How to tie a pigeon crochet


How to tie a pigeon crochet. Master class and description.

In order to tie here such a dwarf Amigurumi, you will need: Yarn white Pucher "Children's novelty" 100% acrylic.; Filler Singyprc or Holofiber; a little orange yarn cotton for keyboard; 2 beads-for eyes; Brown or red Shenyl wire for paws; Hook 1.5 or 2.

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

Dove. Work description. Legend:

p. - loop

V.P. - air loop

SBT - Column without Nakid

SS - connecting column

SSN. - Column with Nakud

PSR. - a semi-solitary cage

Ave. - Poster - in one loop 2 fails

UB. - Ubaulk - 2 ISS

Head + chest

1. 2 V.P. In 2 p from the hook knit 6 fails.

2. 6 Ave. (12P)

3. (SBF, PR) x 6 times (18P)

4. (2SBN, PR) x 6 times (24P)

5. 11SBN, PR, 11SBN, etc. (26P)

6. 5 rows of 26SBN (130P)

7. 7SBN, (SBF, PR) x 6 times, 7SBN (32P)

8. 7SBN, (2SBN, PR) x 6 times, 7SBN (38P)

9. 3 rows of 38SBN (114P) + 2SBN (for lining knitting)

10. 7SBN, (3SBN, PR) x 6 times, 7SBN (44P)

11. 44SBN

12. 7SBN, (4SBN, PR) x 6 times, 7SBN (50P)

13. 50 UBS + 2SBN (for knitting)

14. 7SBN, (4SBN, UB) x 6 times, 7SBN (44P)

15. 44SBN

16. 7SBN, (3SBN, UB) x 6 times, 7SBN (38P)

17. 7SBN, (4SBN, UB) x 4 times, 7SBN (34P)

18. 34SBN + 2SBN (to equalize knitting)

19. 13SBN, UB, 4SBN, UB, 13SBN (32P)

20. 7SBN, (UBF, UB) x 6 times, 7SBN (26P)

21. 7SBN, (2SBN, UB) x 3 times, 6SBN, UB. (22P)

22. 1SBN, (3SBN, UB) x 4 times, 1SBN. (18P)

Very tightly fill the head filler. Fully fill in the region of the breast, it should succumb.

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23. All accurates to the end until the hole closes. Trim thread and hide.

How to tie a pigeon crochet


1. 2V.P in 2P. From hook 6SBN.

2. (UBF, pr) x 3 times (9P)

3. 9SBN

4. 9PR. (18P)

5. 18SBN

6. (2SBN, PR) x 6 times (24P)

7. 24SBN

8. (3SBN, PR) x 6 times (30P)

9. 30SBN

10. (4SBN, pr) x 6 times (36P)

11. 36SBN

12. (5SBN, PR) x 6 times (42P) Finish 2 ss.

Leave a thread for sewing. Sew the detail to the pumped, pre-fill the filler.

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

Tail. Plumage.

1. 2V.P in 2P. from hook 6SBN

2. 6PR. (12P)

3. (SBF, PR) x 6 times (18P)

4. (2SBN, PR) x 6 times (24P)

5. (3SBN, pr) x 6 times (30P)

6. 1V.P, SSN, SSN, V.P, SSN, SSN, and so knit until the end of the row.

7. 1 V.P., SSN, V.P, SSN, and so to the end of the row. The hook we enter in the previous row is not in the loop, but in the aisle. (Between the columns with Nakud) all subsequent rows also knit also.

8. 1 V.P., 2 SSN (in one loop of the previous series), V.P, 1 SSN, V.P, 2 SSN, VP, 1 SSN and so until the end of the row

9. 1 V.P., 2SSN (in one loop of the previous series, passing 2 sings in the previous row), V.P., 2SSP and so to the end of the row.

10. Knit a fringe: to dial a chain out of 10 V.P., IBB (hook Introduce in the previous row between columns with Nakud) and so until the end of the row. Finish the SS.

It turned out a round napkin with a fringe.

How to tie a pigeon crochet

Now it is necessary to fold it in half, but so that one part is more.

How to tie a pigeon crochet

Next threads to form a beautiful plumage.

How to tie a pigeon crochet

Sew tail.

How to tie a pigeon crochet

Wing (2 pcs)

1. 11 V.P, in 2P. From the hook of PR, then 8 will fail, and in the last loop of the 5CBN chain (5! In one loop), go to the opposite side of the chain, knit 8SBN, 3SBN to the last loop of the chain.

2. 1V.P, 2PR, 8SBN, 5PR, 8SBN, 3P, SS.

3. 3PR, 4SBN, 4PSSN, 12ss, 4PSSN, 4SBN.

4. (8V.P, IBB) Repeat 14 times, complete the SS.

Cut the thread and hide.

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How to tie a pigeon crochet

Using the pins of the wings to attach, and then sew them.

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

Legs (2pcs)

1. 2V.P. in 2 p. From the hook 10SBN.

2. 10SBN

3. (SBT, PR) x 5 times (15P)

4. 15 SBN

5. 15SBN, SS.

Leave a thread for sewing. Detail to sew on the suture, so that the rummy was filled, pre-squeeze the filler (not strongly). You can make a merry, the same threads that we sew the legs are slimmer.

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet


I took the Wire "Shenil" and cutting off 4 pieces of 4 cm. made claws' foot))) sewed to the legs with ordinary thread under the color of the wire

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet


1. 2 V.P. in 2 p. From the hook 3SBN.

2. 3SBN,

3. 3SBN, finish the SS. Leave the thread for the sewing of the beak, and the second tip of the thread hide, like a filler, inside.

Send eyes and everything - our dove is ready!)

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet

How to tie a pigeon crochet Source

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