Gypsum ceiling: how to install with your own hands?


From how the ceiling will be, much depends. Often it is the ceiling coating that sets the basic tone of the finish, creating a bright and beautiful interior. Among the numerous design options, the gypsum tile is particularly released, which gives the room a special chic and sophistication. The cost of the finished gypsum tile is high, but it can be done with her own hands, for which it is enough to purchase relatively inexpensive silicone forms with the desired pattern. Such a gypsum ceiling after laying is painted, but not completely, but only the ornament is distinguished by colored paints.

Gypsum ceiling: how to install with your own hands?

Mounting a plaster ceiling.

Ceiling tiles and plinth of plaster do it yourself

For the manufacture of ceiling tiles, special silicone shapes and a gypsum dry mixture are used. Today you can buy forms in construction stores or order, but in the 2nd case there will be a lot more cost. Some homemade craftsmen have such forms themselves, but this process requires experience. Ceiling tiles and plinths made of plaster are not so difficult, and it is necessary to ensure the reinforcement of each tile so that it does not colaw, did not crack during use . For this, special silicone forms are used, which are filled with plaster mass. The process of manufacturing the plinth is the following:

Gypsum ceiling: how to install with your own hands?

Scheme cutting the ceiling plinth.

  1. First, dry mixes are purchased. They are easily bred by ordinary water, adjusted to the necessary consistency.
  2. Forms are prepared for work, they must be clean and dry. The mixture is neatly poured, while it is necessary to ensure that no cavities are not formed during the frost, as the tile will be unsuitable for use.
  3. To reinforce the plinth, you can use the pass, lady, a special grid - any material that is suitable.
  4. Forms are left before setting the solution. This can be determined by matte color, after which it is necessary to carefully shape the shape on the horizontal surface. Here the plinth is left until complete drying. Duration of drying depends dry from the thickness of the fill and the quality of the mixture.
  5. After the plaster is ready, it can be decorated. Most often for this hand-painted or gilding. The choice depends on what kind of result is necessary. For example, the gilding is great for large rooms, but the painting is best used for the bedroom. For example, a thin floral ornament will give any room sophistication and refinement.

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Montage stucco with your own hands

For laying plaster tiles on the ceiling, you must take such tools and materials:

  • Roulette, metal long line;
  • simple pencil;
  • building level;
  • brush;
  • Thin twine;
  • flexible spatula;
  • hand saw for cutting tiles;
  • Emery paper so that the end parts can be cleaned after cutting.

Gypsum ceiling: how to install with your own hands?

Tools for mounting gypsum tiles.

The tile itself will be required in the calculated quantity (depending on the shape and size), the plinth, glue. Special adhesive for artificial stone should be used, which perfectly withstands the weight of such a cladding. Start gluing is necessary from the inspection of the ceiling. It must be smooth, purified from the old coating so that the tile does not fall off with time. It is best to glue it to the base, peeled from plaster, on concrete, plates, plasterboard. After that, the surface is processed by primer deep penetration. It provides better adhesion.

The markup is performed in such a way that the glue began from the central point of the ceiling. Much depends on which form has a tile, but for the usual square there should be no problems.

It is important that the clipper is carried out symmetrically, otherwise the picture will not be the best.

The glue is mixed in small quantities, as it is quickly seized.

A solution is applied with a spatula on the opposite side of each tile, after which it is tightly pressed against the surface for 2 seconds. If glue protrudes between the joints, it must be carefully removed, since then it will be difficult to do it. After registration of the entire ceiling, it is necessary to begin gluing around the perimeter of the plinths. It is important during the laying of the tile not to forget about the plinths, leave the necessary place for their further installation.

Manifold gypsum plates

Gypsum ceiling shocks with their diversity. This is not necessarily the usual tile, the most complex suspension structures are often used, modular ceilings, which already require the presence of the wizard. But the usual gypsum tile is able to completely transform any interior, make it more stylish, luxurious, elegant. For this, plates of various models are used, including:

Gypsum ceiling: how to install with your own hands?

Scheme of two-level plaster ceiling.

