Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class


Perhaps there are no such children who would not love the Kinder Surprises or do not know what it is. One kind of this sweet leads baby delight. Of course, a combination of delicious chocolate with a toy - an accurate getting into the goal of the interests of each child. During large holidays, such as New Year or Easter, Kinder Surprises produces larger differences with limited series. Of course, every child dreams about such. However, each needlewoman has a chance to cause simply unreal storm of emotions, making a big kinder surprise from paper with their own hands.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

We master the execution technique

The technique of performing such a gift is very simple - papier-mache, which is translated as "chewing paper". Like most of the paper creativity, Paper-Masha came to us from the ancient China. It was invented for military purposes, namely, to manufacture the ammunition of the military. In Europe, this technique came relatively recently, only in the 20th century. Used to make various toys, such as dolls. There are two types of papier-mache techniques - layered and paper mass. For the manufacture of a large kinder, we need to use a simpler, layered method of manufacture. So, consider on the example.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

We need:

  • big balloon;
  • PVA glue;
  • hair spray;
  • newspapers or other unnecessary paper;
  • toilet paper;
  • White paper;
  • gouache or water-level paint;
  • A large brush for glue and paint.

Let's start a step-by-step master class. Inflation the big size ball and tie, it is important that the ball does not pass the air.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

We divor into PVA glue in one proportion from 1: 1. Toilet paper Rwe into small arbitrary parts and glue through the base of the ball.

Note! The glue should be lubricated both the ball and the glued paper on top of the ball.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Let the workpiece completely dry.

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Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Similarly, we form the second layer of the future kinder, only now from pieces of unnecessary paper or newspapers. If the newspaper falls badly, the paper should be grabbed, so it will be softer. Newspaper layers should be formed 7 pieces. After applying everyone, the workpiece must be allowed to dry. Before you form the 6th layer, the ball should be burst at the base and the hole also flush with a thick layer.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

White sheets cut the arbitrary parts. Put the Kinder's ball with another 2 layers of white sheets.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

It is very important to give to dry each layer. Here is such a workpiece should turn out:

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

With the help of a stationery knife, cut the hole in which surprises will be laid in the form of sweets and toys.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

The edges correct so as not to stick out and were smooth.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Preparation is ready. You can proceed to decorating. To begin with, we are determined with the type of template, try on the kinder.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Color the egg white completely, if necessary. Next, draw a red paint bottom egg.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Abrasion paint, let it be completely dry and glued to the kinder.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

The same is done with the upper inscription.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

The inscription "Kinder" paint, cut out each letter and glued separately.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Treat Kinder Hair Lacquer, so the paint will not wear and get stuck.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Fill the product with sweets through the hole.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Huge kinder, made with your hands from paper, ready!

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Such a gift will be glad kids for any occasion. In addition, in such an original way, you can place a birthday present or New Year. It will definitely be assessed as children and adults. In addition, a large paper kinder will be stored for a very long time. It can be left as decor. But, of course, much more interesting than the kids will play with him as with a puppet house, a rocket or just fold toys there. At its discretion, the child can draw pictures on it or plane stickers.

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Another original solution can be applied to the "Wallpaper Coloring" to the kinder, only in this case, it should not be treated with his hair lacquer. Special delight will cause a large paper kinder, if you fill it in small and, of course, real.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

You can surprise the child, making several large quinteer surprises, differing in size. It is especially interesting to get such gifts for the new year, if in the family several children of different ages. A senior gift in the larger Kinder, and a small one in less.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

A large paper kinder, made in the papier-mache technique, can also serve as a gift box, for example, for a pregnant girl. Inside, you can add accessories for a baby or a thematic envelope.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

If the child loves the kinders very much, you can also surprise it with sweets in the form of a kinder. A very popular solution is a cake in the form of Kinder Surprise. On the Internet spaces, the mass of examples of such sweetness. There is no difficulty in this, the main thing is to have a desire and verified recipes of creams and mastic for decor. Let's show on the example.

Big Kinder Surprise from paper with your own hands on a master class

Applying your fantasy, you can make a real, individual masterpiece. Do not be afraid to experiment, everything will work out.

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