Septic Tver: Description, Disadvantages, Negative Reviews


Septic Tver: Description, Disadvantages, Negative Reviews

To equip the sewage system on its country site today is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to purchase a convenient and functional model of the septica in a specialized store. This modern equipment will effectively clean the drains, and it will not create noise and smells. Septics are quite compact and do not require complex maintenance. You can stop your choice on a modern Cleaner Station Tver.

This comfortable and reliable installation is quite popular among consumers. However, before the acquisition of rather non-sophisticated equipment, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages, as well as study positive and negative feedback left by the owners of the Septic Tver.

CLEANING INSTALLATION Tver - characteristics and principle of operation

Externally, a septic tank is a bulk container that is in divided into several compartments. The casing of the sump is made of plastic, so it has a very small weight.

Constructively septic tver has several cameras:

  1. Septic Tver: Description, Disadvantages, Negative Reviews

    Septic camera or primary sump is designed for the initial cleansing of wastewater. In it, solid particles fall into the precipitate, soften and come in the following cameras over time.

  2. In the chamber - bioreactor The solid fractions first destroy mechanically, and then their anaerobic processing is carried out.

  3. Aerotenk or Aeration Camera Designed to saturate the fluid received by oxygen. As a result, microorganisms begin to activate their actions.

  4. In secondary sump Installed fine cleaning filter.

  5. Aerotenk second steps Designed to purify mass from the organic.

  6. In second sump Of the received water, solid suspension is finally removed, and the liquid is disinfected by chlorination.

Such a system is capable of practically completely cleaning wastewater. The whole process occurs inside the station, so it is not required to install additional soil filtering.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive characteristics of Septykov Tver is larger than negative. Their advantages include:

  1. The device works through the overflow system That allows you to use it some time after turning off the electricity.
  2. The possibility of the location of the compressor in the warm room . This eliminates the damage of the device during an emergency and increases the service life of the compressor.
  3. Septic Tver: Description, Disadvantages, Negative Reviews

    No in the design of narrow hoses And the nozzles practically eliminates the occurrence of blockages.

  4. No need for additional construction Filter fields or filtration wells, as the entire cycle of cleaning stocks passes inside the septic.
  5. Waste pumping from the system can be made no more than once a year . This is due to the fact that the mass is processed so well that the insoluble sediment is practically not formed.
  6. SEPTIC SEPTIC SPECTIVE SPECIAL SPECIAL Therefore, even with a volley discharge of water, the equipment will not fail.
  7. The system uses a combined cleaning method Therefore, it can be used and with non-permanent accommodation in the house.
  8. During operation of Septica Tver, there is no need to recumbrate biological drugs . Manufacturers took care of this by making the download that is successfully restored during operation.
  9. Using the system, very toxic phosphorus-containing connections are successfully removed. . To do this, it is necessary to download limestone crushed stone into the bioactivator, which will saturate the mass of calcium and magnesium ions. They are able to effectively link phosphates and translate them into insoluble, resolved connections.

In addition, the equipment is equipped with wide hatches, which are convenient to use when cleaning it. At the same time, the surplus can be pulled out not only with the help of services of the assessing agents, but also by the γos or drainage pump.

There are practically no obvious disadvantages of septic tver. By cons of this cleansing system include:

  1. Septic Tver: Description, Disadvantages, Negative Reviews

    Energy dependency . But this is the main disadvantage of all such septicists. Electricity is necessary for the operation of the compressor, which serves air in the aerotanks. As a result, the cleaning process passes as high quality.

  2. Quite high cost . However, this deficiency is compensated by cost savings that will not need to spend on a drainage well required when installing other cleansing systems.

  3. Small weight The devices may be its disadvantage when raising the level of soil water, as light equipment can pop up. Therefore, when it is installed, anchorage is used.

  4. Septica housing has Thin walls which in serious loads can progress. But, made of leaf polypropylene, the design of the crap or collapsed is not capable, since this material is very elastic.

Installation and maintenance Septic Tver

Septic Tver: Description, Disadvantages, Negative Reviews

To install the cleaning system, you can invite specialists or do it yourself.

It is very important to choose the right place for the location of the equipment and dug the corresponding cutlery sizes. In this case, the size of the trench should be made by thirty centimeters more installation sizes.

The bottom of the dumped pit is covered with cement-sandy solution, septic tank is installed and fixed. After that, sewer pipes and power supply are connected.

When everything is installed and connected, Septic tank will need to additionally fall asleep cement and sand mixture Simultaneously pouring it with water. This will protect the station from possible damage.

