How to glue Flizelin Wallpaper: Casting Corners, Capping Drawing


The range of decorative materials used in the finishing of the premises is constantly expanding and improved. Recently, the popular interior decoration is made using flieslinic wallpaper.

How to glue Flizelin Wallpaper: Casting Corners, Capping Drawing

Fliselin wallpaper is a rather thick material on which various drawings and ornaments can be formed.

Their popularity increases due to the base - cellulose, and the multi-layer location of the material.

Increases their distribution and the possibility on the basis of such a material to form various drawings and ornaments. Before staying on such a finishing material, you need to learn how to glue the fliesline wallpaper. You can attract the construction team for these tasks, but it is quite realistic to carry out a small repair and independently.

Preparatory work

Due to the fact that the material of the wallpaper is rather thick, it is not necessary for solid preparation. Small irregularities and roughness will hide. But in the process of removing the old coating, there may be places with a scattering base. Such foci should be eliminated and seed with plaster or putty. Large drops on the plane must be sworn and sand.

Before sticking phlizelin wallpaper, experienced professionals are recommended to trust all the walls. Such measures ensure the compaction of the base and purify the walls from dust, thereby ensuring the process of wallpaper stickers with purity and lack of dust.

How to glue Flizelin Wallpaper: Casting Corners, Capping Drawing

Wall markup scheme Before pasting wallpaper.

It is thorough to prepare the adhesive solution, it is necessary to choose glue only to work with flieslinic wallpaper. It is preparing according to the instructions on the box.

Before cutting, it is necessary to carefully measure the height of the room, if the floor or walls are irregular, then this should be taken into account - one strip must be longer than the next one. Small difficulties in fitting the material occur when working with the material on which the drawing is applied. The desired drawing should be increased by an ornament step.

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Wall pasting and necessary tool

How to glue Flizelin Wallpaper: Casting Corners, Capping Drawing

Application scheme for glue on wallpaper.

Glue wide fliseline wallpaper starts from the window. For even vertical application of the first canvas, it is better to use a plumb. The following canvas need to glue the previous one.

If the distance between the window and the angles is small, it is possible to begin to glue the corners with phlizelin walls so that some of the canvas is superimposed on the adjacent wall. It often happens that the angle is uneven, and the canvas cannot be glued smoothly, then it should be trimmed with a building knife using a wide spatula. Sometimes you can do without sublicas - to make a small backrest, and the following canvas will be located vertically.

Due to the fact that such material is hygroscopic - freely skips and absorbs moisture, then when working with it does not arise too large bubbles and wrinkles.

  1. In a place where the vertical line was performed, a glue solution is applied per width of several canvases. The first canvas should be fixed directly on a vertical reference.
  2. Incover the canvas follows the wallpaper spatula (plastic), rubber roller or a cut of a clean soft tissue. For material with the texture, only roller uses. You need to smooth off the cut only to the other side where the wallpaper is not yet passed.
  3. Under the action of the spatula, the material can be deformed, so smoothing can be carried out only from top to bottom. Otherwise, when drying, a gap or a nesting will occur, and it is impossible to be allowed.
  4. When pasting, the edges should be treated very carefully. Includes are performed by a special small roller. At this point, it should be careful and not to rearrange, otherwise a small recess will arise, which will be very noticeable when the surface color. Changes the color of the paint and wallpaper glue, so when hitting the front surface of the glue, it is immediately cleaned.
  5. Carefully treat how to glue corners. If the leaf of the canvas on the adjacent wall is large - more than 2-3 cm, it is recommended to trim too much cloth. If the material with the pattern, compensate for the change can be applied to a specific pattern on top of the previously glued.

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How to glue Flizelin Wallpaper: Casting Corners, Capping Drawing

Fliseline wallpaper shock scheme.

Many of the advantages of fliesline canvases gradually displaces ordinary paper. It is worth listed by:

  • A wide roll saves time;
  • High hygroscopicity of the material allows you to use it in places with high humidity, thereby eliminating the appearance of fungus, mold and malicious formations;
  • Application of the wallpaper glue reduces the dampness in the room, so they are often used when repairing in residential rooms, where people can not be eliminated;
  • Such a finishing coating can be repeatedly stained, the properties from several layers are not violated.

Necessary inventory

In the process of fiberglass wallpaper stickers, you will need such a tool:

  • Vertical plumb, you can buy ready-made in a construction store or make yourself using a rope and a large nut or other heavy metal products;
  • For the preparation of the adhesive solution, a bucket is needed, a tank for a roller or maclove;
  • Roulette, cm and pencil;
  • The wallpaper spatula, roller forces and jacks, a construction knife and a metal spatula, through which the canvas will be cut when the corners and extra cuts of the material will be cut.

The finishing process is not very laborious, the technology is known, and the result will exceed all expectations. Such material leaves the opportunity to manifest individuality and unique design of the design.

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