Painting of walls in the bedroom do it yourself (photo)



The bedroom is a place where a person rests not only by the body, but also to the soul. Therefore, painting of walls in the bedroom requires a creative approach. The entire interior of the bedroom should be aimed at creating peace, harmony and spiritual pacification and at the same time not to be too "fresh" and boring.

Painting of walls in the bedroom do it yourself (photo)

Wall plastering and painting pattern.

General recommendations on the color of the walls

Before moving towards the design of the bedroom, you should find out the general moments in the technology of painting walls.

Painting of walls in the bedroom do it yourself (photo)

Color circle scheme for working with color in the interior.


  • painting tape;
  • rollers;
  • brushes and flakes (small brush);
  • Malyary tray;
  • For marking patterns: Level, line, pencil.

For residential premises, water paint on an acrylate, latex or polyvinyl acetate basis is commonly used. Acrylate paints are not afraid of moisture, temperature differences and mechanical effects. That is, wear well and wear-resistant. Polyvinila acetate is less demanding against the wall and perfectly lies even on nonideal surfaces. These paints do not smell, so well suited for bedrooms.

The paint can be bought already ready, the desired shade or dilute by itself by adding a little koller into a white.

It should be brewed immediately all the paint, as it is almost impossible to repeat the resulting shade.

Painting of walls in the bedroom do it yourself (photo)

Walls are recommended to paint stripes.

Before proceeding with painting, make sure that the walls are splapted and ground and have no defects. The paint will show all the errors. Walls must be predicted.

Start a painting tape around the ceiling and floor perimeter, on door jambs and window slopes.

To begin with, paint the places to which it is problematic to get a roller. These are jokes with floor and ceiling, corners, borders near windows and doors.

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Start painting the walls with a roller follows from top to bottom and from the window in the course of falling light. Roller Send diagonally by making W-shaped movements or crosswise. If you drive a roller strictly vertically or horizontally, bands can form and remain non-crushed places.

The first layer of paints make a more liquid consistency. Subsequent thicker. The second layer should be applied only after complete drying of the first. Look at the packaging. Do not panic if the color turned out to be uneven or places are visible spots. After drying, the color is leveled.

Combined painting with "panel" elements

Painting of walls in the bedroom do it yourself (photo)

Scheme of warm and cold colors.

At first glance, the painted walls seem to be somewhat dull and unattractive. Therefore, some prefer the wallpaper and thereby drive themselves into the framework, limiting the choice of color, print and combinations. While the painting of the walls gives infinite opportunities for true creativity.

How to paint the walls to look stylish and modern? It is not necessary to paint them into one color. There is an infinite set of painting options. The most common reception is to combine two colors.

This option is familiar to us for a long time. Here part of the wall, ranging from the floor, is painted in one color, the remaining part to the ceiling is covered with others. It can be both related colors of different shades, and completely different (for example, peach with olive). The joint of two colors is usually made up with molding.

The classic of the genre here is considered the border just below the middle of the wall. However, the "lowered" panels or a narrow strip at the ceiling is more creatively.

Staining technique can be different. The easiest way is applied when painting related colors. First, the whole wall is painted in a brighter tone. After drying on it, it is drawn the border, they are covered along the edge of the upper part of the greasy tape and paint the lower part with a darker tone.

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If colors are different, you will have to paint both parts separately, starting at the top. First, it is drawn on the wall with the help of a ruler and level smooth lines around the entire perimeter of the bedroom. The level of use is necessary so that the border of the colors on all walls visually seemed one height and did not depend on the slopes of the floor and walls.

After the boundaries are designated, take the construction of the tape the edge of the lower part to protect it from unwanted staining. Color the top of the wall and let it dry. After that, you get a border with a border on the other side and proceed to the color of the bottom.

Another way to simulate panels is colored inserts throughout the wall. It is performed similarly to the previous one. First, it is painted the whole wall in a brighter tone, then the borders of the inserts are placed, the painted scotch is seized. After that, the middle of the inserts is painted in a darker color.

Very simple and at the same time, an interesting way to add a "highlight" to the interior is the division of a monophonic wall of a strip of a darker or other color. Usually this technique is used in the hallways or living rooms, but it is appropriate in the bedroom.

Staining technology is similar to those described above. With the only difference that after drying the first color, there is a markup of not one border, and the two, between which the darker strip will be located. Scotch is also covered on both sides of the outer edge, they paint a dark color between it. For a greater effect, the band bands can be labeled.

Walls of different colors

The fashion trend of recent years has become staining of the walls of the bedroom in different colors. There are also versions of execution. For example, you can make an accented wall, painting three walls in neutral tones (white, beige), and the fourth is made as bright as possible, for example burgundy. However, more relaxed options are possible.

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You can paint the walls in the bedroom with a gradient when one wall is painted in a brighter, and the other is in a darker shade of one color. You can make three walls of one shade, one - the other. You can paint the walls of the walls into a lighter tone to each other, the two remaining walls in the darker. You can paint the walls in four different shades, as if flowing into each other.

Walls in the bedroom can be made in a horizontal and vertical strip or rhombus. To do this, after applying the first color there is a markup. Here we have to tinker, since the external boundaries of the strips need to be accumulated by scotch. But it is worth it.

When drawing rhombuses, the walls are drawn by inclined strips first in one direction, then to another. Scotch is glued at the outer edge of those rhombuses that require coloring.

More complex figures draw with the help of globes and without the use of scotch. When painting in the center, the roller uses, the edges can be carried out with a thin brush, clearly drawing borders.

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