Beautiful pendants do it yourself


Recently, they have become increasingly fastened in the photo and celebrity screens not in precious ornaments, but in the author. This is boldly, relevant and incredibly beautiful. So why not make a similar graceful thing, for example, beautiful pendants with their own hands. Today we will talk about the technique of fulfillment, and your decoration will greatly decorate the summer sundress or exquisite evening outfit.

Beautiful pendants do it yourself

Beautiful pendants do it yourself

Beautiful pendants do it yourself

Required materials and tools:

  • small marine seashells;
  • brass database;
  • chain;
  • sand emulation;
  • Acrylic gel.

Mix the ingredients to create pendants

To make beautiful pendants with your own hands, first need to create artificial sand. To create a material similar to sand, we used a special gel and artificial sand in the form of a powder (sand emulation). These materials can be found in any construction store. Also for these purposes, you can use real sand and acrylic paints or transparent glue. To do this, pick acrylic paints under the color of the sand, divert glue. Then in a jar or bowl mix all the ingredients before receiving a homogeneous mass. To the sand turns out to be textured, you can add a sea or food salt that will acquire a beautiful sandy color thanks to acrylic paint.

Beautiful pendants do it yourself

Fill in a pendant

Take the brass database for the coolon and apply the resulting mass in the form of sand on the inside. To do this, use the brush. Apply sand in the form of uneven tubercles, do not try to put the material at exactly. It should be similar to the real sandy verakhans. Fill out the entire inside of the coulon, try not to hook the edges if it happened, carefully remove while the material is not frozen.

Beautiful pendants do it yourself

We glue shelli

Then take the shells and place them in any order on the inside of the coulon. Pre-clean the cooked seashells from garbage and dirt, for this use alcohol. Well press each shell so that the decorations keep firmly. After sticking all shells, put the pendant to the side so that it is dry. For this, enough 24 hours.

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Beautiful pendants do it yourself

Wear a chain pendant

Check the sand and attached shells, if they are not dried, wait a little more. Then, after complete drying, in the cooled chain in the hole in the hole - it should approach the color and style decoration. Ready! Thanks to this technique, you can make beautiful pendants with your own hands, use any materials and fittings, most importantly, do not be afraid to experiment!

Beautiful pendants do it yourself

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