Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double


Ordering materials, you need to know their parameters. Even such a well-known material, like a brick, has a large number of species and varieties. The good news is that its parameters are standardized. The standard brick size is defined, its quality characteristics.

Types of building bricks

The material brick is ceramic (clay, red) and silicate (white). By appointment - ordinary (construction) and finishing (facade). Private used for masonry walls, implies a subsequent finish, therefore a notch can be applied on the side edges (spoons) - so that the plaster is better to hold.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Brick species - ordinary and special

According to the method of molding, the brick is full and hollow (empty). Full-colored formulas from homogeneous composition. Use there, where mechanical strength is important - the foundations that carry walls.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Brick size and its qualitative characteristics are determined by GOST 530-2007

The hollow has a certain percentage of voids, due to which the weight of the structure decreases, the characteristics of thermal conductivity are improved. But the presence of emptiness significantly reduces sound insulation indicators - voids work as resonators. So it is necessary to use them with the mind.

Ceramic brick size

Ceramic brick - burnt parallelepipeds molded from clay. The quality is largely determined by the properly decorated firing parameters, as well as the composition of the clay solution. High-quality ceramic brick can be used for any construction operation: for the foundation device (full), erection of exterior walls and internal partitions.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Building brick has certain dimensions defined by standards. Most often used single brick size - 250 * 120 * 65 mm

The main disadvantage of this building material is some scatter of geometry. It is explained by the features of clay - it can be different "fatness", which is why it is difficult to accurately predict how much dimensions during drying / firing will decrease.

What to pay attention to when choosing

When choosing a red brick, you should pay attention to its color. It displays the quality of the part of the party with such a parameter as the brick size. It happens inaccurate or thinned. The second option in operation is not bad (it looks darker than usual), and the inexpensive brick (lighter and loose) is better not to use - it is very quickly falling apart.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Alone brick is quickly destroyed

The second moment to pay attention to - in the absence of extraneous inclusions. Most often there are bright dots and clay. Both leads to the rapid destruction of the brick. So we choose only the parties with a uniform color without any additives.

More quality criteria

  • For full-scale building bricks:
    • The chip and blissfulness of ribs and angles are allowed in the amount of no more than 2 pieces, no more than 1.5 cm long.
    • May be curvature of the faces of not more than 3 mm.
    • The spoon is allowed to have a crack in the width of bricks not more than 3 cm long.
  • For hollow ordinary:
    • No more than two chips on the angles of 1-1.5 cm deep, if they do not reach emptiness.
    • The presence of a crack in the entire thickness of bed is allowed. Moreover, they can reach the first void.
    • It may be in one crack on the bog and the spoonful side (on the side of the scenes).

      Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

      Brick can be ordinary or finishing

That is, the requirements for ordinary building brick are rather loyal. The presence of these defects on the quality of masonry does not affect, and the decorative component is unimportant, since the presence of finishes is assumed. Do not forget to check the size of the brick - in one batch there should be no more than 3 mm.

Requirements for finishing (facing) ceramic brick more tough. Invalid:

  • Squares of the edges of a depth of more than 1.5 cm.
  • There should be no cracks.
  • There should be no more than 3 mm wide on the ribs, more than 1.5 cm.

To comply with these requirements, the finishing brick is placed on pallets, the angles are protected by boards, knocked down an angle, wrapped with a film. In this form transport.


The optimal size of bricks from clay (red, ceramic) was defined historically. It has been produced for thousands of years, as a result, the perfect combination of lengths is worked out, which has been reflected in the standard. He is accepted only in the past century. There are three standard options:

  • single - 250 * 120 * 65 mm (in a cubic meter 513 pcs);
  • One-hour - 250 * 120 * 88 mm (in Cuba 379 pcs);
  • Double (ceramic stone) - 250 * 120 * 138 mm (in Cuba 55 pcs).

    Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

    The main dimensions of the red ceramic brick

Of the features - single brick is full, hollow. Overhead and double - only hollow, otherwise they are getting too heavy for comfortable work.

In addition to standard, there is a reduced brick. They produce it in Europe, but also to us he falls. Its parameters and international designation are reduced to the table.

