How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?


Did you notice that the starry sky projector bursts well? Do you think the advertisement is to blame? Perhaps this is a certain proportion of truth, but only this is not the main reason. The fact is that a person is characteristic of dreaming, looking at the fire or on the starry sky. Here are the manufacturers of the projector on the thousand-year instinct of mankind.

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

The luminous ceiling will become excellent elements of the decor of your bedroom.

But there is an alternative to the projector - a luminous ceiling. In the dark it looks simply amazing. Children from him are delighted, and adult people relax, looking at him.

The cost of the glowing ceiling, species and its installation

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Scheme of attachment of the tension ceilings with a harpoon specialties.

Thus, glowing ceilings appeared on the building materials market, and their variety is very large. One thing is only not quite happy - the price of such a ceiling is not affordable to the ordinary person. Yes, and the installation will cost it expensive: because the independent installation will deprive you guarantees, then to trust this work will have to specialists.

Any man at the same time thinks: why not make a luminous ceiling personally? But first it is required to understand the device of such ceilings, their advantages and features of working with component materials. It is possible to divide all the luminous ceilings into several basic groups: ceilings emitting light; Ceilings reflecting light radiation, and ceilings that do not have lighting elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceilings without lighting elements

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Installation of fabric stretch ceilings.

The last type of ceilings is the most primitive and affordable. In this case, it does not have to work with electrical appliances or cables, since all the light from the ceiling is emitted by elements containing fluorescent paints. For example, it may be the painting of the ceiling by the paints mentioned. They are able to "glow" with the slightest hit on them the light beam. It is enough to highlight the night street, as the reflected light necessarily falls on the paint and they will instantly start glowing.

Skeptics grin, reading these lines. But you, because you know that absolute darkness does not exist, therefore a small ceiling glow will be constant. But the light-changing lights will allow paints to compare for full force. We also take into account the fact that when the angle of falling the light beam is changed, the degree of glow will change on the paint. And this is a very substantial plus ceiling, as it will not bother you with his monotony.

Almost the disadvantage: colors are not always bright (the quality of the paints is not always high), and this paint is resting relative to long. The main advantage is the exclusivity of such a ceiling, since it is possible to write it at its discretion. And it is not necessary to enjoy artistic abilities for this. It is enough to have in stock the mentioned paints, brushes of different sizes and primer for the ceiling.

The procedure for applying luminous paints

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Scheme of stretch ceiling Starry sky with fiber.

First we clean the surface from dust and apply a small layer of primer on it. Round primer allows you to apply the drawing. The star can be drawn simply: do the brush in the paint, remove the excess paint about the edge of the tank and perpendicular to the brush to the ceiling. The bristles must disperse on the sides and form small races on the surface. Stars make in brushes of different sizes (then the stars will be different) and use paint different colors for this. Well, and the comets draw in the same way, but at the end stage we shift the brush on the arc. To create such a ceiling with your own hands, only the ability to draw the moon will be required. But even a person will cope with this work, never holding a brush in his hands.

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Glowing ceiling with stickers

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

The scheme of organizing the lighting of suspended plasterboard ceilings.

The modern market is very saturated with glowing stickers that can be successfully used if you want to create a ceiling with your own hands in the children's room. These elements are glued simply, it is quite inexpensive, it is also very simple to change their position. And they are "charged" from any light source, even from the usual light bulb. One hour of light consumption is equal to the above-mentioned elements with two and three o'clock permanent soft glow.

They emit them most often rays of light-grade color, but if desired, it is possible to significantly expand the spectrum, since other color solutions appear increasingly. One lack still is - a loose fit to the surface of the ceiling. Whether something is wrong with the adhesive basis, whether the ceiling requires pretreatment. Exit from this position is simple - use double-sided adhesion. First, the piece of scotch is glued to the sticker, and then the element is tightly pressed against the clean surface of the ceiling. We remind you that when gluing all items in the room there should be a normal humidity, otherwise the scotch will not be firmly held the glowing figures. At first glance, nothing terrible, if one (or several) elements will be dismiss. But if this happens at night and the fall will have to the area of ​​the person of a person, then instead of the soothing effect of the ceiling you will receive additional sleepless nights. There are no problems otherwise. Is that during the daytime such a ceiling looks rustic.

