[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets


Chinese rose, "Flower of beautiful women" - a few names of one of the most beautiful home plants - Hibiscus. A small church covered with juicy, green leaves and bright, large butons of white, pink or red roses will decorate any room. In addition, Hibiscus is famous for its healing properties. The tincture of leaves and colors help clean the skin, cure the burls and furuncula.

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

Knowledge of the secretions of the care of this rather unpretentious plant will help keep the blooming view of hibiscus as long as possible.

Create optimal conditions

In order for a small flower faster to turn into an amazingly beautiful, flowering tree, you need to create certain conditions.

Hibiscus is actively developing at a temperature of + 22-28 ° C in the summer. In winter, the ambient air temperature should not fall below + 16 ° C. If the air temperature is below + 8 ° С, the Chinese rose is dying.

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

Failure to comply with the temperature regime leads to the absence of bright, beautiful buds.

It is also worth remembering that Hibiscus very much does not like drafts (place on the windowsill under the open window is not for Chinese roses).

Particular attention should be paid to the air humidification in the room, where there is a Vazon with a rose. The thing is that in the wild, hibiscus grows in conditions of high humidity, because for active growth, the rose must be regularly sprayed.

Tip: solving the problem of maintaining the optimal level of humidity will be the purchase of a stationary humidifier.

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

How to transplant Hibiscus

To molding the lush crown, the plant needs to provide enough free space. For this, every year in the spring, a young plant is transplanted into a larger vase. Adult bush transplant to a new capacity no more than once every three years . Large, the magnificent plant is no longer transplanted, but only update the top layer of the soil in the vase.

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[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

For active growth, it is used as a soil of the following composition: one part is humoring, sand, peat, two parts of the turf.

Once every twenty days, the kidney enriched with mineral fertilizers for indoor plants.

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

When choosing a vase for hibiscus, it is worth paying special attention to the tanks with a double bottom. An additional pallet will retain the moisture reserve, without which the Chinese rose quickly swept, resets the leaves and buds of flowers.

Tip: A good alternative to the double bottom of the Cashpo with a solid bottom. Moisture through the drainage holes in the main vase will accumulate in the porridge, ensuring the necessary level of humidity for the normal growth of the Chinese rose.

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

What to do, if …

  1. If the buds on hibiscus appeared, but, not expanded, false, then, most likely the plant lacks water and nutrients. The solution to the problem will be the feeding of special liquid fertilizers and regular watering.
  2. If the Chinese rose yellow leaves, then the cause of the problem lies in the wrong flower content conditions. It is necessary to revise watering mode, adjust the temperature and humidity indoor air.
  3. If the Chinese rose never produces buds, then, most likely the flower lacks light and moisture.
  4. If hibiscus fallen down the lower leaves, and the new ones appear already yellow, the plant struck chlorosis. Healing hibiscus will help watering with faded iron enriched.
  5. If Hibiscus dropped all the leaves, then, most likely the plant is affected by parasites . In this situation, the affected shoots must be cut off, and the remaining plant spray with special solutions against pests.

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

Knowledge of the secretions of hibiscus care will help to easily grow in their home a magnifying plant.

Hibiscus (Chinese Rosa) - Secrets and Features of Home Conditions (1 video)

Hibiscus in the interior (7 photos)

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

[Plants in the house] Hibiscus: care secrets

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