Medical Doors: Product Requirements


Medical doors must comply with hygiene, security, practicality. Therefore, they are most often performed from plastic and metal.

Important parameters

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

It is no secret that most health facilities, including hospitals - hospitals, adoptive departments, first aid points - built even during the Soviet Union and require updates. Medical doors are one of the costs of the cost of re-equipment of the premises, to which sufficiently voluminous requirements are put forward. They concern not only technical characteristics, but also put forward specific criteria for strength.

Doors for medical institutions - this is a concept that is not limited to the entrances to the chambers, operating or office premises. In many cases, steel or wooden structures with special requirements are applied. For instance:

  • hospital elevators for transportation of lying patients;
  • Fire exits;
  • Entrances to the premises of increased danger, for example, laboratories with biological samples or valuable equipment.

In such cases, the use of doors for medical institutions should correspond, first of all, the conditions of application. That is, provide sufficient strength, the possibility of visual control, as well as the level of protection. Other requirements that these doors must correspond to the background, but do not disappear.


Medical Doors: Product Requirements

It should be remembered that the medical doors are constantly under load. It is difficult to submit a more intense mode of use. Visitors, multiple opening and closing, environmental impact, mechanical damage - all this harsh working conditions.

Therefore, for medical purposes, the use of frame structures with overlays, hollow inside are not used. Most often it is either a set of planets, or filled with cellular filler.

Key features that these products must have, look like this:

  • high strength of the canvas;
  • loops selected with the margin of sash mass and designed for long work;
  • It is not recommended to use coated accessories; Most often loops, brass knobs or stainless alloys;
  • For the safety of visitors and personnel, the use of glass for inserts is not welcomed. If it is necessary, reinforced materials are applied, high-strength transparent plastic or calene glass that does not form large fragments.

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Similar requirements for glass safety are presented for technical sash equipped with observation openings. In addition, often the requirement of the separation of reliability zones is put forward. For example, the use of complex mechanics latch-lock is not welcome. Separate blocks are installed. This is not necessarily, but it is desirable because it simplifies actions in case of breakdown.

Custom characteristics

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

Medical doors must obey some rules of the institution, as well as the requirements of sanitary and environmental safety. A brief list of exemplary requirements looks like this:

  • The coating and material must be certified by environmental safety, not making emissions of harmful substances or foreign odors;
  • The surface material is obliged to resist active chemicals well, without changing the appearance and not destroying;
  • Doors must have a coating that does not interact with household cleaning agents;
  • The surface of the sash must have sufficient strength to resist mechanical exposure, including shocks;
  • The coating should be well to resist abrasion, scratches;
  • Materials from which sash are made, box, should not absorb smells or various substances.

Such requirements are due not only to a huge number of hand touches, the presence of different smells, and sometimes potentially hazardous substances. Elements of the interior of medical institutions imply a mandatory wet cleaning several times a day, due to regulatoryly approved schedules for cleaning the premises of operating rooms, chambers.

Plastic products

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

Plastic for honey. institutions

It is difficult to meet modern medical doors made from classic materials such as wood. Also almost not used overlays from MDF or other, sufficiently fragile materials. Today, plastic is widely used, metal. It is very convenient, moreover, justified from the point of view of consumption of funds, compliance with the necessary requirements.

Plastic doors have become popular thanks to the following properties:

  • absolute moisture resistance, zero absorbability of liquids, smells;
  • Environmental security is confirmed by numerous certificates, research;
  • excellent insulation of sound due to the strength of the canvas, dense closure, the use of high-quality seals;
  • High stability of geometry, reliability of the loops, which eliminates the effects of temperature, humidity, increases the reliability of the mechanisms;
  • good ability to maintain heat, lack of drafts;
  • The surface, as well as the material, is neutral to almost all chemicals: PVC doors are perfectly toaling with simple household cleaning facilities and sufficiently caustic substances based on chlorine;
  • The zero reaction to radiation, in particular, the plastic surfaces from the chamber or the operating room will not change the appearance of many years even subject to the daily processing of the quartet of the room.

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The coating that is applied to modern medical doors from PVC profile has antibacterial properties. In the case of the use of laminated film coating, they have the same positive characteristics as plastic, and the technology used guarantees the perfect application.

Not the latter role plays the opportunity to give any shape from plastic sash, as well as using overhead elements of the decoration. Such designs are mounted much faster than wooden, the setting is more convenient, plus it is possible to adjust almost any setting parameters of the sash in the box.

Composite solutions

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

Although PVC doors are quite comfortable and practical, from the position of saving resources you can resort to the use of composite structures. This door canvas frame design on which plastic sheets are applied. This reduces the cost, increases user characteristics, not complicating installation. Such canvas are more familiar, besides, they can be mounted in already existing boxes.

Modern medical structures can boast not only excellent properties, but also a pleasant appearance.

Despite the underlined utility, focusing on durability, you can easily find products, pleasant in appearance. Moreover, they will be durable in the same way as simple smooth canvases. Also quite widely used glass inserts made of reinforced or calene glass, safe for people.

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

Medical Doors: Product Requirements

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Medical Doors: Product Requirements


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