MarkingBrick sizeConsumption
Df.240 * 115 * 52 mm64 pieces / m2
Rf240 * 115 * 65 mm54 pieces / m2
Nf.240 * 115 * 71 mm48 pieces / m2
WDF.210 * 100 * 65 mm59 pieces / m2
2DF.240 * 115 * 113 mm32 pcs / m2

What size is better

In the post-Soviet space, single brick is most often used. It is very familiar to our eye, a lot of laying schemes have been developed under it. To master the masonry of the brick, with your own hands it is from such a material.

One-time brick is used less often. He gives some economic benefit. First, the cubic meter is a little lower. Secondly, as fragments of masonry are larger, less solutions are consumed. Thirdly, work is faster. Time is saved due to larger size. But it is more difficult to work with a one-hour brick, even if the hollow - it is hard to keep in your hand. And the appearance of the wall is unusual.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Brick faces according to the standard are called bed, stick, spoons

Double brick is more often called ceramic building stone. When it is used, the most tangible effect is the speed of construction. In addition, the savings of the solution also increase. But with one hand to capture such a brick will not work. Therefore, it is better to work with the assistant. The appearance of the masonry leaves much to be desired, so the outer decoration is desirable.

If we talk about other countries, then in Europe the most running - NF and DF. Imported ceramic LF brick has almost the same proportions as domestic. Category DF - more subtle, the masonry looks elegant.

Dimensions of silicate bricks

Silicate brick is made of quartz sand (9 pieces) and lime (1 part), some quantity of additives. This building material has the best thermal conductivity characteristics (worse conducting heat), less weight. Technology is such that it is easier to withstand geometric dimensions, because there are no problems.

But it is not so tough as the red brick, besides the moisture is afraid - with long-term contact with moisture, it starts to crumble. Because of this, the main area of ​​use is for the construction of walls and partitions. Neither for the foundation, nor for the basement, nor for masonry of the chimney cannot be used.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Silicate brick can be color in this case it is used as a finishing material.

The second area of ​​use is as a finishing material. The basic composition has a white, slightly grayish color. You can add any dye to it and get colored brick.

The size of the construction silicate brick is the same as in ceramic: single has a height of 65 mm, one-and-a-half - 88 mm, double - 138 mm.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Silicate brick size coincides with standard ceramic

Single and one-hour silicate brick can be full and hollow. Single full-length weighs 3.6 kg, hollow - depending on the size of the voids of 1.8-2.2 kg. Full-time one-time has a mass of 4.9 kg, and hollow - 4.0-4.3 kg.

Dual silicate bricks usually make hollow. Its mass is 6.7 kg. Full-paced are rarely found - due to the large mass (7.7 kg) work with them hard.

Weight of one thing: ceramic, silicate, ordinary, facial

The weight of the brick is needed first, for calculating the foundation, this parameter is especially important when determining the parameters of the foundation of the ribbon type; secondly, for cargo transportation; And thirdly, to determine the quality and compliance with the requirements of GOST.

Brick typePurposeViewNominal sizesEmptinessWeightWater absorption
Ceramic GOST 530-2007Private (worker)Single, full-length250 * 120 * 650%3.3 - 3.6 kg10 -12%
Single, hollow (empty, slit)250 * 120 * 6530-32%2.5 - 3.0 kg (with voidness of 6% weight 3.8 kg)12 -17%
One-hour, full-length250 * 120 * 880%4 - 4.3 kg12 -17%
Overhead, hollow250 * 120 * 8830-32%3.5 kg (with voidness of 6% - 4.7 kg)12 -17%
Double, full-length250 * 120 * 1400%6.6 - 7.24 kg12 - 17%
Double, hollow250 * 120 * 14030-32%5.0 - 6.0 kg12-17%
facing (facial)Single, full-length250 * 120 * 650%2.6 kg9 - 14%
Single hollow250 * 120 * 6530-36%1.32 - 1.6 kg9 -1 4%
Empty250 * 120 * 8830-36%2.7 - 3.5 kg9 - 14%
Silicate GOST 379-95Private (worker)Single full-length250 * 120 * 650%3.7 - 3.8 kg (according to GOST)
Single hollow250 * 120 * 6515-31%3.1 - 3.3 kg
One-hour full-length250 * 120 * 880%4.2 - 5.0 kg
Empty250 * 120 * 8815-31%4.2 - 5 kg
Double hollow250 * 120 * 14015-31%5.3 - 5.4 kg
facing (facial)Single full-length250 * 120 * 650%3.5 - 3.9 kg
One-hour full-length250 * 120 * 880%3.7 - 4.3 kg
Empty250 * 120 * 8815-31%3.7 - 4.2 kg

