Pictures in the interior 55 photos



Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Once the paintings were considered luxury, and the design of the house could afford only the wealthy gentlemen. Today, add pictures to the interior can every person with any sufficiency. And if a couple of centuries ago, the decoration with pictures of the house was done in order to emphasize their wealth, today - with the help of the picture, a unique design is created. How to choose a picture for your home, and what subtleties need to be considered when designing a bedroom, kitchen and living room?

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

For several years now, abstract pictures have been popular with popularity - they are good because there is no plot here, which means you can hang a picture in any room. Also, the abstraction will become a bright accent of the interior and will saturate its energy. As for the correctness of the placement of paintings - the center of the image should be at the level of your eyes, and if several paintings are performed nearby - they need to be aligned at the bottom edge. And the nuance is more - the larger the room, the larger the size you can choose the picture, it is better to choose a small image for a small space.

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Picture in the kitchen - from poster to watercolor

The main thing is that it is worth remembering when choosing paintings in the kitchen interior - they should not be museum exhibits or have historical value. Why? Because in the kitchen you will cook, fry and soar, and the picture will just deteriorate. Preference should be given to simple and uncomplicated images.

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • As a picture, a black and white photo or poster can act, especially if the photo is placed in the picture frame. If you have cold gray, metal and brown tones in your kitchen, a black and white picture will make a note of a chic decor.

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Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • In the kitchen, where blue, cream and beige shades are dominated, it will be good to look a picture in yellow - it can be both a geometric image and a drawing of flowers, landscapes

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • The kitchen in the style of "minimalism" will like any bright picture - red, orange, green or yellow. Vivid paintings in the kitchen will be especially good, which is made in white colors.

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • If your kitchen is small, and the ceilings are low - choose the pictures in the vertical format. They will be visually adding "growth"

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • If you have several bright accents in your kitchen, for example, a chandelier with a green-orange flapon or pillows on a scarlet chairs, the picture can be chosen into a tone to bright design. A picture of a bouquet of flowers or poppies is suitable for scarm pillows.

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

If you still choose a picture written in watercolor, place it under the glass and do not hang on the walls that are on the sunny side. By the way, watercolor will best look at elegant kitchens in a classic style, and you can choose as a landscape and portraits.

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

One more thing - if your kitchen smoothly goes into the hallway, put in the hallway paintings of one topic. By the way, the hallway is the only room where you can boldly hang any paintings. Here they will look good:

  • Bright flowers
  • Portraits with different emotions of people
  • Juicy abstraction
  • Multicolored landscapes

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Pictures in the interior of the living room will make the living room "alive" and stylish

The living room is the room that everyone tries to saturate on the maximum with decor and all sorts of decorations. With the help of only pictures, the living room can be done dynamic or on the contrary - restrained and strict.

  • The feeling of dynamism will make pictures that will be awesome asymmetric

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • The feeling of strictness and "sustainability" will make pictures that weigh in strict symmetry. If the pictures also the same size of the room will seem like a business account

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Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • If you choose a large image or several large pictures, place them asymmetrically and on a decent distance from each other so that each image is perceived separately

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • In the "classic" living room you can hang a picture of oil, while the image can be any. For example, in the living room in dark brown or cherry tones it is better to hang a copy of the Renaissance or Renaissance era. In the room of light tones, a picture with a sea scenery, sky or portrait will look good.

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • For a minimalist living room, images of bright flowers, urban landscapes or trees are suitable. Also in minimalism perfectly fit abstraction

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • The modern solution of the interior of the living room is modular patterns, which include several segments of different sizes. All segments are associated with one idea, but are broken into two or four parts. You can choose an image of sunflowers or rural landscape

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Also painting in the living room can structure the interior. If you hang one image in the center of the room, it will emphasize the symmetry of the room. If you hang a big picture on an empty wall - it will create a sense of integrity.

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Pictures in the bedroom interior - calm paints and pastel tones

The bedroom is best to choose the paintings that emphasize the atmosphere of calm and comfort. Ideal option - images in soft and pastel colors. It is clear, avoiding the pictures where the scenes of battles, murders and feast are present. What else is important - for the bedroom to choose the paintings, which are close to you by the atmosphere. If you like flowers, choose images of plants, love the sea - hang seascape.

  • The atmosphere of pacification will create paintings with the image of the forest or pastoral scenes

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • A note of romance will make pictures on which the sky, clouds or overseas birds are drawn

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • In the bedroom in the style of minimalism or art deco, black and white images will be better looking. It can be urban landscapes, paintings with in love with couples or portraits

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Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • If in the bedroom you already have a bright spot or motley accents, you can choose a "couple" picture to bright colors. For example, curtains, pillows and covers you green or blue, choose the images where this juicy color prevails

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Want to diversify the interior of the bedroom? Hang a few different images of images - on one of the walls, let the pastoral landscape hang, on the other - bright abstraction, and on the third - a picture with a maritime theme.

Pictures in the interior of the house on Feng Shui - what to choose and where to hang

Even such a trifle, as a picture in the interior is able to change the usual vector of life development or family link. According to Feng Shui, the choice of paintings should be approaching and falling in love with any new image - then it will bring happiness. For interior design, you should not choose:

  • Aggressive plots, images of flooding, fires, aggressive animals or hunting - such pictures change positive energy at home

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • Images of destroyed buildings, the elderly or broken dishes - these paintings will bring energy destruction into the house

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • In one room, it is better not to hang drastically different pictures, then their energy is mixed, and the atmosphere of the house will not be filled with comfort and welcome

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • In the bedroom it is best to hang water images - it will make peace and attract financial flows. The main thing is to choose calm motifs - measured rivers, handles, and avoid waterfalls and raging water

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

  • For the living room it is worth choosing dynamic pictures with an active plot - they will make joy and fill the house with positive energy. If friends are going to the living room, you can hang the image of noble animals. As for color - the best tint for the living room is considered Blue and Blue - these colors activate the life streams.

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Paintings in interior design

Pictures for interior photo

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

Pictures in the interior 55 photos

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