Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas


The kitchen has long become a place not only for cooking and consuming food, but also space for communication, relaxation. Guests, as a rule, when visiting the house on a regular day, immediately go to the kitchen. And it is not surprising, because in our homes it is very rare to meet a full-fledged living room. Its role is mainly assigned to the kitchen. At the same time, in this room, you can talk, and drink chains or caffections with cookies. As a result, it is very important to create comfortable conditions in this environment. The kitchen should be cozy.

Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas

Curtains in the kitchen

This can be expressed not only in the finish, placement of furniture and the use of decorative elements, and in the use of special techniques. For example, crochet curtains. This approach will create a special atmosphere in the kitchen. And then only a desire is important because it will be easy to do everything.

White curtains in the kitchen

The reasoning about whether the white color is suitable for kitchen space, meaningless. After all, this is a non-sterile room, and the impracticality of such a color solution will replace a cozy atmosphere. Similar air curtains can make the room "tastier" and "appetizing".

Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas

White color is perfect for a small area of ​​the room. He will make it visually more. And here it is better not to use sophisticated forms, the design should strive for simplicity. It is better to focus on color solutions and fabric features.

If the window is small, short knitted curtains are suitable. If you apply, for example, an elegant lambrene, then the room will decorate, and the sunlight will be freely falling into the room.

If the kitchen is spacious, then knitted curtains of suitivated configurations are suitable. Drapery, and multi-layered, can be applied.

Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas

White curtains can be decorated with colored elements, combining, of course, with a common style. In any case, it will be an excellent solution for creating original design.

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Knitted curtains on the windows are special comfort, which is impossible to replace anything. It is no secret that most women know how to knit. At least, they were taught them on the works in school. Then why not try to make such products yourself? After all, there can be a variety of technique, different threads, but the triumph of the creator is provided!

Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas

If there is no crochet experience, then you can connect the openwork kaym for the curtains. For this, one-photon fabric is suitable. Just before manipulations, it should be wrapped in order to occur in the shrinkage. There is a large selection of patterns with instructions, how to execute them.

The window is also perfect for a curtain, associated as half a napkin designed for the coffee table. It will also look like a product made by mesh viscous. Such masterpieces can be hijacked. Patterns can be whole plot compositions.

Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas

Knitting use

As you know, knitting relieves stress, fatigue and even irritability. This process teaches patience. And this is a good foundation for strengthening the family hearth. And here it does not matter that it is impractical to use such products. Such curtains require delicate washing and ironing. But such disadvantages are invisible against the background of attractiveness, harmony and comfort. And it can be seen even in the photo.

Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas



Before proceeding to active actions, it is recommended to first select the appropriate knitting technique:

  • frivolitis;
  • Vologda lace;
  • Irish lace;
  • Filenian.

Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas

Next you need to select a pattern for the product. After that, you can start, making a trial instance. It will make it possible to calculate the density of knitting. Its size must be more than 10x10 cm. After that, the sample should be wrapped and departed. And then you can count the density of knitting.

  1. The next stage is measurements. You should measure the window, on the opening of which will hang the curtain created. It is necessary to record the length, width and height, given the applied fastening.
  2. If the fake technique of knitting is used, the pattern does not necessarily do, in contrast, for example, from Irish technology. Here will also need a sketch. It will give the opportunity to accurately calculate how much the different elements will be required, how they are connected to each other. If the technology of the Vologda lace is used, you need to perform a partial or complete piece of stuff. It will provide an opportunity to imitate knitting on the coughs.
  3. Knitting is performed either with a common web, or parts. In the technique of the Vologda lace and the fillet grid, several cords of different lengths appear. Of these, curtains will be made using a smaller diameter hook. If Irish technology is used, the composite elements of the pattern are prepared. The connection takes place at the last stage.
  4. It remains to wash the finished knitted speed, as the manufacturer of thread advises. Next you need to dry the product, stroke with steam. Then the speed should be left in a horizontal position so that it cooled.
  5. Fix.

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Crocheted curtains in the kitchen: photo ideas

As you can see, make a knitted speed with your own hands - not very difficult. It is important only to have an idea and at least a little experience in knitting. Then it will be necessary to all work out, especially if you have given proper patience. And a new man-made masterpiece will appear on the kitchen windows, which can be removed for the photo.

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