In addition to the standard size brick there is a large amount of finishing lightweight brick. For example, there is a silicate one-time, which weighs only a little more than standard single - 4.1-5.0 kg.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

The weight of the standard brick is determined by Goste

There is a so-called "American" - with a standard single size and weight of only 2.5 kg. Light versions can be used to finish facades in the event of a lack of the bearing capacity of the foundation. Although it is better to use a lighter finish - facade plates, for example.

Parameters of chamotte brick

For the construction of furnaces, fireplaces in the contact zone with fire, a special fire-resistant brick is used. With its production, a special clay grade is used - shape. Therefore, such a brick is also called chamoten. The production process is the same as a construction red brick - molding, drying, firing in the furnace. But, due to the special properties of the shamot, the resulting building material calmly maintains long-term contact with open fire. There are two brands of refractory brick of general purpose - Sha and SB. Sha is withstanding the temperature to 1690 ° C, SB - up to 1650 ° C, all other parameters are identical. Therefore, the scope of application is the same - this is molding fireplaces and furnaces.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Some types of refractory bricks: dimensions can be different, but they are all standardized

The size of the refractory brick is encoded in a digit that stands after the abbreviation:

  • SB-5, Sha 5 - 230 * 114 * 65 mm;
  • SB-6, Sha 6, Sha 14 - 230 * 114 * 40 mm (Beshech);
  • SB-8, Sha 8 - 250 * 125 * 65 mm;
  • SB-9, Sha 9 - 300 * 150-65 mm;

Most often, sha 8 or SB 8 are used. They are in length and thickness coincide with ceramic red bricks, from which the rest of the furnace is placed. There is also a wedge-shaped refractory brick - to form firecards and smooth curves in the horizontal plane.

There are two types of wedge refractory bricks:

  • end - to form curves in the horizontal plane
    • Sha, SB 22 - 230 * 114 * 65/55 mm;
    • Sha, SB 23 - 230 * 114 * 65/45 mm;
    • Sha, SB 48 - 250 * 124 * 65/45 mm;

      Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

      Types of wedge chamotte brick: edge and end wedge

  • edge for the formation of arches
    • Sha, SB 44 - 230 * 114 * 65/55 mm;
    • Sha, SB 45 - 230 * 114 * 65/45 mm;
    • Sha, SB 49 - 230 * 114 * 96/65 mm;
    • Sha, SB 50 - 230 * 114 * 76/65 mm;
    • Sha, SB 51 - 230 * 114 * 56/65 mm;
    • Sha, SB 52 - 345 * 150 * 125/75 mm;
    • Sha, SB 53 - 345 * 150 * 90/75 mm;
    • Sha, SB 54 - 345 * 150 * 80/75 mm;

This is not all sizes and types of chamotte brick. More will be found in GOST 8691-73.

Clinker brick

Clinker brick is another special kind of ceramic brick. With its manufacture, a special clay grade is used - refractory shale. The molded blocks are burned at a very high temperature - 1200 ° C. As a result of this processing, clay acquires the properties of ceramics, color - from dark red, to a saturated brown.

Clinker brick has very high strength, abrasion resistance. From it you can face the road, finish the porch. And they will serve centuries. The surface of the clinker is flat, smooth, brilliant. Which allows it to apply it as a finishing brick - for finishing the facades, pillars, etc.

Dimensions and brick weight - single, one-time, double

Types and size of clinker bricks of one of the firms

The shape and size of the clinker brick can be the most different - there are a lot of them, as there are not only standard - in the form of a parallelepiped, but also with beveled at different angles, rounded edges.

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