How to remove old wallpapers: hand, water or with a couple (video)


The problem of how to remove old wallpaper, it becomes before each who performs repair on their own. Punching new wallpapers can completely change the interior of your home. In addition, it is one of the most simple finishing works. It can be performed independently in a short time, and at the same time not to carry out all the furniture from the room.

How to remove old wallpapers: hand, water or with a couple (video)

Old wallpapers must be removed from the wall before salarying new, otherwise, the new layer is dug and bloom.

Wallpaper crossing rules imply that old wallpapers will be completely removed. You can quickly remove old wallpapers when complying with some tricks and basic rules.

Why shoot an old finish?

It is not necessary in the desire to save time for repairs glue a new finish on the old layer. Even if it seems to you that old wallpapers are kept on the wall well, give up this obviously unsuccessful idea.

How to remove old wallpapers: hand, water or with a couple (video)

Options for removing the old finish: A - with a spatula; B - with a grinding circle.

First of all, with a more detailed consideration, you can make sure that the old layer is attached to the wall reliably not in all places, so new wallpapers will swear and dug in the same place where the old are not securely glued. A new layer will also create an additional load on the old finish, which is why the process of the dugout of old wallpaper will be accelerated.

Consider the fact that the adhesive composition that you will use to secure new wallpapers will dilute and soften the old finish. The drying time of glue due to the paper layer under it will be increased, which can provoke the lag of wallpaper from the walls. If this does not happen, it remains a high probability that the surface of the new finishing material will cover wrinkles and bubbles. Especially if the properties and structure of old and new wallpapers are different.

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All these factors explain the need to complete the removal of old materials. Those who do not know how to easily remove old wallpaper will help further instructions.

Wall cleaning methods

Often the previous finish barely holds on the wall surface. If in your case it is so, then clean the walls can be naked hands. For convenience, you can pour the top edge of the canvas with a knife or spatula, and then pull it down the book. At best, you will be able to completely remove the entire piece. In the extreme case, those parts that kept well and did not break off, you can pull out the spatula.

If old paper wallpapers are fastened well and remove them in the first way, it can be used water.

With the help of a foam roller, a sponge, rags or a spacker, you need to wet the paper. Be sure to disconnect the supply of electricity to the room before watering the wall. Otherwise, the consequences of water entering the wires under voltage can be the most deplorable.

How to remove old wallpapers: hand, water or with a couple (video)

In places where the wallpaper is well glued, you need to use a foam roller and water, mixing the surface, and then remove the wet wallpaper with a spatula.

When the surface is abundantly moistened with water, it is necessary to wait about 5 minutes so that the water is well impregnated with paper. After that, you can sprinkle paper from the walls. Those areas that will be separated with difficulty can be removed by a spatula.

The higher the temperature of the water you are going to use is the easier it will take the paper wallpaper. If you need to remove washable wallpaper or waterproof finish, then you need to remove the protective coating from the upper layer before swinging them. If you cannot remove the water-repellent coating, you will not be able to cover the washable wallpaper in several places - so, you will open access to the paper base. This method is also ideal for removing flieslinic wallpaper. If you make cuts in their surface, the adhesive will swell under them, and it will be possible to easily remove the finishing material.

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On the modern construction market you can find special fluids for removing wallpaper. Their price is low, so the cost of the process will increase slightly, and speed and convenience will be increased at times. Similar fluids are non-toxic and impregnate the structure of paper and other materials faster than water. To apply them, a sponge or roller is used. Wallpapers are removed when they are completely impregnated with liquid.

Many do not know how to remove old wallpapers with a couple. This is a fairly simple method based on the fact that steam acts faster than water. To implement it, it is enough to wet a piece of fabric, attach it to the segment of the wall from which it is necessary to remove the finish and try this place the iron. For greater convenience and more noticeable result, it is better to use a steam generator or an iron that allows you to disappear vertical surface. These devices will allow you to process a large wall area immediately.

In any case, follow the basic rules for removing wallpaper. They cannot be dragging sharply or pull too quickly, it is necessary to slowly disconnect them from the wall with smooth movements and with effort.

So, how to remove old wallpaper, you now know. There are several ways to perform this work, you can use the one that is most convenient for you. In addition, it is recommended to focus on how hard the wallpaper is holding onto the wall. Correct the old wallpaper correctly will not work.

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