Use in the interior of the kitchen of pink wallpaper


To create a full-fledged interior in the kitchen, it is permissible to use the most different colors. For example, the use of pink color will create a design positively affecting the mood, soothing and relaxing.

Use in the interior of the kitchen of pink wallpaper

Wallpaper with chic venselters in the kitchen

Pink wallpaper in the kitchen is not as often as in the living room, bedroom or children's, but also here they show themselves perfectly. Let's get better with Pink, is it well suited for the kitchen and can we correctly place it in our interior.

Pink theme

Each color affects a person in its own way, and the pink is not an exception. We give as an example some features of this color that we will be at the kitchen:

  • Pink tone contributes to improving appetite, burning the desire to eat.
  • The pink atmosphere in the room has a beneficial effect on a person, he disappears a feeling of anxiety, some domestic experiences leave, it calms down. At the same time, the heart rhythm is aligned and pressure decreases.
  • While staying in a pink interior, a person is dulling with a rumor, he does not react so much to extraneous noise and can concentrate on his affairs.

In addition, the pink color palette is pleasant to the eye, especially in brighter colors. Look at such colors is easy, vision is not strained. Even if in the kitchen interior in certain quantities there are bright accents of pink color, it does not annoy it.

Use in the interior of the kitchen of pink wallpaper

Use in the kitchen of wallpaper of a pleasant palette

However, due to the frequent tasteless use of this color in children's and bedrooms, it became an impression that it was a banal and infantile color, exclusively teenage, and besides female. Therefore, many people often avoid the use of pink in serious, practical premises, and in vain, because he could become an excellent accent or highlight of the entire interior, or would take a dominant position.

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Practice use

Pink colors do not often meet in the kitchens, so the schemes of their use are not very clear. We would like to give several advice on the formation of a successful interior in the kitchen using pink tones.

Increase objects and expand space

Pink color has interesting quality, it is able to expand the space and increase the dimensions of the objects, while adding lightness and airiness. If you use pink wallpapers on the walls of the kitchen, it will add space, and if you paint the furniture in pink tones, it will take all the place, but it will not put on you with its dimensions. Great way if you have a small kitchen.

A fairly interesting solution when wallpaper for red kitchen pink color. In this case, they add space to accommodate a bright accent, and perfectly harmonized with furniture objects. You can choose a wallpaper for red cuisine from another color scheme, but it is best to use bright shades of popular colors, in such an interior there will be an accent and background.

Use in the interior of the kitchen of pink wallpaper

Combination with brown wallpaper

Heat cold

By the way, at the expense of the color scheme, the pink color is so diverse that it is capable of being both cold and warm, although in the base version it belongs to the pleiad of warm tones.

This is just an excellent property, since now you can choose a pink palette in any kitchen. There is your kitchen on the south side - choose cold pink shades (raspberry, fuchsia), there is a kitchen on the north - warm tones of pink colors (peach, powder) are perfect. In a well-thought-out interior, it is easy to stay for a long time, and as we know, the cooking process is not fast.

Skewing combination

It is not necessary to use a pink solo, it is not intended for this, because it is an emphasis and he always needs to pick a companion. Do not know which colors will be combined with pink, use white, it is the optimal and proven option that looks well in any interior. Use accents in any places, but do not bend with the presence of only colorful color.

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Use in the interior of the kitchen of pink wallpaper

Comfortable furnishings in the kitchen

To create successful accents, use a rich pink color well, it will become a bright spot in your interior. If you like a calm, simple aura, inherent in the styles of Provence or Country, then here, of course, optimally apply light-pink tones.


Excellent colors of companions for pink can be:

  • banal white;
  • Classic black or monochrome gray;
  • beige and its warm shades;
  • contrast brown;
  • Positive yellow or natural green.

As you can see a pink full of custom color, therefore, in the interior, it is used to use it solarly. Most often it is used with white, let's say it is a basic color combination. Black adds orders in chaos, with its help the geometric projection of the room is built, it can also be used.

Use in the interior of the kitchen of pink wallpaper

Typical interior of small kitchen

Gray with pink used in most cases in the style of high-tech. Moreover, the pink occupies only a small part over the interior and can be applied using self-adhesive wallpaper.

Beige contributes to creating a cozy environment, it is used in conjunction with warm pink shades, which allows you to add heat kitchens located on the north side.

Use in the interior of the kitchen of pink wallpaper

Use in the kitchen striped wallpaper

Brown is used in contrasting kitchen interiors, usually kitchen furniture is performed in this color, and pink canvases are placed on the walls.

A positive interior is obtained when classic natural colors are used: pink, green, red, blue. These combinations designers spy on nature itself, which is known for its balance and harmony.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if you are not ready to make a decision on the preparation and implementation of the interior of the kitchen in pink colors, take advantage of the help of the designer. It will drive you pink wallpapers in the overall concept so that you will admire them throughout the service life.

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