By installing the septic, it is necessary to clearly follow all instructions and take into account the features of the site. Therefore, the installation of such equipment is better to entrust professionals that will give a guarantee for their work.

Service Tips

Septic, like any other device, needs regular maintenance. For its good continuous operation, it is required:

  • Septic Tver: Description, Disadvantages, Negative Reviews

    Periodically check the operation of compressors that are responsible for the quality of stocks;

  • Delete accumulated sediment annually.

When operating the station, it is prohibited:

  • Child pampers, rubber and plastic products, polyethylene packages, various construction garbage and others, not decomposed under the influence of bacteria;
  • Pour paint materials, solvent, gasoline and other caustic and toxic liquids into the system.

In compliance with all these requirements, Septic Tver will provide the sewer system with the highest possible level of wastewater treatment and will work effectively for many years.

Tver Septic Reviews

If you read and analyze all the feedback on this cleaning station, you can understand that the owners in most cases are satisfied with the acquired installation. There are almost no negative reviews and complaints about the operation and efficiency of cleaning with the use of septica.

Bought Septic Tver year ago. During this time, no problems arose. Its cleansing system does not create problems, works well and does not require attention. We constantly use the system of sewage system 5 people. The pumping was done only once. When installing, an error was made, which led to the fact that the device surfaced in a sudden lift of groundwater. Montage had to redo and thoroughly fix the base. And so in general, the septic tank is good. I think that such convenience and quality stands money paid for it.

Tatyana, Novgorod

We did not have enough money to install sewage, therefore I bought a septic tver 1.5 PM one for two with neighbors in the site. It works great, the water is clean, there is no smell. At the same time, we have not been installed any additional filters. Once we have turned off the electricity, the equipment worked fine, with cleaning coped. True, at the same time we did not risen once again to use it.

Ilya, St. Petersburg

Such sewer, like Septic Tver, has been using almost two years. With the cleansing of contaminated waters, it copes just wonderful! There is no smell from it, with soapy water he copes perfectly. The main thing is not to flush the chlorine into the system and different harmful corrosive chemicals. When the light is disconnected, the device is once again not loading work, although it is said that water can not be saved during the day. I believe that for permanent residence such a cleaning system is an excellent option. And the price corresponds to comfort.

Mikhail, Tomsk

Choosing a cleaning station, we chose Tver Septic because, according to reviews, it fully cleans the stock and do not need to build an additional field for filtering. It is very profitable for those who have heavy soils on the site or highly located aquifer. After the acquisition pleased with the fact that the compressor stands in the house where heat and dry. Surely it will prolong its service life.

Evgeny, Kaliningrad

I can share the experience of using Tver equipment, which is installed on my country house. His positive point is that the overflowing hoses of the system have a big clearance, so if they even fall into a foreign object, the sewage will not clog. In addition, it pleases that the cleaning device can work without electricity, which we are infrequently, but disconnected. To a negative point, I can relate an unpleasant stall that sometimes appears. Not always, but sometimes from the septica begins unpleasantly smashing.

Natalia, Omsk

I want to install a septicch in the summer while I chose to Tver, but there are doubts. First, we live in the country only in the summer, the house does not warm the house. By logic, without filing warm water and without warm air, the installation will simply freeze. Secondly, the compressor must be installed in the house. In my case it will be a bathroom. The house is small, so it seems to me that it will be heard in all rooms.

Ilya, Krasnoyarsk

I liked the simplicity of the installation of the septica Tver. It seems to me that the mechanism without any "frills" will work reliable and longer. But when installing, the characteristic of the soil should be taken into account on the site. We have a lot of temperature in the soil in the soil, so I chose a setup with a metal case. It works for the third year, everything is fine. True, I immediately want to say that specialists installed equipment. He himself did not dare, as it was necessary to take into account many nuances. It was still afraid that this is our, the Russian product, and, it means, will work for a long time. However, everything is fine, I am satisfied.

Valery Pavlovich, Voronezh region

Recently moved to live in a private house. Our family consists of three people, so they installed the septic tank of the smallest volume. It is satisfied with his work, the water is clean. The wife uses water after cleaning as a fertilizer and watering the lawns. Once our little child threw a rubber glove in the toilet and washed her away. It is good that we noticed it immediately and called the wizard. He said that the reset of such waste often leads to a breakdown of equipment. Therefore, now for what goes to the drain, we watched carefully.

Anatoly, Moscow

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