Service and maintenance of boilers


Service and maintenance of boilers

Maintenance, like service maintenance of boilers, is a set of special events that are aimed primarily for identifying and eliminating a variety of shortcomings in the work.

Service and maintenance of boilers

General scheme for connecting a gas boiler for water supply.

The boiler maintenance is made solely after the installation of the heating system, as well as commissioning works.

In the event that a person does not neglect and regularly produces service, its material losses can be minimized that, of course, is a certain plus for everyone. It is also necessary to mention that some people may incorrectly understand what is the maintenance of the boiler - in its essence it is the process of preventing possible malfunctions in its work, but no repair work, although if necessary, after conducting preventive work (maintenance ), Repair work may be required if some malfunctions are identified.

In addition, it is also necessary to mention the timing of technical and service. It is best to do it every 6 months. Of course, the boiler can work even longer than half a year, but if the work of this kind will not be made on time, then you will have to either look for a replacement to the boiler, or repair it.

Thus, the timely service of the boiler will help, firstly, save money on the repair or replacement of the boiler, and, accordingly, the time for his searches. Secondly, timely service gives a guarantee that the equipment used will not fail at the most inopportune moment. And finally, thirdly, the service allows you to identify and eliminate the possible malfunction, which will also save money.


Service and maintenance of boilers

Installation scheme of the gas boiler.

Maintenance of such aggregates implies under it work on cleaning the boiler from the heat chamber, as well as cleaning the burner from soot and other "processes of vital activity" of the boiler. In addition, during maintenance, the pressure is made in the heating and DHW tanks and then when it is less necessary, the swap is performed. In addition, filters and mud is cleaned, and besides the faulty parts of the air vent. After all these procedures are made, the next step is to check the operating parameters of the burner, all connections are checked so that you can avoid leakage in time and, if necessary, replace them; Checked and adjusts boiler automation. It is also necessary to mention that some companies that are able to conduct similar service operations make it exclusively for a single boiler, therefore, if you wish to conduct similar work from the whole boiler room, then you need to look for such companies that are able to take Working such.

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Now it is necessary to proceed directly to the consideration of the service. Of course, the list of work on technical and service of boilers can vary depending on the company that you eventually choose. Consider the approximate list of work on the service and maintenance of the boiler room as a whole.

Maintenance of boilers

Service and maintenance of boilers

Mounting scheme of a gas wall boiler.

First of all, a visual inspection of all equipment, which is located directly in the boiler room. In addition, it can be inspected by that equipment that will be spelled out in the relevant contract. Visual inspection allows you to make a common picture of the state of the boiler room - whether there are any leaks of the heat carrier or gas leakage.

The next step is to check the status of expansion tanks. This stage is one of the most significant in the process of service, as they are the necessary part of the heating system, which protect the heat carrier pressure from jumps. In addition, the expansion tanks are checked, security devices such as safety valve, overheating protection thermostat and other security systems are checked. Of course, if the boiler room will produce work with non-working safety devices, such a negligent treatment of the system as a whole can be fraught with deposits, which means that the operation of such a boiler is prohibited. Then, after checking security elements, the performance of circulating pumps, valves, etc. is checked.

After checking all these systems, some details are replaced, which came out of operation to spare, namely: nozzles, fuel filters, etc. Then the power supply, ventilation, revision of the chimney - is checked by everything that directly affects the safety and efficiency of the heating system. .

Thus, it turns out that when servicing boilers, the state of the internal surfaces of the boiler is being checked, configuring automatic control systems, checking the technical condition and the correctness of the entire boiler in general.

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Operations for maintenance

Service and maintenance of boilers

Schema of a solid fuel boiler in the context.

Cleansing and adjusting the diesel burner includes procedures for removing the sleeve, washing the electrodes that perform a voltage and the swirl, in addition to the nozzles, which must be removed and fully disassembled. If any problems are detected, such as, for example, a scored filter or a nozzle generation as such, then they are subject to mandatory replacement. Photo cell is cleaned and the fan is inspected, and then the intake chamber. In case of detection of any problems, they are also cleaned. An important thing throughout this process is to clean the fuel pump filter, as well as washing or replacing the fuel filter to a new one (sometimes before cleaning the filter, it is necessary to disassemble - it all depends directly from the pump design used). Then the burner is going, while it is necessary to clearly comply with all the gaps. The last step is to adjust the operation of the diesel burner along the gas analyzer. This is done in order to control fuel combustion.

It is worth noting such a nuance that when checking the parameters of diesel burner, they must comply with certain standards, for example, oxygen should be equal to 4 to 5%, and carbon dioxide from 11.5 to 12.5%.

It is necessary to clarify the presence of another important nuance, which concerns the timing of work related to the service of boilers. The service life depends on the fuel used. Gas floor and mounted boilers in this case provide for the passage of service 2 times a year, as well as diesel. Coppers working in exhaust oil must undergo service 4 times a year. In the event that the deadlines for servicing boilers will not be disturbed, then you can not worry about the safety of the aggregate itself and safety as a whole.

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Contract with company

By entering into a contract with any company that provides similar services on service and maintenance of boilers, you automatically get a systematic, regular system maintenance, and besides the right to diagnose according to the graph specified in the contract. Of course, thanks to the concluded contract, you get a guarantee that any malfunction found during the inspection will be timely and "painlessly" removed. In addition, the contract will allow you to repair if necessary outside the service schedule. A contract with a company that is capable of providing services of this kind is simply necessary, as it is practically impossible to produce service and maintenance.

Thus, the technical and service of heating boilers is a necessity from which it is impossible to refuse. Such a negligence relationship can lead to the most detrimental consequences, not counting the material costs that are also important.

Thus, timely service is the right investment that will not only retain the integrity and performance of the entire system, but also will save money on the replacement of boilers and details that come out of operation, and in addition, will be able to guarantee uninterrupted operation of the aggregates.

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