The plastic door has saved and does not close: what to do?


Extremely popular material today is polyvinyl chloride. From it plastic windows, doors. Owners of apartments now willingly change their outdated designs of windows and doors to modern plastic, which seem to do not require special care, painting.

The plastic door has saved and does not close: what to do?

The door saved what to do?

Plastic does not miss the cold, and from the noise from the street you can get rid of. It is a pity that the warranty on such products is going on quickly, and problems are collapsed: the handle scrolls, the door does not close, and the noise in the apartment returned again. Since the term warranty has expired, you will have to hire a wizard or you can try to fix it with your own hands.

Does not close - what to do?

In order to start repairing, you need to find the cause of the fault.

If your door block does not close, there may be several reasons:

  • under the influence of temperature there was deformation of the sash;
  • The door twisted;
  • The sealer was worn;
  • damaged double glazed;
  • There was a breakdown of accessories;
  • Provissed sash.

The plastic door has saved and does not close: what to do?

The plastic profile inside is empty, and the door canvas has some mass, so first time the fitness work is underway. All door sash are made of PVC material, and it is under the influence of mass they gradually deform. Sometimes, as a result of a poorly packaged package, the door canvas acquires not quite rectangular shape. Incorrect adjustment of the design by installers can lead to a violation in the operation of the mechanism.

Signs of violations in work:

  • Ensures the frame when opening, which denotes the displacement of the mechanism of the sash. This may happen due to the provision of loops or deformation due to temperature changes.
  • Violation in the work of the mechanism of the lock and handles. Replacing accessories.
  • The nimble mechanism stopped functioning: the door unit is not closed to the end, regardless of the turn of the handle, the frame and the sash form the slot. It is required to pull the door, and the clamp must be sealing.
  • The door began to touch the threshold, for dense closing it is required to lift the sash. This suggests that the sash could be asked under his weight.

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The plastic door has saved and does not close: what to do?

Choosing a way to solve the problem

It is not necessary to contact specialists for help, you can fix most of the problems independently.

For repair work, it will be necessary:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Pliers.
  • Keys of various sizes for regulation;

In the event that the door leaf has resulted in its weight, eliminate malfunctions according to the instructions that you can additionally look at the photo:

  • The door must be opened by putting it into a swivel position;

The plastic door has saved and does not close: what to do?

  • Near the upper looping mechanism using the adjustment key clockwise, you need to rotate the screw until the sash attracted to the loop. At the end of the adjustment, you need to close the sash.
  • Do the same procedure to raise the sash with the adjustment of the bottom loop screw. According to the loop standard in the plastic door, they are always closed with caps, so it will have to remove the caps using a knife.
  • Raise the leaf so high so that it does not hurt your lower edge of the door block. Such a procedure is done using a lower structure screw.

After we adjusted the door to check how it works.

If the gap between the frame and the sash appeared, the air from the street will penetrate, then, most likely, the fit mechanism was impaired in the door design.

The plastic door has saved and does not close: what to do?

To restore work, you will need to bring the mechanism of clamping to normal condition from the castle.

If the frame hits the door block in the middle, then we move the leaf in the loop.

We smack all the work in stages:

  • The key to regulate is installed in the bottom loop and rotate until the bottom sash pulls up.
  • Adjusted by such principles of the screw in the upper loop until the sash angle is attracted.

How to adjust the clamp?

You should not wait for global problems (when the door ceases to close), it is easier to regulate the pressed in the spring and autumn. Before the onset of cold weather, the clad is enhanced, achieving thermal insulation, and to the hot summer month, on the contrary, to relax for ventilation. Each loop has a screw, with its help and adjusts the clamp.

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The plastic door has saved and does not close: what to do?

All doors repair work can be carried out independently, and when difficulties need to be consulted with specialists.

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