Summer in a jar. Billets for the winter. Recipes


Summer in a jar. Billets for the winter. Recipes

It is time for the billets for the winter. I want to offer you my cucumber salts recipe , Tomatoes and recipe assorted.

Good day!

You will laugh, but when I got married, I didn't know how to sore tomatoes and cucumbers!

Summer in a jar. Billets for the winter. Recipes

The husband's family had a cottage and these vegetables were grown in very large quantities. My mother-in-law, all his life worked as a cook, knew many recipes of sings of cucumbers and tomatoes. She told that for his life, the most diverse methods of blanks for the winter were trying, the recipes of canning cucumbers and tomatoes and salty, and pickled, and with sugar, and without sugar, and in their own juice, and others. But in the end, he stopped on recipes that like most likely to taste. Here I started with them my knowledge and experiments with billets for the winter.

And now, in the same way, having tried different options, I use the following recipes for winter blanks:

Billets for the winter. Recipes

Recipe Soldering Cucumbers

We will need small cucumbers preferably the same size, but I use different: just cut the big cucumbers on the part.

My cucumbers and fill with cold water for several hours.

Meanwhile, mine with soda and styrilion cans, boiling covers.

Preparing greens : Chrena leaves, cherries, currant, umbrellas of dill, under running water and crumble with a knife. But, by mood and desire, I use the whole leaves.

Then the cucumbers cut the top and bottom: so they are better soaked with brine.

In the banks lay on the bottom of the sliced ​​greenery, garlic cloves, several black pepper peas, cucumbers, from above again greens. (If you use unaffected leaves, then put them on the bottom of the banks).

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I still have to put a couple of tomatoes. I do not know what the reason here is, but when I read that saline cucumbers would never be lounted and did not explode. Now always do it.

I fill the cucumbers with boiling water and let it stand so for some time (Mr. Z0).

Water from cans merge, boiling, pour cucumbers again.

I drag the second time and do brine : on 3 liters of water - 6 spoons of salt and 5 spoons of sugar without a slide.

Carefully pour the cucumbers with boiling brine, I add 1 teaspoon of acetic essence on a 3-liter can.

I close the covers and rush them with the help of a twisted machine.

Banks turn upside down, covering towels, so that the brine is slower than cooled.

This is what my favorite Recipe Soldering Cucumbers . I shared with him already with all families and they are now so sinful cucumbers. They are obtained by crispy and o-o-chen delicious!

Summer in a jar. Billets for the winter. Recipes

They can be in winter and there with potatoes there, and the Salad Olivier do, and the soup brideller cook.

Pickup recipe tomatoes

Tomatoes, too, salt on the winter in brine with the addition of sugar: 1 liter of water 1 spoon salt and 4 spoons of sugar.

I do not put the greens, but only garlic and fragrant black polka dots.

Tomatoes can be poured with a brine in one app. Try to pickle tomatoes on this recipe, you will love you very much! Yes, and vinegar pour do not forget! (As much as when sickling cucumbers).

Recipe for assorted vegetables

Home billets for the winter I do the most different. I love assorted vegetables. Different vegetables in one bank enrich and complement each other's taste, they are so unusually delicious! If a jar with open cucumbers can stand untouched with me for a long time, well, well, we are not a lot of salted lovers, then in assorted all the vegetables are eaten almost immediately.

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Assorted for salts will be suitable for any vegetables that grow in this season: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, bell pepper, white cabbage, colored cabbage, carrots and others. Especially with cauliflower assorted I like.

You can also add greens and spices for taste and beauty.

Greens and vegetables wash, carrots and peppers clean, cut the cabbage to pieces.

In banks put spices, greens, vegetables, pour boiling water, give to stand 20 minutes. Then drain the water, add to 1.5 liters of water 4 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of salt, 1/2 cup 9% vinegar, boil and pour into pieces of vegetables, roll.

Further as usual: turn the jar of the neck down and hide.

These are my most favorite recipes.

Salted vegetables in a jar in winter will remind you summer !

Try to make blanks for the winter on my recipes, I hope you will enlist you!

I suggest trying to try and my favorite Bens's beloved Bens from Zabachkov and ILO with carrots, which I just adore!

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