[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care


The fragrant fragrance, the uniqueness and beauty of buds, the gloss of leaves - Gardenia enjoys well-deserved popularity among amateur flower products. At home, jasmine or rooted variation is grown. Minus this tropical beauty - Capricious, whimsical character . Only the right and regular care is the guarantee of "healthy" leaves and abundant flowering.

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

Indoor microclimate: Requirements for temperature and humidity

Gardenia requires a stable, permanent air temperature . Range for spring / summer - + 21- + 24 degrees, for late autumn / winter - not lower than +18 . The air temperature is below +16 degrees - critical for the plant, already at +10 Gardenia may die.

Gardenia is a light-affilome plant (at least 10 hours a day). Consequences of lack of light:

  • lack of flowering;
  • chopping leaves;
  • Golden bush from below.

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

In the summer, the pot put on the southern or western windows, but at nozzhen watches, it is implanted from the scorching sun, in winter, it is not limited to the "solar baths" in winter, the lamps of artificial lighting are additionally used.

Tip! In summer, it is allowed to arrange "ventilation" for Gardenia. At the same time, the flower should not fall under cold air or draft. This will result in dropping buds and drying flower kidney.

Decorative beauty requires a maximum humidity level, and especially at the stage of bud . There are several ways to increase the level of humidity in the room.

  1. In the pallet with the pot are placed moistened sphagnum, peat or clay.
  2. Spraying from the pulverizer. In the summer - up to 5 times a day, in winter - no more than 2.
  3. Arrange in the room where Gardenia is worthwhile, water tanks.
  4. The use of special devices - air humidifiers.

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[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

How to water and how to feed?

For watering fit boiled, accumulated and even rainwater . It should be soft and cool. It is best to use water room temperature.

Algorithm of watering

  1. Water flower under the root. Do not allow the droplets to remain on the leaves (this will lead to brown spots).
  2. Up to pour, but not allow moisture stagnation.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, drain excess water from the pallet.

In the summer, the plant is watered often - every 1-2 days, in the fall, the frequency is reduced to 1 time in 2-4 days. In winter, even less water is required. 1 month before flowering, usually this end of March / early April, the period of rest comes. The number of polishes are reduced to a minimum, but do not allow soil drying.

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

In additional nutrition, Gardenia especially needs in spring, summer. During these months, feeding is brought 2 times a month. It is best to take complex liquid concentrates (vito, soft force, dumplow) and peat-mounted fertilizers.

Other components of care

To form a decorative bush of garment, regular trimming is required. The purpose of the procedure is a moderate and correct growth of side processes, smooth formation of a bush, lush flowering. The best period for holding - after flowering or before landing. At this time, the shoots shorter in half. In the actual growth phase, it is allowed only to make the sepure of new shoots on the top of the bush.

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

Transplanatory Gardenation by the method of pulling: Transportation of plants in a new pot together with an earthen room . With this method, the risk of damage to the root system is minimal. The transplant of young guards is recommended annually after the completion of flowering, adults - every 3-4 years.

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

Gardenia will become an unusual decoration of any home, but only under the condition of proper care . Maintaining a constant temperature, high humidity, not the admission of drafts and temperature drops, regular watering with mild water - the main aspects of the content of a whimsical beauty.

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Capricious Gardenia - Secrets and Care Subtleties at home (1 video)

Gardenia in the interior (6 photos)

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Gardenia: Secrets of care

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