Shawl "Holden": Scheme and Description with photos and video for work with knitting needles


Shawl "Holden", connected from the fantasy yarn of sectional dyeing - this is the most thing that will easily become a classic object of the Ladder Wardrobe: warm, cozy and at the same time practical and elegant. This is a good gift to those who would like to express love and care. A monophonic model can be decorated with beads. Today we will tell you how to create shawl "Holden", the scheme and description are attached to a deeper study of the topic.



Used knitting techniques used

To perform shawls, "Holden" need knitting needles on the fishing line No. 4 and 1-2 yarn yarn 300-400 m / 100 g (depends on the density of the knitted web), also need a dynamic needle. The dimensions of the finished model - 137x64 cm. Product density: eighteen loops in width and thirty rows in length make up a square ten to a decrease.

"Holden" - a triangular shawl, running from the middle of the long side down. The main part is made with a fever, gradually replacing on the openwork drawing and the ending pico.

Video Processing 2 loops with a slope left:

Set of hinges open loops:

Closing Pico loops:

Knitting scheme:

Legend: Persons - Facial, Ozn - Announced, 2 VM. Persons. prot. - Two together facial stretching, 2 VM. Persons - two together facial.

Work description

A set of open loops dial 3 loops on the knitting needles. Slit 6 rows of boiled viscous. After a stayed row, not to deploy work, keep face to yourself. Rotate knitting clockwise at 900. Cook and penetrate from the edge loops of the edge of the cloth of three loops. Rotate the knitting 900 clockwise again, picked up and penetrate the front of the set of the edge. On the spoke of 9 loops. Rotate work and start knitting. Start knitting follows the scheme. Tie a circuit 2 times, once to link the scheme from the beginning to the sixth row. Moreover, odd rows are read on it, as usual, to the right left, even - on the contrary. On a schematic figure, only half of the triangle is presented.

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Neither the edge 3 loops at the beginning and at the end of the row nor the middle loop in the scheme are not specified. It is necessary to knit in this way: first (edge) the first 3 loops of each row, then peck a number, as indicated in the scheme, behind it is a middle loop, then again a row as in the diagram and again three edge loops. When changing the fever on an openwork mating, the rapport needs to be repeated three times, then performing additions, note that each time the cloth will be fully tied to one rapport. Completion of knitting: to plunge two rows of boilers, all loops in both rows should be facial. Close loops by pico. Cut the thread, hide the tail. Block shawl.

Master class for those who do not know how to read the scheme:


If something did not understand, at the end of the article, a video is offered, where it is clearly explained.

Video on the topic

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