How to paint the glass and create paint with your own hands


Very often, the purchase of already ready-made interior elements fit into the overall picture, pulls large waste. That is why many homemade masters began to create decorative coating with their own hands. The glass has become a common detail during the manufacture of furniture items, so it is the painting of the glass that got its popularity in modern design solutions. Today I want to share my experience and tell how to paint the glass at home and with which paints you can perform this action.

How to paint the glass and create paint with your own hands

How to paint glass

What kind of paint choose?

How to paint the glass and create paint with your own hands

Self painting glass

The first thing I did was the choice of LKM with which it was planned to place the glass of the sliding cabinet at me at home. By the way, using the materials below, you can paint the glass item. When choosing, it should be paid to the fact that the quality of adhesion paint with the surface should be maximum, since the coating can start quickly on smooth glass. In this case, the consistency of the paint mixture should be similar to a liquid sour cream.

If you want to buy a paint ready for use, then pay attention to such paints:

  1. Acrylic paints for glasses are characterized by good adhesion with a smooth base of glass. When applied, they form a solid film with a matte effect. In addition to all the paint for glass is not afraid of ultraviolet and does not change its color under the right sunny rays
  2. Polyurethane paint has several advantages. It dries quickly, is elastic and half glossy. In this case, coloring material can be sprayed using special pastes.

However, during independent staining, many create paint for glass with their own hands. At the same time, the possibility of making high-quality mixtures, which will not give up finished products on adhesive properties.

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There are several options for self-making, the necessary recipes can be found on the Internet. But here are some sought-after options for obtaining the necessary shades:

  • To get white paint for drawings on glass you need to take 20 grams of kaolin and 80 grams of silicate glue. For the manufacture, the first component should be confused and mix it well with the second
  • But the black color will result in mixing with such materials as 60 grams of silicate adhesive, 20 grams of wood coal and 20 grams of printing in black. All ingredients must be mixed in porcelain containers and after that the mixture is fastened.
  • In order to get color paint, add a dye. To obtain a mixture, it is necessary to dissolve 4-6 g of gelatin in 200 ml of water. After that, take a separate container and mix the necessary dyes there. Ultimately, all the materials obtained are mixed with each other.

Do not forget that before starting to draw on the glass, it is necessary to practice. Therefore, do not neglect the application of patterns and stained glass windows on the draft.

Krasima Sams

How to paint the glass and create paint with your own hands

Finishing glass

When you have already decided how to paint the glass, it remains to get acquainted with the phased technology of the entire process. There is nothing complicated in this, so the painting does not require special efforts. To begin with, as always, you should stock the necessary tool and prepare the surface of the glass under staining.

Since I decided to get acrylic glass, then use the available technology:

  1. The glass washed with a soap solution and then washed away with warm and cold water. It is important that alternateness is observed in the wash
  2. The next step was to degreasing the glass. To do this, I used the purified acetone, but other funds used for such purposes are also suitable. All the remaining divorces can easily be removed with a dry and clean cloth.
  3. All the edges and transitions that will not be stained should be protected using painting tape, which after the end of work is easily removed from the glass and other surfaces.
  4. Now you can prepare our paint and fill the small amount in a separate container. If you have already purchased finished products, then everything is simple. If you cook the mixture yourself, then immediately actuate the required amount, as it will not be possible to achieve the one and the same color
  5. Remember that it is best to apply paint to a horizontal surface, so if possible, install the glass exactly. For the convenience of applying, you can use the paintopult. If there is no such one, then take rollers or brushes
  6. If necessary, you can apply several layers, but it should be done after the previous one will dry. At the end, it remains to remove the greasy scotch

Important! Do not forget that with an increase in the amount of layers applied, the drying process will last definitely longer.

Painting on glass, like its full staining is a good option to improve the interior in your home. If you have a mirror wardrobe, then you can come up with a painting on glass that will not prevent you from using a plane for destination.

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Photo printing

How to paint the glass and create paint with your own hands

Photo printing for glass surfaces

Recently, such a thing as a photo printing on glass has become very popular. At the moment, many manufacturers produce this product at an affordable price, but some choose the option of independent manufacture.

Here everything is quite simple and only the desire and printed drawing will be required on the film. The process according to which the photo printing on the glass is such:

  • As usual, the preparation of glass begins with its washing with the help of detergents. Then you should wipe the surface with a dry cloth
  • Next, fasten the glass on the spot where the process will be made.
  • After spraying a small amount of water from the sprayer on the glass, you should remove the protective film from the existing web
  • The process resembles the applying of the self-adhesive film, after the end of the action cuts off the extra edges
  • Since there was a transparent drawing for this, we need to make an opaque background. The color of the film for the background should choose the most suitable for the composition of the drawing you choose

Photo printing on the glass looks very effectively, and the possibility of independent manufacture allows individual compositions.

Important! Many decide to make stained glass on glass with their own hands and so I want to give a good advice. For quick and amenities, download ready-made sketches of stained glass stencils.

Very often, during painting or painting on glass, it is necessary to remove the LCM from the surfaces. If you are interested in how to clean the glass from the paint, then use the chemical method, which is the fastest and most convenient for self-use.

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