How to make a poftahin over the bed


How to make a poftahin over the bed

Many Bedalchin over the bed is a dream of childhood. However, not everyone is decided to make a canopy for its bedroom. And completely in vain. If you like the classic and romantic interiors, then this element of the decor will fit into them just wonderful. In addition to the fact that the Bedalchin above the bed is a very beautiful thing, it performs not only decorative, but also practical functions.

Advantages and disadvantages of Baldakhina over the bed

Benefits at the Baldakhina over the bed really a lot:

  1. The cloth surrounding the bed hides sleeping from the eye of other households. It makes the dream more relaxed, and rest is cozy. In such a "shelter", a person feels psychologically more protected.
  2. From a practical point of view, dense tissue protects against drafts and morning rays, so you can completely abandon the curtains in the bedroom.
  3. With the help of the canopy, you can visually reduce excessively high ceilings. In the bedroom, such ceilings are not a plus, but, on the contrary, minus, as they violate the comfort of this room.
  4. Now many designs suggest the lack of an entrance door. On the one hand, the arch is an original and stylish solution that has a lot of advantages, but on the other, such an arch is hardly promoting a relaxing rest. In such design, Baldakhin, which creates a secluded corner, just do not replace.
  5. The fabric around the bed perfectly protects against annoying insects, which are not allowed to relax in the summer.
  6. Also, such a fabric is an excellent filter. It filters the air, which again contributes to a strong sleep (of course, this advantage is relevant only when the fabric is clean).
  7. Well, finally, the real tissue canopy over the bed will be a charming highlight of any bedroom.

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How to make a poftahin over the bed

However, the flaws of the Baldakhin also has, although they are a bit. Firstly, this type of bedroom decor is literally contraindicated by allergies, as the tissue collects a large amount of dust on its surface. If you are suffering allergies, but still decided to decorate your bed with a cloth, you will have to wash it very often. Even if you do not suffer allergies, the fabric will still have to wash quite often - 1-2 times a month, otherwise it will simply lose their attractive appearance.

Varieties of Baldakhinov

There are three main types of this decor. The first type applies a simple frameless design, in which the fabric simply is attached to the ceiling and free from it. The second view is called the "crown", as the fabric is attached to the hoop, located under the ceiling and creates a feeling of a beautiful fabric crown.

How to make a poftahin over the bed

About third form I want to talk separately. This is a frame bathdachin that is attached to four pillars. Beds decorated in a similar way, as a rule, are already sold in the finished form, as it is quite difficult to make them with your own hands. It is the last form that is the most pompous, majestic and luxurious. It is not suitable for miniature bedrooms. This option will fit only in a spacious bedroom, which will match it properly.

How to make a poftahin over the bed

How to make a simple ballads over the bed

The easiest way to make a canopy with your own hands is to consolidate it at a special staircase with which he will freely hang. Make it much easier than you think. Let's wonder the entire work process on steps.

  1. Prepare everything you need to do work. Namely: a metal tube (a tube for window curtains), fastening for a rod, a hacksaw for metal, drill and all the necessary elements, a tape measure, a piece of tissue (about 150 cm), a piece of chalk, centimeter tape, threads and, of course, sewing machine. When everything is ready, you can proceed directly to work.
  2. Cut from the metal tube a piece of 45 cm. Fasten it strictly above the center of the bed at a height of 180-200 cm above the bed.
  3. Cut the desired piece of fabric, without forgetting to add some matter to the seams. Stretch the fabric on the typewriter and reveal it. Having bent the part of the fabric, make "pockets".
  4. Grind the barbell into the fabric. That's all, now you know how very easy to make a dietary bed over the bed.

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How to make a poftahin over the bed

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