Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?


Many have preserved children's memories when color pencils have painted the contour of the pattern. In this action there was some unprecedented calmness, joy, mental satisfaction.

In adults, too, there are moments when you want to be a creative person and embody your bold ideas. To implement their design fantasies, in a modern interior, you can use wallpaper-coloring . What it is, for which rooms such wallpapers are suitable, how to embody their creative undertakings, about all this article.

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper-coloring in Russia appeared recently, and in America they have been popular for over 12 years. The main purpose and idea of ​​the creators of the wallpaper-color, was to help children, patients with mental disorders. Initially, the coloring walls were small, were located in the nursery.

Now such wallpapers have not only drawings, soothing nerves, but also apply as the original version of the room design. They are pasted not only in the nursery, but also in any of the rooms.

Tip !!! If your child is hyperactive, non-permanent and capricious, then the wallpaper will become an ideal option for him. Choose for such children wallpaper with an average picture so that the child is easier, and he has not lost interest in the coloring process. The concentration of the child's attention is better if the drawing of the average size.

What makes wallpaper coloring

Such wallpapers are made from ordinary paper suitable for drawing, without water-repellent particles and other coating. The wallpaper is applied by the factory drawing, of various topics.

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

There are wallpapers with a small pattern, medium and large, classic coloring, and there are pictures, or landscapes, painted by special artistic colors. It is more common for sale with a middle and small pattern.

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Dimensions of wallpaper

On the sales market you can meet two sizes of color wallpaper:

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one) Roll wallpaper 9 meters long and 60 cm wide.

Wallpaper Colors will fit into the bedroom, living room, as an element of an unusual decor, created by their own hands. In this option, it is better to use a large, intricate drawing, engraving, flowers, or what you can make it beautifully embedded, paint.

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

2) Wallpaper posters, their length ranges from 60 to 200 cm., And width 60 cm.

Wallpaper is the perfect option for the children's room. It is better to use wallpaper with a small, or middle pattern.

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Coloring wallpapers have a lot of positive moments:

  • The embodiment of your fantasies, ideas;
  • Method to make a room brighter and fun;
  • Wallpapers have an anti-stress effect, which positively affects the psyche;
  • The ability to feel like a child, plunging into childhood;
  • Great entertainment for children, because all children dream of drawing on the wallpaper;
  • A rather creative method for making any rooms, not only a nursery.

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

From negative moments, you can allocate:

  • Wallpapers of the unscrupulous manufacturer can be distinguished poisonous substances;
  • The docking of the wallpaper is sometimes not consistent with the drawing;
  • For young children, the wallpaper is not suitable for the ceiling, they do not get enough to them.
  • Sometimes the drawing can be dirty or stitched (it applies to poor-quality wallpaper).

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Important!!! When choosing Wallpaper-coloring, always interest not by the price category, and the quality and manufacturer will save nerves and health.

Wallpaper Coloring Wonderful option for the interior of residential premises . They are suitable in the nursery, bedroom, living room and kitchen. Active children are passionately paint such wallpaper, and parents save nerves. For creative people, wallpaper coloring is a good way of self-realization.

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper Coloring (1 video)

Wallpaper Coloring in the interior (8 photos)

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

Wallpaper Coloring: For what rooms are suitable?

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