Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care


This wonderful state symbol of Washington loved not only to residents of the specified city, but also the horticultural garden of Europe and Asia.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

Moreover, in the wild, this plant can even be at an altitude of over 6000 m above sea level. However, it is not enough to purchase one or two copies for their collection of beautiful-flowing species. Rhododendrons in the garden will require a special care, disregard for which can lead to the death of the plant.

Today we will help you choose the right grade, and also tell me how to care for him. Using our tips, you will soon be admired with gentle flowers that dried a bush thick cap.

All variety of Rhododendron for your garden

More than 90% of all Rhododendrons are immigrants from Southeast Asia. The plant itself is a shrub, leaf fall (the second name of Azalea) or evergreen.

Special love and distribution received for large flowers of different color, more often pink or lilac. Among the multitude of species you can find shadowish, thermal loving and frost-resistant.

Rhododendrons bloom from April to July and can bloom from August to October.

The following deciduous types are known:

Rhododendron Schlippenbach (R. Schlippenbachii) . The height is 1-2 m, the flowers are pale pinks with the specks, very decorative, bloom in May to the dissolution of the leaves. Winter-hardy view for the Baltic States, St. Petersburg.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

R. Canadian (R. CANADENSE) . Also winter-hardy view of up to 2 M height with purple-purple flowers, which are collected in large inflorescences with a diameter of 12-15 cm. Flowers in May-July. For better blooms to strengthen better.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

R. Japanese (R. Japonicum) It has bright orange-red flowers or brick-red with yellow clips. Also winter articles.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

Azalea Pontica, or R. Yellow (Azalea Pontica) Refers to relics. It has fragrant flowers, orange or yellow, blooms in May-June. It grows quickly, light-headed, but it can be transferred a slight shading, a frost-resistant look.

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Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

The biggest minus is all the plant is poisonous, even flowers. Accordingly, honey poisonous. Historically, this property of the plant has repeatedly determined the outcome of the wars.

Evergreen species got wider distribution. Of these, the most common are as follows:

R. Kathavbinsky (R. Catawbiense) . The shrub has a height of up to 2 m, the leaves are dark green from above and the nizo bottom. Blooms in May-July with purple-purple flowers. Winter-hardy view.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

R. Caucasian (R. Caucasicum) It has sharpe branches, white flowers. Grows slowly and prefers raw places in the shade. A feature is the stability of the plant to lifestyle soils, as well as all parts of its poisonous. Frost.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

Very interesting Polymorphic View R. Daursky (R. Dahuricum) . His leaves live 2 seasons - for the winter twisted and darken, and in the spring, they open and green. The plant is winter-hardy, and the winter with large buds that bloom in early spring.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

R. Tree (R. Arboretum) Flowers in March-April with red flowers. This species is most often used to obtain various varieties and garden forms.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

R. Adamsa (R. adamsii) It is interesting for its small size (height up to 0.5 m) and pink small, but numerous flowers. Also, the plant has useful drug properties.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

R. Golden (R. aureum) Also a short view with yellow flowers. Winter hardy, poorly tolerates heat.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

For the garden, plants from the hybrid group are usually acquired. The most common varieties with red flowers - "Cynthia", "John Walter", "Doncaster". The Pink Pearl variety has large pink flowers, but it is necessary to control the speed of its growth. But the "Dr Tjebes" grade is more compact. If you want a rhododendron hybrid with white flowers, then such a variety "Sappho". Purple - at Purple Splendour.

Recently, the popularity has acquired dwarf varieties ("Elizabeth", "Blue Tit", "Bow Bells").

Growing rhododendrons in the garden - landing and care, preproduction features

To make your plant pleased with your healthy appearance, you need to choose the right place to fit. It must be in a half and not far from the water source.

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Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

Luggage and lowlands are not suitable, the landing site should also be protected from cold wind. It should be borne in mind that deciduous types are more demanding of the soil, but they do not need shading.

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

The best soil is a riding sour peat or a mixture of sand with sand . The general requirement is an acidic soil reaction, which indicates the growing of such plants like a mint of a dog, sowless small, Veronica.

Then it is necessary to prepare a landing hole for the bush. It usually makes a 60-70 cm wide, a depth of 30-40 cm. On clay soils - less deep by 20-25 cm, but wider (1.0-1.2 m). Fill the pit peat (horse) or a special soil mixture purchased in the store.

It is best to acquire a three-year rhododendron seedlings with a closed root system. Spring plant plant (mid-April - the first decade of May) or autumn (September). We put a com from the ground into the water so that it would be good in moisture, and then lower it into the prepared pit.

We plant so that the top of the coma with the roots was at the level of the pit, not blocking the root neck. I fall asleep the pit and water the bush. After a couple of days, the soil should be closed with sawdust (layer 5-7 cm).

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

If you want to plant a few plants nearby, then the distance between them should be at least 1 m. But still it is worth focusing on the size of the bush itself. For example, per quarter. m can be placed one r. Yellow or 4 R. Canadian.

Care lies in the fight against weeds, feeding, watering, loosening, protection against pests and diseases.

To destroy weeds, it is better to use herbicides (roundap, Casaron, etc.), since when mechanical removal can damage the roots of the bush, which are located very close to the surface. Limit the growth of weeds mulching sawdust or bark.

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Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

You need to feed two times a year - at the end of bloom and in early July . Mineral fertilizer for rhododendrons can be purchased in the store. As an organic fertilizer it is better to use a riding peat or overwhelmed manure (the latter to enter only in spring in a small amount - 0.5 liters on the water bucket by 4 square meters. M).

Watering is a very important factor. The rate is 1-1.5 buckets of water 2-3 times a week, young bushes and plants in the flowering period are watered more often. The soil should be wet, not wet. In hot weather should be spraying. Also, water before irrigating is better to acidify with sulfuric acid (on 1 ml water bucket) or other organic acid.

The blurred inflorescences are desirable to remove, trimming the bush is possible, but not necessarily (carried out after flowering).

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

Many rhododendrons are winter-hardy enough, but still need winter shelter (burlap, laptic, spunbond). In deciduous species also warm the roots with a layer of fresh sawdust (8-10 cm).

Rhododendron - photo of shrub varieties, landing, growing and care

Rhododendron reproduction can be carried out in the summer (best), cuttings, dividing bushes, vaccinations, seeds.

The hauling is carried out in June-July, cutting off twigs 10-15 cm long, and soaked them for 20 hours in the growth stimulator. Then placed in an acid substrate and covered with a film, periodically watered. After 2-3-3 months the root system should appear.

Grow Rhododendron from seeds is possible, but it is quite difficult and it is necessary to perform numerous conditions for a successful result. It's much easier to buy an adult bush.

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