Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video


Initially, Chalmo was worn in the east. But then she appeared in the women's wardrobe. This headdress itself creates an excellent and majestic image. Today you will be presented to the master class, with which you can tie a chalm with needles with a scheme and a description of the step-by-step process.

Headdress Sultan

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

Now it is fashionable to wear turban or chalme sultan. Tie such a headdress is not hard, but not just. If you are not even experienced in this matter, then by attaching efforts and efforts, you can create a chalm with your own hands.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

What do we need to prepare:

  • 135 grams of yarn from wool, the thickness of which is about 160 grams. We took the yarn "Merino Soft" from "Vita" in four additions;
  • N3 spokes straight 30 centimeters long;
  • Spokes N2,5;
  • Hook N2;
  • needle;
  • scissors.


The future cap will consist of two canvases, as well as jumpers. With the help of the spokes number 3, we can link the top blade of the head.

Important: Alternate the facial and reverse part of four rows, starting with face alternate and ending with it too.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

52 - this is how many loops are contained in the upper part of the canvas. Consequently, in the canvas 10 of the rollers, which are created by an invalous stroke. If the cloth is compressed, then this is normal. So it should be. When the finished product is postpone, then Chalma will deal.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

The length of this canvase should be about 27 centimeters.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

Go to the side part - to the dressing. This will help us with the knitting needles N2.5. Type 7 kettles. Then check one row with a rubber band 1 * 1. Explanation: 1 - facial, 1 - reverse. Important: At the end of each row, add one loop. Knit loops in drawing - facial - facial, and inverse - reverse. Adjust until the time it turns out 25 kettles. Then let's not add with a hollow gum.

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Follow the bandage long. As soon as it is 45 centimeters, then at the end of each row, we reduce one loop. Loops Slip a simple rubber band 1 * 1. If you have accumulated until seven loops remain on the knitting needles, then close these loops. The side part of the hat should be narrowed.

The top of the canvas Smeave a needle with a thread.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

From one assembled edge of the canvas, dial 20 kettles using NO 2.5 spokes. 1 row penetrate with gum 1 * 1. Now it is the turn to knit with a hollow elastic band (1 - facial, one to remove the thread before work). Knit 7 - 7.5 centimeters. The jumper for the dressing is ready.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

Two dressings are ready. The photo shows how you had to get:

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

Side canvas (bandage in the middle) must be enjoyed using a needle and thread.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

We collect our resulting canvas in one with a needle and thread. The bandage needs to sew in the middle of the front. Jumper attach from the back to the upper cloth.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

We sew the bandage to the upper cloth. We start from the jumper from the reverse side. Together with this, the bandage needs to be pulled out exactly when it is stitched to complete the bandage reached the edge of the top of the web.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

Align the back of the canvas. And for this, check about 2 rows of crochet, with the help of columns without Nakid.

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

Take the completion of the threads. Cut them with scissors. Chalma-transformer is ready!

Tip: Cut the chalm in cold water. Do not twist! Remove and dry on the towel horizontally.

You can use the scheme when creating a chalma:

Chalma knitting with a scheme and description: Master class with photos and video

Video on the topic

In the following videos, other master classes will be presented with which you can connect this beautiful headdress.

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