Bedroom Design with Wardrobe Room: Choose View Wardrobe Cabinet


Currently it is difficult to present an apartment or a house without a dressing room. This housing attribute is very popular in the United States, since it is there that is the main condition - a large area of ​​the apartments. They are easy to find a small corner for storing things. But create a bedroom design with a dressing room. As the photo in the interior in a small room is quite difficult. For this, designers came up with many tricks and tricks.

Choose a view of a wardrobe

There are several options for how the bedroom design can be with a dressing room.

Idea number 1 - wardrobe

This is a great way to save space in a small room. The market presents many models of cabinets and wardrobe systems that will look good and do not take much space.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Several types of such storage systems can be distinguished:

  • Built-in wardrobe - It is an inseparable with a bedroom design.
  • Special system - it is separated from the rest of the room of the room doors.
  • Overall cabinet - as a decoration in it it is worth choosing glass doors and walls.
  • The niche dressing room in the bedroom is embedded in the walls, it is possible to separate with curtains, sliding systems.

Visually increase the size of the bedrooms will help transparent, wardrobe mirror materials. You can see such a bedroom interior with a dressing room in the photo below.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Idea number 2 - separate design

If there is a place to accommodate a large and spacious niche under clothes, then you should choose from such design options:

  • Conduct zoning. In one of the areas, place the bed and all the attributes needed for relaxing and sleep. And to another to make a wardrobe, put a dressing table and so on there.

Article on the topic: how to make a bedroom cozy and beautiful: photo selection of interiors

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

  • If you remove the bed from the central part of the room, then the place for storing things in the form of the letter "P" is released. As partitions, a translucent finish can be used, which will add air to the interior.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

  • Optimal option - Use the place behind the headboard as in the bedroom, whose design photos are very often found on the Internet. It should be borne in mind that the minimum width of the passage should be a half-meter. To this figure it is necessary to add the width of the department itself for things - about 70 centimeters.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Idea number 3 - construction in the corner

This solution is suitable for a small amount of clothes and shoes. Most often designs made in the form of the letter "g". In this case, angle and adjacent walls are used. It is not necessary to occupy them completely.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

The practicality of this method is that it is allowed to excrete a dressing room under the windows - in the form of lockers, since this place is usually empty and is not used in any way.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

The cabinet itself is made of plasterboard partitions, using built-in systems or appropriate furniture. If the photo design looks beautiful, it does not mean that it will also be in reality. It is worth considering the features of the room and its structure.

On video: Wardrobe options in the bedroom.

Basics of dressing room

Based on what is the dimensions of the room and the overall style of the interior, you should choose the specific idea of ​​the design of the dressing room. Most often use universal techniques:

  • When selecting the color scheme, it is worth focusing on those tones that prevail in the bedroom. The ideal option is to use identical materials and shades for both rooms. This solution is able to combine two spaces.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

  • If the wardrobe takes one of the walls, you can perform it in completely opposite colors. It is allowed to apply drawings or sticking photo wallpaper. But such combinations should be avoided if the dressing room in the bedroom is an angular.

Article on the topic: Selection of bedroom design: lightness and calm

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

  • It is necessary to take care of the outside of such a room. Outside it is recommended to equip the wall with shelves or niches. They are filled with books, vases, figurines and other elements of the decor.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

  • With material for walls there are many variations. For neat hosts, glass partitions are suitable. It should be understood that scattered things will ugly look like in such a "closet". Combine Glass recommended with high-tech styles and minimalism. Such solutions are easy to enter into a modern interior.

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

These schemes will help to navigate the room. You can combine ideas and combine colors and textures. At the same time, it should be understood that the bedroom with the dressing room should be combined, and not to look opposite by style.

The proper decoration of the bedroom with a wardrobe requires some knowledge in this area. The design should be carefully inscribed into the overall style of the room. You can use absolutely different designs and embody insane ideas. The main thing is to comply with the rules for combining and distributing space.

Councils of specialists (2 video)

Wardrobe options (45 photos)

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

Bedroom with dressing room: photo of design and tips on design

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