Luminous ceiling wallpaper

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Scheme of plating wallpapers on the ceiling.

You can not forget about special ceiling wallpaper. They are also produced different species and may contain retroreflective elements, fluorescent paints. "Work" such wallpaper is the same as previously described. It is not possible to glue their ceiling to the ceiling, you can not be afraid of the falling elements. More refined look at the ceiling wallpaper, which appeared on the finishing materials market quite recently.

The process of their manufacturers is kept by manufacturers in the secret, but describe them simply: the simplest silver threads formed in the form of certain drawings are included in the wallpaper. These threads in the dark begin to make a slight glow. Adjusting this glow can be remotely.

Make a ceiling with your own hands using such wallpapers is very simple, it is enough to glue them according to the instructions for a smooth and projected surface of the ceiling. The disadvantages of such a ceiling, oddly enough, exists most: it is expensive, the drawing can be very quickly bored, as it is not able to change from certain conditions. But most of all scares the fact that the technology of wallpaper production is not disclosed - it is not necessary to be in their composition. And if excessive humidity appears in your apartment (and it is impossible to exclude it)? What then will be with expensive wallpaper on the ceiling?

It is impossible to consider these lines of the anti-wave goods, rather they expressed the unknown principle of work. But if you want to make a ceiling with your own hands precisely using wallpaper with silver threads, then you need to ask more detail by their composition and principle of work in distributors (trading firms). They must provide product information and have a corresponding quality certificate for these goods.

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Multi-level plasterboard ceiling with spotlight

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Types of point lamps: incandescent lamps, halogen lamp.

The ceilings that have their sources of lighting are more reliable and beautiful. The simplest of them can be considered multi-level plasterboard ceilings in which point lighting lights with a horizontal arrangement in a depth of a certain level (or several levels) are mounted. The illusion of the starry sky they will not create, but in the daytime they will look as a real work of art.

Such a tendency in the design of the home interior has already existed for several decades ago and remains relevant until this time. We can safely attribute to the disadvantages of such ceilings, only the need to wipe the place of installation of the lighting elements often (dust is always accumulated next to them).

Stretch ceiling with backlit

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Ceiling circuit with backlit.

Stretch ceilings with backlit can be safely considered to be leaders among all luminous ceilings - a beautiful view at any time of day, various modes of glow and a wide color palette make them so popular. We add here the ability to adjust the glow, which is also an additional advantage. Make such a ceiling with your own hands is not difficult. You have enough to have:

  • film for the stretch ceiling (matte, with transparency about 50%);
  • Accessories for stretch ceiling;
  • transformer (220/12 V);
  • wiring;
  • screwdriver;
  • aluminum tape;
  • lighting elements;
  • stepladder;
  • isolent;
  • indicator;
  • construction hairdryer;
  • building level.

Making a stretch ceiling with their own hands begins with marking. First you need to place a horizontal line throughout the perimeter. Upon this line to consolidate all the panels for the ceiling. But this is all much later, as it is now necessary to mount highlighting high quality. For this purpose, cut the aluminum ribbon on the strips, the length of which will be equal to the width of your room. These strips will become a kind of reflector for light, which will allow the backlight to be uniform. With the same purpose, all stripes need to be attached to the ceiling at a distance of about 30 cm. If you do it at a greater distance, then you risk getting the effect of the mattress, and the light strips on the ceiling will be annoyed after a while. Already mounting ribbons to the ceiling is also not always good, as you get too bright ceiling.

Installation of the lighting system

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Device point lamp.

