Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?


Competent selection of the color base serves as an important condition for the arrangement of a cozy worker or residential space. Compact premises need to attract additional air and sun rays, while the spacious rooms need to be visually warmer and more comfortable.

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

How to distract attention from a low ceiling?

Attraction of a contrasting color palette allows you to create a catchy and trendy interior. Combining a rich-dark theme with a refreshing bright contributes to visual correction of flaws.

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

If the ceiling is low, designers recommend decorating the walls in the dark thick gamma, in particular, the wallpaper is suitable with a vertical pattern of drawing. It is better to abandon the eaves or choose a thin ceiling variation that coincides with the walls with the walls. Compliance with verticals and smooth saturated gamma visually pull the walls, it seems that the ceiling is craying. Let the floor be dark, the deep space is formed.

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

Tip! In the case of a narrow room, the same tricks are used, but one of the walls are decorated with a light accent so that the space looks not so elongated. If a window is present on a far wall, it is complemented by light curtains long to the floor - so the room seems higher.

Universal Combination: Dark Horizontal, Bright Vertical

This technique can be relevant for rooms with any ceiling height, if the unity of dark or bright gamma and contrast with respect to the adjacent planes will be withstanding. Here you need to remember that the cold base will distinguish the surface, and warm - bring closer.

To reduce the height of the ceiling, it and the floor can be made in dark colors. If the ceiling is low and want to use a suspension design, two levels need to decorate with the exact calculation. The base plane in this case is covered with paint and varnish materials in a dark cold palette, while the second level, which is essentially suspended, is performed in light gamma. The dark floor is able to balance such a combination, and the bright wall decoration visually will expand the room.

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Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

Creating a refreshing gradient

Living rooms, bedrooms and dining rooms, decorated in different colors of a single satellite palette, seem calm and harmonious . Such a combination will appreciate the fans of the measured lifeguard, here all positive aspects of the classics are manifested here, especially if you withstand outdoor finishes in the gamma of bitter chocolate, ideally underlining cocoa's shade on the walls and tenderness of the ceiling cream palette.

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

It is the smooth transition from light to the dark forms the impression of peace and relaxation of the interior as a whole. Such design techniques helps to achieve a balance among functional objects and correctly distribute attention between vertical and horizontal planes.

The reduced chocolate selection is advisable to dilute with milk-white, black, saturated-brown accents in the form of platbands, baguettes, curtains, plinths, door finish by selecting 1-2 logical points in accordance with the tasks solved. When searching for smaller, textiles and furniture, you need to stick to the heat saturation of the walls, ceiling, floor.

Important! If you want to collect a dark wooden flooring in a low ceiling compact room, it is worth using a light transparent gamut when choosing a curtain, finishing for the ceiling and walls. In this case, the plinth and platbands must certainly be blond.

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?
In the interiors with decoration in a saturated deep spectrum, light furnishings in a tandem with bright accessories are perfectly fits perfectly. Compact rooms such a reception "gives" the missing volume and air. If you want to visually push the walls, it is worth installing the functional elements across the functional elements, for example, a bed and a rug in front of it.

How to combine the color of the ceiling, walls and floor (1 video)

How to combine gender, walls and ceiling (6 photos)

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

Paul, walls, ceiling: how to combine them with each other?

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