  1. Tiles with different pattern and style of execution. It can be classic, transient, designer, tape and conventional smooth options.
  2. Conventional square tiles with a side length of 24 cm, which are mounted directly to the surface of the ceiling. They can be smooth, have a strict geometric ornament.
  3. The transitional design of the plates is more luxurious, there are materials with beautiful embossed images, which after installation create the illusion of the holistic coating. Such a ceiling is much more expensive, experience is required for its independent fastener.
  4. Ribbon plates are plinths that are used to framing the perimeter or individual patterns on the ceiling itself. Often such structures are attached with special systems, they must withstand a considerable cladding weight.
  5. Designer gypsum ceilings include cellular, caisson, dome-shaped plates. The appearance of their chic, acoustics in the room is excellent. But it is impossible to use this coating for small rooms, as the appearance will not be the best, the interior will be overloaded.
  6. Special cassette plasterboard ceilings are a lightweight variant called "Regips". The size of such plates is 60 * 60 cm, they have a slight weight, which makes it possible to install them on any coating.
  7. There are gypsum tiles, which contains special granules that reduce weight. Tile outwardly becomes similar to fiberglass, it is light and durable. In addition, its weight is not so big.
  8. Reinforced tiles are used in the case when the ceiling coating should withstand any weight. For reinforcement, fiberglass mesh is used, the surface is fine and durable.

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Seamless ceiling tile: imitation of plaster stucco

Options for sticking ceiling tiles.

Gypsum, despite all its advantages, has several minuses that are sometimes significant. This is the cost of tiles or time and experience for its manufacture, a large cladding weight. But from this situation there is a way out, the ceiling with your own hands with imitation under the gypsum can be easily made from polystyrene seamless tiles. This is a beautiful product with curly edges, imitating the surface of the natural stucco. It has beautiful curly edges that allow you to shock without seams. The drawing can be different, after gluing the tile is easy to paint into the desired color.

The polystyrene tile under gypsum is produced in the form of thin plates with a thickness of 5 mm and with dimensions of 50 * 50 cm.

One packaging is usually enough in order to bind about 1 m². Of the advantages it should be noted:

  • low cost when the stylish surface is obtained;
  • resistance to flame and sharp increase in temperature;
  • Resistance to moisture;
  • Excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation indicators;
  • practicality;
  • Maximum simple installation - the tile is glued to the surface;
  • The ability to staining the ceiling after its installation.

Gypsum ceiling: how to install with your own hands?

Scheme of the preparation of the ceiling to sticking tiles.

So that the ceiling is beautiful, it is necessary to carefully buy a tile with imitation of plaster stucco. Often there are not too high-quality copies that have spindles on the surface, no smoothness. This tile is clearly not worth it.

It is important to pay attention to what the quality of the edge. It is the docking that provides a seamlessness, a complete disguise of the joints. If the edges are uneven, do not match, then you should not take such a tile, its quality is not too good.

How does the tile fit?

Installation of tile with imitation under the gypsum surface is simple, it is only necessary to first determine its quantity, after which you put markings on the ceiling. It will be necessary to envisage whether the cloud is needed, exactly and where such parts of the tiles will be located so that the coating in general looked beautifully. If there is a picture on the front surface that you want to paint, it is easier to do it until the tile will be glued to the ceiling. Use the best acrylic paint to dye. It should be painted with a neat and thin tassel. It is necessary to glue the coating only on the smooth ceiling, the drywall is best suited, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of primer before sizing. The tile itself is about a day you need to hold out in the room where it will stick.

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It is necessary to start work from the center, the glue is applied to the ceiling and on the tile of a thin layer, after which the material is pressed to the surface for 1-2 seconds. It is impossible to put it hard, since the tile will break. If there is glue during the installation between the joints, then it must be removed immediately until it dies, as it will then eliminate such residues problematic.

The design of the ceiling by plaster was always carried out in the front halls, large and elegant living rooms, in the bedrooms. A feature of such a design is that the ceilings should be high enough, especially for complex structures that may consist of several levels. If an ordinary tile is used for finishing, it can be done with your own hands, but it is clearly necessary for the front painted ceilings.

It is necessary to accurately comply with technology, to properly prepare the ceiling for work. If there is no conditions for using plaster tiles, then you can use the excellent polystyrene imitation of stucco - a beautiful seamless ceiling.

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