Build a summer shower: easy and cheap


In the summer, at the cottage after garden work or simply in the heat there is nothing more pleasant than standing under the shower. It is not difficult to build a shower at the cottage with your own hands, and the level of comfort will increase at times.

Build a summer shower: easy and cheap

First of all, decide with the place: the shower tank should stand on the sunny side.

Materials from which you can build a summer shower with your own hands, a great set, and the choice depends only on your capabilities. The most decorative on dachas wooden buildings, most practical shower cabins made of polycarbonate, and the cheapest and simple in the manufacture of the soul with the walls of plastic curtains. Other inexpensive options: walls from OSB-sheets, from metal profile (heated in the sun), from CPSP sheets (heavy weight).

Getting Started by the construction of the summer soul with your own hands, determine the place: you will need a plot protected from wind. In addition, it is hoping that water for washing in the tank will be heated from the sun, it is necessary to place a shower on the cottage lit by all day during the day, and if you plan to heat the water with the help of electricity, then keep in mind the convenience of putting the wires that you can also do do it yourself.

Summer shower at the cottage must have dimensions of at least 110 * 140 cm. It is convenient to build up 140 * 190 cm in size, then you will have enough space for undressing and under the clothes.

So, consider the construction of the soul at the dacha with your own hands step by step.

Necessary materials

Country shower can be done with locker room.
  • sand;
  • cement or concrete blocks;
  • 4 metal pipes with a diameter of 90 mm, a length of 800-1000 mm;
  • Wooden timber 100 mm or metal corner;
  • Wall material (wooden lining, polycarbonate, banner fabric, shower curtain);
  • metal sheet for roof;
  • plastic or metal water tank;
  • polycarbonate or polyethylene;
  • crane;
  • Shower leak with hose;
  • FUM tape;
  • adapter;
  • three or four old auto strokes R13-15 or septic tank;
  • shower tray;
  • a door;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • Silicate melting;
  • Antiseptic impregnation for wood.

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Required tools

  • shovel;
  • Saw / Lobzik;
  • electric drill;
  • knife;
  • Boer;
  • brush.

Dutch shower with their own hands: Stages of construction

We place the site to build a summer shower at the cottage of the selected sizes.

Directly under the shower digging the pit, where to be saturated with a layer of sand and put the column 3-4 automotive tires. The top tire must perform above the ground level. The gaps between the pits of the pit and tires need to fall asleep and compact. Instead of tires, you can install a special container for a septica or plastic or metal barrel without the bottom. which is no longer needed in the country.

Build a summer shower: easy and cheap

Water heating scheme in summer soul.

In the corners of the placed area under the shower cabin, the holes or drill pit, on the bottom of which we embarked a little sand and install metal pipes so that they rise above the ground of the Earth for about 20-25 cm. Gashes between pipes and walls poured concrete (if MEEM concrete With your own hands, I remember that this is a mixture of cement, sand and water in a ratio of 1: 3: 0.5). Or instead of pipes, install ready-made concrete blocks. Concreted foundation dries a week. We emphasize that it is dangerous to build a shower in the country without a reliable foundation and the frame: water container has a lot of weight and can collapse on the washing person.

On the foundation we set the frame from a bar or metal corner. Rectangles of walls with strengthening X-shaped crossbars. In the upper part, we leave protruding bars - continuing the frame to the height of the container. They, firstly, will serve as protection against the tank roll down, and secondly, will become a frame for insulation of the container.

The roof is building a single one, the tilt must be small to conveniently install the tank. Flooring the roof: we put a metal-pile sheet on the crate, in which we make a hole for the hose to the soul.

Floor the floor: put out the outcast boards on the crate. We establish a shower tray, withdrawing a sewer stock into a septic tank. You can build a shower with your own hands without a pallet. Then over the septic, you need to put floor boards with gaps to get a lattice.

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Country shower can be attached to the house.

We sew the walls of the summer shower with the selected material. It is not difficult to make it yourself. If you have chosen a tree or other opaque cover under your summer shower, it makes sense to provide a small window at the top of one of the walls. It can be inserted into it glass, polycarbonate or simply tighten the mosquito net.

For a long service and aesthetic species, all wooden elements must be coated with a special antiseptic solution from rotting. If you decide to make a summer soul of polycarbonate with your own hands, then keep in mind that color thick (6 mm and more) is less transparent than colorless thin. For opaque and decorative, you can use a self-adhesive film "under the stitched shop".

The walls of the summer soul can be from banner fabric, sail or just shower curtains. They can be pulled on the frame, and you can simply be entered by attaching the gears to the gears - heavy nuts, sand bags, etc., so that when washing, they are not trembling the wind.

Install the water container on the roof. It can be metallic or plastic. Metal is heavier. In addition, stainless steel tanks are quite expensive, and in the rest of the water becomes rusty. Plastic is easier, cheaper, the purity of water is preserved in them easier.

Basic requirements for water tank: dark color (so it is faster heated from sunlight) and the presence of holes for water pouring and connecting the shower. You can use the existing containers, to fit them under these requirements with your own hands, and you can purchase already ready-made special flat black tanks for the summer shoes, which are equipped with the necessary holes and nozzles, and often have such additional useful functions as electric water-heating water in case of cloudy days and Pump for water injection into the tank.

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The capacity of 100-150 liters is enough for a two-shower shower. We skip the adapter from the tank into the hole in the roof, fill in the remaining gaps with silicone lubricant. We join the adapter through the crane hose with a shower. We do above the tank on the roof "greenhouse", pulling polyethylene or polycarbonate. Such trick will help heat the water in the container faster.

Turn the door. The denser it will be adjacent, the less the drafts and warmer wash. Instead of doors, you can use the curtain. Fill the tank with water. Dutch shower with their own hands ready! A useful bonus in the operation of the shower cabin in the country will be a lamp: it is not always convenient to wash with a flashlight, but it darkens early in August, so it is worth bringing electricity or envisage the opportunity to use carrying from home.

Summer shower will also be more comfortable if you put a rubber mat under your feet, screw the shelf for soap and washcloths and hooks for towels and clothes. So that water in the tank does not bloom, pour it the day before use. And after the end of washing, drain the entire tank.

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