Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior


Modern rheists are used to create graffiti cartridges with paint. Enamel with a lot of pigments to go well and dries quickly. Many manufacturers hold in the Security Technology, providing the required qualities.

Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior

Graffiti in bedroom

The paint for graffiti filled entire departments in the stores and overtook the associated goods in the form of markers and capes. From the streets of the equipment drawing by aerosols passed into the interior. Companies formed, which earn the inscriptions from the walls and fences.

Graffiti as part of Street Art or Vandalism

Graffiti has many directions. Some Rayters use paint cans to decorate dull gray walls and fences. They create original projects, real masterpieces. Such drawings can be seen in the cities around the world. They are part of modern culture.

High-quality paint for graffiti falls smoothly on various surfaces, quickly dries and saves its color for a long time. Hooligans enjoy this quality. Adrenalinks argue that their inscriptions on the walls, cars, facades of public buildings, created at night, run, and there is real art graffiti.

Quickly apply paints until no one noticed and escape. To do this, they choose a spray guns with a strong feed of nitrocracy and a large content of pigments. All over the world leads to combat the illegal painting of the walls. Such actions refer to vandalism and hooliganism.

Who is the author of modern graffiti

Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior

Graffiti in the bedroom interior

Motherily graffiti is considered to be America. When Hansters began to divide the zones of their influence, each gang painted the walls with his clan symbols, hiding them in the lines and stains of paint. Then the paint in the cans was performed only for tapping cars. She led, laid unevenly and quickly burned out.

In fact, in Russia in Russia, 1918 sounded a call for artists to leave the basements and draw on the walls of houses. So art became available for a simple people. The first graffiti on the walls of Moscow and Peter were political cartoons and posters.

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In Italy, Morocco and the countries of the East in the cities, streets have survived, where residents continue to paint the doors and facades of houses homemade paints. Vegetable patterns and geometric ornaments prevail.

First used car aerosols

Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior

Graffiti on the wall in the room

First to create drawings used cartridges with aerosols for cars. The drawings were faded and short-lived.

  1. The paint applied without primer the paint to cover the metal quickly lost its appearance, peelled.
  2. She sprayed unevenly.
  3. The choice of colors was limited to the palette of cars produced. It is about 10 tones and white with black.
  4. The inscriptions were ineptly imitating foreign graffiti.

The names of the musical groups, the names of the idols were drawn to the ambulance hand and were often not complete. The authors chased the police. Graffiti caused cities. The wipers were washed off by the usual solvent.

Graffiti paint requirements

Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior

Graffiti on the wall in the bedroom

The first paint spray cans appeared in stores from manufacturers from Italy and Germany:

  • The choice was limited;
  • The cost is high;
  • The mixture in the canopy was evenly;
  • the subtext was practically not;
  • bright colors, saturated;
  • The drawings were held for a long time, did not fade.

Gradually increased the range of colors. Separate companies ink are produced more than 200 shades. Weigh from 70 grams to a liter. The coating is obtained by matte, glossy, luminous. Compositions for graffiti and pressure in the canopy are distinguished. It affects the spray rate. Each rider may disagree in accordance with its experience or work.

There were replaceable heads on cans that change the width of the jet. Marking is now done by special markers. Before applying graffiti, the wall surface is ground with a roller and a background tone is created with paints in special cylinders with a large volume of up to 5 liters.

After applying on the surface, the composition on the solvent dries in a matter of minutes. This highlights a strong smell. Rakers work in respirators.

What is in the canister and why he is not full

Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior

Wall in the room

In the production of paint for graffiti, the metal spray can, regardless of its volume, is filled in the following order.

  1. Metal balls for mixing.
  2. Nitroemal no more than 2/3 volumes.
  3. Liquid propylene.
  4. Cap with tube and sprayer - CEPS.

Before filling in a can, enamel for graffiti is thoroughly filtered. Small particles can score a narrow hole of the sprayer.

As paint sprayed, the liquid propylene goes into a gaseous state, maintaining constant pressure in the canopy. Standard equals 6 atmospheres. This ensures uniform spraying until full consumption of composition. Therefore, the container is left blank by 30%.

