10 rules order in the house


To keep the apartment in the sample order is not easy. On weekdays, the time eats the work, and at the weekend you want not to get out of bed. In the article, we will tell about the ten rules for storing things and the organization of residential spaces that will facilitate the guidance of order in the house.

10 rules order in the house

Make a constant "parking place"

The advice sounds trite, but in practical experience, he truly saves time. For example, having spent a couple of minutes after the arrival home to hang the keys to a special hook, and the smartphone is removed on the shelf, where it will become charged, in the morning you do not have to spend time in search.

10 rules order in the house

On a note. If the child remembers the shelf, where to fold toys and in which basket can take a clean towel, it will be much easier for him to master the skills of tidy and self-service.

10 rules order in the house

Get rid of "dust collectors"

Small baubles, key chains, free figures from stocks in stores ... They accumulate, and throw away often not enough strength. P The dust of the deliverance from unnecessary things the surface of the furniture can easily be wiped from dust, and significant, memorabilia will begin to attract a look.

10 rules order in the house

We share the house on the zone

A place with a work desk, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen area ... With a clear distinction of a dream room and a place for a hobby, the guidance of order will turn out of a heavy routine in the case of a couple of minutes. For example, paints for the hobby are easy to remove on the shelf above the desktop, and not carry into another room.

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10 rules order in the house

We clean away unnecessary clothes

After the end of the winter or summer season, remove seasonal things in special boxes and put, for example, on the top shelf of the cabinet. Thanks to this, you do not have to convolcely look for an autumn coat among the winter jackets.

10 rules order in the house

Organize space in the bathroom

Bathroom is an important part of the house. In the evenings, when you want to take a warm shower after a hard working day and go to bed, to keep the order in the bathroom is especially unpleasant. To get rid of yourself from such situations, use the Secrets of the order:

  1. Put on the sink of the soap, a cup for a toothbrush and pasta. The rest is removed.
  2. Cream, gels for the shower and shampoos post in a special locker. So the sensation of disorder will disappear from the bathroom.

10 rules order in the house

My dishes immediately after eating

Thanks to this, Lifehaku will be able to defeat one of the most unpleasant rutin. Coffee drank - immediately washed the mug. It will take a minute, and the good mood will continue for the whole day.

10 rules order in the house

We try to place things so that they are comfortable not to get it, but return to the place

An important rule. Before picking up for a new thing "Parking Place", think, whether it will be easily removed in place. For example, to remove the casket with balls for knitting, which often use is not the best undertaking. The likelihood is great that the box will lie on the desktop.

Get rid of old correspondence

It includes advertising booklets, outdated issues of favorite magazines and old notebooks. Important information can always be scanned and translate into digital format.

10 rules order in the house

We introduce a quantity "quarter of an hour"

Have spent fifteen minutes for urgent homework? Relivered yourself from the weekly weekly cleaning at the weekend. Fold clothes, arrange gently furniture, wipe dust - the next day it will pay off.

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10 rules order in the house

Let's refuel

With a superficial view, the rule seems nonsense. But in fact, the type of the filled bed, with the accuracy of the beloved plaid, increases the performance and tones the nervous system. Together with the filled bed, it will want to bring beauty throughout the bedroom and make it so that it is truly cozy.

10 rules order in the house

These habits will help keep the order in the house always and get rid of eternal cleaning! (1 video)

Important rules for order in the house (11 photos)

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

10 rules order in the house

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