Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video


There are quite a few cold porcelain recipes that can be prepared in various ways. However, some complain that no matter how they prepared the material, strictly followed or changed the formulation, china does not come out without flaws. Unfortunately, it's hard to say for sure for what reason it does not come out. In the same workshop, a cold china is given without cooking, at home can be prepared very easily.

The necessary materials

For the recipe you will need:
  • Wallpaper glue - 1 part

Important! Look carefully the composition, there must be a modified starch.

  • Soda - 1 part;
  • Water - 1 part;
  • Vaseline / glycerin;
  • Dishwashing liquid;

As can be seen, cooking tools are available to everyone.

Cooking method

This recipe will allow you to prepare china from the wallpaper glue.

In the container, mix some of the wallpaper glue (here "Moment Classic"), part of soda and cold water. All quickly mix and roll the homogeneous ball until the mass thickening lumps. If the mixture was too liquid and not mixed, add some more soda. Mass must resemble plastic dough. Lubricate hands with a vaseline or glycerin and interfere with his hands in a porcelain manufactured. At this stage, you can drop the essential oil for aromatization. To eliminate stickiness, add some dishwashing fluid and mix a lot of minutes. Your porcelain is ready!

If porcelain came out very sticky, then you can add some corn starch next time. But in no case is not potato! Remember that the material made from potato starch loses its white color, becoming gray.

Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

Features of porcelain

This is a very simple master class, thanks to which you will get a magnificent snow-white porcelain, very plastic in its structure.

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Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

The products from the porcelain dry without cracks, they do not change in any way and perfectly hold their shape. The figures are very solid and well preserve their strength.

Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

The color does not change at all. He remains the same snow-white. If you compare the rectangle from the dried cold porcelain with a sheet A4, you can see that the color of the porcelain is slightly yellow. But still it remains clean, without any impurities, so it is remarkably suitable for dolls.

Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

Thin porcelain layer glows slightly. The material can be rolled to the finest sheet, which will be shifted.

Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

The product is perfectly polished by a sandpaper or a saw.

Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

After entering water, porcelain wet, but the form does not lose. After drying, it becomes as before. For complete drying, the product is required from 2 to 5 days. This MK will help you understand how to make cold china with your own hands.

Tips for work

It should be very careful to wash your hands before going to sculpt from a cold porcelain. Any small garbage sticks to this material, and even dust is visible noticeable on it. Of course, it will significantly spoil the type of finished product, it will have to grind it or paint it. But if your product is very complicated by structure? Thus, it will be difficult to clean it, and sometimes not even possible. In addition, why is an extra spending of time? It is better to wash your hands in advance and finish the work surface. Keep a wet wipes next to you to wipe your fingers from time to time. These simple actions will significantly help you, save time and strength.

Cold china without cooking at home: how to make with your own hands with video

Is it worth flaming the resulting mass? Depends on your personal preferences. If you plan to make some kind of flower from the whole piece (several roses, for example), then why not? Roses will be as if it seems to add an attractiveness product. However, if you want to blind different fakes (for example, rose and orchid), the smell of one-time oil is simply not suitable. It is better to wait a bit for flavoring until you gain experience and do not understand how much the ingredients need to be taken to get as a result of the volume of cold porcelain, which is necessary for a particular product. And in such a piece it will be possible to boldly add the ether or the fragrance! And do not use too much essential oil, enough 2-3 drops to aromatize the porcelain so that it is nice and unobtrusively groin. But keep in mind: Colored essential oils (for example, orange) can slightly paint the material.

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Video on the topic

So you prepared your first porcelain. So he, so beautiful and snow-white lies and waits ... What? And here the newcomer is a stupor, and what to make it from it? These video master classes will help you decide on the first product.

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