Crochet bows for amigurum dolls


Crochet bows for amigurum dolls. Lovers of creating toys and dolls do with their own hands I want to offer to take advantage of crocheting schemes of miniature bowls - accessories for pupae Amigurumi.

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

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Below you make knitting schemes of three different types of bows. In the photo, all bows are marked with letters, select the appropriate schemes, knit for joy and decorate the accessories of your handmade dolls!

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

The magnitude of the bows depends on the number of scavented loops and rows.

In the scheme A, air loops and columns with Nakad are used:

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

In the scheme, air loops and doubles with double navigated:

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

In the diagram D, air loops and magnificent columns are used from 5 navigated.

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

Crochet bows for amigurum dolls

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