Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo


Cap-stocking has a popularity no first year, so many needlewomen enthusiastically knit similar head patterns. In addition, such a hat-stocking knitting knitting knitting easily and is accurate even those who have never tried themselves in knitting. Also, experts recommend starting newcomers to knit just such a cap, as the work is used by the usual technique - a bunch and recess of the loovers. But to dilute the cap, many experienced needlewomen touches interesting patterns.

Such caps prefer mostly young people. But for women, such a style has become native. A similar headpiece is worn with a sporty style or for everyday socks, is a transformer (you can wear with the title and straight). It should be borne in mind that such a model is not suitable for everyone. Better before tie for yourself such a hat, seeking similar.

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Children's model

Little beauties always seek to be similar to their moms. Therefore, any thing attracts the attention of the child, and the girl wants himself the same. Children's hat-stocking fit quickly and easily, so his daughter can be pleased with the shortest time. With the description of this master class, a newcomer can cope without difficulty.

What do we need:

  • Soft threads, preference to give woolen with the addition of acrylic;
  • Breaking knitting needles 5 pcs. number 4.

Before you begin to knit a hat for a girl, first of all it is necessary to determine the size.

Such a headdress knives the usual rubber one one after one or two in two. And to find out the volume, you just need to link the sample in several centimeters of the width.

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

We will knit a hat for 57 cm, so you need to score 146 loops. We recruit the desired amount of loopers and then distribute them to four knitting needles. Now we start kniting a rubber. So we are tied tightly, only you need to pull a little thief when we go with one knitting on the other, it should not have difficulties with these difficulties. Knit the needed cap length. The resulting product must be treated and deciding which side is better for the top.

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Next form a top. This can be done in an in one way. One option is with a thread tighten the top in the usual way. The second way, more interesting, is a little retreat from the edge and with the help of the wedges fix the cap to a couple of centimeters below. Then these wedges are very beautiful, it is possible in the form of a flower, and thanks to a large needle, we sew from the very top, as indicated in the photo below, do not forget the cap to be expanded on withc. And here is our hat ready!

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Wonderful option for ladies

Cap-stocking has been popular for several years, and since the onset of cold weather, many needlewomen are taken for her knitting. A deep headdress is popular both among men and women. In this master class, we will knit a wonderful face with facechair for women.

What do we need to prepare:

  • Threads of wool-acrylic 50 to 50;
  • needle;
  • Circular spokes number 4.

The size of our hat is 55-56.

Before you begin to knit the cap itself, you need to connect the sample and calculate the loops. After that, we recruit the desired amount of loopers and distribute them to the buttermits, after that we begin to knit the gum two to two. Touching 10 cm, we begin to knit face butter to the desired length of the caps. When the length is ready, it will remain only to connect two parts of the caps with a needle and thread, and here our hat is ready. Another option to stitch the caps is to stretch through the buttercups of the thread and tighten, and pull the latter thread into the caps.

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Simple example

All caps knit so easy that even the most inexperienced needlewomen will be able to do this work. Some prefer to knit smooth, while other rubber bands.

What will take:

  • Threads semide, 100 g 150 m;
  • 5 spokes at number 6.

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The length of the cap will depend on the desire of the needlewoman. Knit begin with Niza caps, gradually moving to the top of the top. Two needles need to dial 60 loops. Then the loops distribute between other knitting needles and begin to knit two two or one elastic band, and when we connect the desired height, go to knit facechair to the desired length. When will be achieved, you need to stretch thread through all the loops and tighten. Some can retreat for a couple of centimeters from the bottom and thread tie. Such a model is also very popular, and if you still decorate something, it will definitely stand out from the crowd.

Cap-stocking knitting needles for a girl with a description and photo

Video on the topic

This article presents a video lesson with which you can learn to knit a stocking cap alone.

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