Now it is necessary to mount the main element of the ceiling - the lighting system. You can use for this as neon light bulbs and LED tape. There is a large amount on sale, so the choice will not be a lot of work. The peculiarities of all these lighting elements are that they consume very little electrical energy, differ in a long service life and are not heated (practically) during operation. The last moment is one of the most important, since the fire hazardous situation in the apartment is absolutely not needed.

Fasten the lighting tape on the LEDs simply. The main thing is that the contact wires from it are near the power source. It is often advised to secure the transformer also directly on the ceiling. There is only a meaning of this when you do not want the summing wires to be hidden from an extraneous eye. There is nothing more to add to this, since for other reasons, this location of the transformer loses. First, in the case of the necessary repair you will have to work very hard to get to it. And secondly, the transformer allocates a large amount of thermal energy, and with long-term use of the backlight, you risks the fact that the temperature above the suspension ceiling will rise and the ceiling membrane is deformed.

It makes sense to position the transformer somewhere close to it easily to get to it. At the same time, the supply electrical cable must be put in a special box or stamp the wall and lay the cable to the obtained inner box, and then attach this cavity.

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Lighting tape and ceiling leveling

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Installation of LED tape.

After installing the lighting tape, you must check the quality of the glow in the darkened environment. It should be borne in mind that the luminescence of the stretch ceiling will not be so rich and somewhat blurred. If the illumination suits you, then you can start the installation of the ceiling membrane itself. It stretches to carrier profiles according to the attached instruction.

After tension, the suspended ceiling is warmed with a construction dryer. The film should be pulled out independently if all preliminary work was carried out correctly. It remains only to give the material to cool, consolidate the ceiling plinth - and you can admire the glow of your product.

By the way, currently there are various varieties of lighting tape on LEDs. Many models can be configured, and they are controlled remotely. Adjustment will change the intensity of the luminosity of the LEDs and their emitted spectrum. Well, the mirrors (pieces of aluminum tape) will repeat the glow repeatedly. For this reason, it was necessary to check the luminosity until the ceiling was finally mounted so that it would not shine too bright. It is possible to reduce the brightness of the glow using an additional resistance or a retail, mounted on the network.

The retainer is preferable, since it will be possible to change the illumination, depending on the situation. If you have purchased the entire backlight with the control panel, then no additional elements in the diagram are completely needed. To create a luminous ceiling, it is enough for those details that you offered in the outlet.

LED ring and its installation

An interesting ceiling backlight is obtained using a LED ring. If inside this lighting element, reflective elements also place, the effect will be completely great.

We remind you that when connecting electrical elements in the network, the voltage in it should be missing.

It is desirable that all the installation processes are accompanied by measuring operations, all contacts were dense and had reliable insulation.

Christmas-tree garland for decorating the ceiling

How to make a glowing ceiling with your own hands?

Diagram of installation of LEDs.

For the children's bedroom you can make a ceiling with your own hands according to the technology described earlier, but using non-special LEDs, but an ordinary Christmas tree garland. The flashing of the bulbs fascinates the child and makes it more calm. The fear of darkness will pass by itself, but the anticipation of the holiday will be present every night.

Such an effect cannot but cause a child a feeling of fairy tale and happiness.

This velocity is pretty modern and completely inexpensive.

All previously described ceilings features only one feature - static image. Agree that it would be perfect to make a ceiling with your own hands with a maximum approach of the image to the flickering star sky.

Movable elements and combination

You can achieve this only with the help of moving elements, skillfully mounted above the level of the suspended ceiling. Such movable elements can be both lighting and reflecting parts. For example, LEDs can be located on a movable curved axis. The rotation will change the direction of the beam, and on the films of the suspended ceiling will be "playing" the lights. Make it is not difficult. But here you will receive several small problems: noise from the electric motor will break the total idyll of the created atmosphere.

And finally, there is an opportunity to make a ceiling with your own hands, combining various ways. That's how surely you and members of your family will not have to miss the monotony: Many options for the illumination of the ceiling will allow every evening to see something new. This will be the best leisure for the eyes.

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