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Graffiti paint contains many pigments. Otherwise, each manufacturer introduces its components and tries to keep the technology secret.

In conventional solvents, paint for graffiti is not washed off. Companies offering firms and individuals to wash the walls of buildings and fences.

In some countries of Europe and the United States, the subway walls and the lower parts of the houses are poured with sugar syrup. When graffiti covers them, everything is washed off with water. On public buildings around the perimeter, camcorders are installed with traffic indicators.

Caps for canopy and other related products for street artists

Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior

Graffiti on office wall

In every store selling spray canolates, a large selection of nozzles. The capes in the characteristic indicates not only the color of the case and core. The main thing is the width of the jet, and they are suitable for the ballokers.

For marking pictures for sale various markers. They provide uniform line application.

Raeter learned to refill disposable cans. Now manufacturers produce enamel for filling empty graffiti tanks, including markers.

Create background and brew a large area with a special roller. It has a long telescopic handle and for one pass leaves a wide strip.

To create inscriptions at high height, fire extinguishers and garden sprayers filled with nitroemal. Their one-time analogs are sold in the separation of springs with aerosols.

For rapid application, holders for simultaneous sputtering from two plates with one hand are created. The range of products for graffiti is constantly expanding.

Basic paint manufacturers in cartridges for drawings on the walls

Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior


The most demand of artists Street Art enjoys the products of the following companies:

  • Molotow;
  • Montana;
  • Arton;
  • MTN Color;
  • ABRO;
  • Graffitimarket.

The first professional paint for graffiti, created in Russia, was the Arton brand. Now the firm produces matte and glossy paints. The palette is constantly increasing and close to 100 shades of each species. Quality at the level of foreign materials.

Montana's cartridges appeared first on the shelves of domestic shops. Italy challenges the right to use the brand from Americans. The quality of paint is excellent. The choice is huge.

Competing among themselves, paint manufacturers for graffiti turned the cannon into the work of art. Brands in different styles and corporate colors, drawings and whole pictures cover the containers. Each manufacturer tries to make its products recognizable and unique.

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There are many fakes on the market at an attractive low price. Therefore, it is necessary to buy only in corporate stores.

Graffiti in the interior and water-based paints

Graffiti Countries, Street Pictures and Interior

Painted Wall in Bedroom

Streets have a way to decorate walls in graffiti style drawings in the interior. Special water-based paints have been created for indoor work. They dry longer and require surface preparation. But there are no unpleasant odor, evenly falls along. The basis of them acrylic and latex. Distinguish paints for applying on:

  • plastered walls;
  • tile;
  • wood;
  • glass, metal;
  • Wallpapers for painting.

An experienced rider decorates the drawing room for 5 to 6 hours. He uses a sketch drawn on paper. The drawing is unique, since the artist does not copy it, but creates a similar one. In the process there is an element of improvisation. The concrete room, lighting, its size and mood is taken into account.

For ceilings, they are mainly involved in painting with a brush. Paints with paint also apply.

Widespread use of paintings created on one of the walls of the room in mixed technique. Background and shades are created using canopy. Small elements draw with a brush, markers. Stencils are used. It turns out a unique design. The room acquires a mood. Waterproof dyes are spoken images on the tile in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Using stencils, you can create a small drawing on the wall of the hallway and the dining room. It is enough to place the surface on the squares with thin lines, a pencil. Transfer the main contour lines with the marker. Then spray with a thin jet of the drawing elements. Fill the paint large fragments. Make shades.

Cities are decorated with graffiti or 60 liters of paint on one wall

In 2019, Moscow Municipal Authorities together with cultural workers found a way to combat ugly graffiti, made at night in a hurry. It is impossible to overcome - head. They chose several walls on public buildings and announced a competition for the best sketch. The winners were the technique in the form of cranes, and they embodied their dream to reality.

As a result, several teams came out of the underground and took up the real decoration of the city. On the first picture, located on the wall of the tram depot, 60 liters of paint took place. The work took 5 days. Everyone liked a new type of wall.

There were several transformer booths. Raisters admitted that it was much more interesting to work on big pictures. Now, using the graffiti paint can decorate the city.

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