, rich to water. Avoid places with straight sunshine. The flower must adapt to a new microclimate.

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care


The bright sun does not frighten the flower, on the contrary, the abundance of light and moisture will contribute to the rapid growth of the plant. Zamokulkas feels well with the scattered sunlight. For this, the window sills on the north side of the room, places on the floor with a light fellowship.

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care


Easily tolerates small temperature differences and drafts. But experimenting with it is not worth it. The optimal conditions for the flower content of +16 - 22 ° C. At high temperatures, the plant should additionally moisten, spraying it. As prophylaxis, you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care


African flower tolerates the heat, but there will be no excess of moisture. Betterned soil and loss of upper leaves than water in the pallet and wet roots, from which the plant can perish.

  1. Watering should be pulled by water. Wait and a few minutes later, remove excess water from the pallet.
  2. In winter, the flower moisturizes no more than 2 times a month. Summer is just once a week.

In the interruptions between irrigation, you can slightly spray the soil from the pulleyizer, or to mulch the coconut substrate so that the moisture is kept longer.

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

The soil

The main criteria when choosing a soil for Zamiculkas is a loose and light structure.

  1. You can take a ready-made mixture for succulents by adding sand and charcoal.
  2. Or prepare the substance yourself, using in equal parts of the sand, garden earth and peat.

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For young copies, the pot changes once every 2 years, adult plants transplant - every 4 - 5 years. Use the transshipment method. The bottom of the tank is covered with ready-made drainage or river pebbles.

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

Feed and fertilize the plant should be needed. If the flower grows slowly, it has pale leaves and fourth shoots need to help, adding a special liquid feeding to the soil for cacti - once every 14 days, after watering. During rest, give a rest.

Take care of your green pet!

Zamiculkas or dollar tree. Features of care at home

Zamiculkas in the interior (8 photos)

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Zamiculkas or Dollar Tree: Home Care

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