How to paint the iron gate beautiful and for a long time


The gate guarding the car in the garage, or entry into the yard needs regular care and restoration. Painting the gate is made not only for aesthetic species. It is important to protect the metal from the destruction due to corrosion. It is necessary to correctly pick up the paint and make the preparation of iron sheets and forged elements. At the same time, the original look of the gate is created with their own hands.

How to paint the iron gate beautiful and for a long time

Prayer Iron Roller

Okalo and rust on the iron gate

The word "gate" itself means that the design is on the street under the influence of moisture and temperature drop. It protects from illegal penetration into the garage and courtyard. Therefore, the gate must be durable, easy to open. They should be care for them: lubricate canopies, cover the protective compositions of the entire surface.

How to paint the iron gate beautiful and for a long time

Krasim Iron Gate Alone

My friend built his home and already the next summer came to me with the question of painting iron gates. For the year they all lost an attractive appearance, began to be covered by corrosion. The paint was peeling around the edges and in places of compounds. Recovery required different designs:

  • garage from sheet steel;
  • Worn at the entrance to the courtyard.

Vadik wanted to do everything with his own hands. I told him the main stages of painting the gate:

  1. Clean the design from dust and dirt, well wash it and dry it.
  2. Remove rust.
  3. Degrease the entire surface.
  4. Coat with primer for metal.
  5. Apply fresh paint for metal for outdoor work.
  6. If desired, decorate the gate.

Each of the operations can be simplified by the use of special tools and tools. Discussion of various options, and we took up.

Gate metal garage from sheet metal

How to paint the iron gate beautiful and for a long time

How to paint the iron gate?

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Vadik dragged the garden hose with various nozzles. At first he washed off the dust and sticking the garbage of water. Then sprayed the detergent solution. The gates from the sheets practically did not have transitions. The usual brush went with him in all planes, laundering from dirt, oil stains.

The weather was good. The water, which we washed off the residues of the solution, dried quickly. Then we arranged the competition. One leaf of the Vadik was cleaned with a metal brush. I cleaned the second with a drill with windows nozzles.

Dust removed with a vacuum cleaner. On the manual way, we did not bother with a sponge. My friend is tired, working as a brush.

Metal primer was applied with their own hands, tassels. Diligently missed:

  • welding places;
  • around canopies, pens, castle;
  • ends;
  • Sheet joints.

Covered the entire surface. In places causing doubt, they walked twice. Did not forget per hand. Fully dried the whole surface only the next day. Painted hammer paint. Used paintopult.

Walls around the gate closed with a film. We don't need paint there. Sheds were smeared with solidol. Several times opened and closed the iron gate. Then dry out the surplus lubrication. The castle was stuck with scotch.

The complexity of cleaning forged elements

How to paint the iron gate beautiful and for a long time

Independently Mobile Garage Gate

Forged gates at the entrance to the courtyard had many twisted and bent items with a large number of hard to reach places. They were near the road and were very spattered with mud passing by cars.

If possible, washed first by their strong water pressure from the hose. Then the washing solution was sprayed. Attached to a drill round categorous brushes. Our wives wash such banks inside. Pretty all dirt washed. The residues were removed by water.

Inhibitor and modifier will simplify the cleaning of the gate

How to paint the iron gate beautiful and for a long time

Quickly paint the iron gate

Clean rust in the design of the gate with a large number of hard-to-reach places did not become. Vadik asked me to tell him about other easy ways to clean corrosion with her own hands. I got from the trunk acquired in advance two-component anti-corrosion composition:

  • The modifier enters a chemical reaction with iron oxide, and changes its formula to inactive;
  • The inhibitor suppresses the processes of compound with oxygen and the formation of corrosion.

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Two substances are packaged at different tanks and mixed immediately before use.

After applying the rust modifier, Vadik walked with his own hands on all the surfaces of the round metal brush, called the "Witch". He secured her on a drill and put the average turnover. To clean the complex design of the metal gate, my friend spent a couple of hours.

Hammer paint

How to paint the iron gate beautiful and for a long time

We produce high-quality painting of iron gates

The base we covered hammer paint. It was possible to combine two actions. There are paints on sale, which include modifiers and inhibitors. After applying the surface has a glossy look. But in places, strongly damaged corrosion, rushes stains.

Iron gate can be painted with various paints:

  • Nitroemal will quickly dry, but aggressive to all other materials and is not long;
  • Oil under the influence of moisture is rapidly destroyed and ceases to protect the metal;
  • alkyd resistant, but toxic substances;
  • Acrylic unstable to temperature fluctuations and loses its appearance;
  • Hammer has an original look, resistant to moisture.

We stopped at the hammer paint. The base of silicone resins makes it plastic. It penetrates the gap. Metal pigments and synthetic fibers after drying form a solid film with a pattern with small divorces on the surface. It can be covered with even iron-purified iron.

High resistance paint is used in machine tool. There it is withstanding the impact of not only water, but oil, emulsion, hot chips. The appearance is preserved for several years.

Imitation of different types of forging

For decorative design, the Vadik and I used paint, imitating a textured, wrought surface. They were called Molotov. They have a golden and silver shade, are yellow and white.

Featuring the color on the topic of the pattern, we started curls and spirals with another thin tassels. Vadik decided to turn the gate into the element of the architectural decor.

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