[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care


Many decorate their houses with indoor plants. Quite often in the rooms you can meet Ficus. It is not difficult to care for him, but you know some highlights - it does not hurt.

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

Conditions of ficus content

The optimal temperature in the summer: 25 degrees, in winter - enough 15Gradusov. Permissible location of the plant both on the sunny side and in the shade.

Tip! From the scorch rays of the Sun, the plant should be dialed to avoid burns on the leaves.

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care


Like many other plants, Ficus requires a different volume of moisture in winter and summer. In warm time, the soil should be moisturized regularly, as soon as the earth enhances 2-3 cm. In winter, the irrigation intensity is better reduced. For irrigation, it is used with warm outstanding water.


The younger plant, the more often it needs to transplant . Young ficus for a year absorbs all nutrients from the soil. Therefore, the transplant should take place at least once a year. It is better to use a special mixture: the ground leaf is mixed with sand and peat in the same quantity. For an adult plant, you can also add this mixture of derm or humus with your own cottage.

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

Tip! Large plants can not be replant, but the upper layer of the Earth should be regularly updated.


The classic method is considered to be shovel. How is happening:

  1. Cut a healthy branch in the spring.
  2. Put the cuttings into clean water.
  3. Wait for the appearance of the roots.
  4. To plant the ficus into the appropriate packaging with the ground.

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

Location in the apartment

Ficus does not like frequent "moving" from one place to another. This is stress for the plant to which it reacts the loss of leaves. If you need to move the pot, it is important to save similar conditions (illumination, temperature, etc.).

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After shopping, it is important to find a suitable location. It is important to avoid drafts.

Tip! In the summer, the ficus can be moved to the balcony or terrace.

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

Why fall leaves from ficus?

In winter, the fountain can reset the leaves. This is a completely normal process, it should not be afraid. However, if the leaves fall in the summer and at the same time do not grow up new - this is the reason "beat the alarm" . Perhaps the plant has become a small pot or environmental conditions have ceased to fit.

Ficus Benjamin

Depending on the variety, the care for the ficus varies. The apartments often grow homemade ficus of Benjamin. In nature, the plant reaches 25 meters in height and is distinguished by a lush crown. In the conditions of the house - the maximum height is three meters.

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

Tip! Benjamin ficus bar is quite plastic. Therefore, the owner can grow a straight tree, curved or weave several ficuses into one.

So that the ficus grew well and become a real decoration of the apartment, it is important to care for him correctly. First of all, after purchase, the plant needs to choose their permanent place. Ficus does not tolerate the permutation from place in place and sharp changes in the environment. It should be avoided by the too cold places and spaces with drafts.

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

Suitable temperature standard for ficuses - 25 degrees in summer and 15-16 degrees in the cold season . In winter, when central heating works, it is important to additionally moisturize the leaves. To do this, use spraying with clean water, wipe the leaves with a cloth, and also arrange a shower plant.

Important! After the shower, the plant should be left in the bathroom to completely dry leaves. The draft will lead to the supercooling and loss of leaves.

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

Young plants under four years should transplant annually in spring or summer. Adult ficuses are enough to update the upper layer of the soil.

Ficus care at home (1 video)

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Ficus in the interior (photo)

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Ficus: Secrets of care

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