How to warm the garage doors yourself


The garage has long ceased to perform only one duty that consists in storing the car. Now this construction is actively adjusted for the improvised storage room, the workshop and the place of male leisure. Despite the way that the immediate intention of the garage is, the question of his insulation will be extremely acute, especially in the conditions of the domestic climate. Favorable temperature and normal humidity - this is what will be the key to the long service life of the car and everything that is needed for its service and content.

How to warm the garage doors yourself

Warm garage doors

The gate is the most "weak" place of any garage, since it is through them the highest amount of heat and penetrates high humidity. That is why their insulation becomes the first task of a car owner, although, along with this, it is important to isolate both walls and a roof.

What to warm?

In essence, this is the main question that torments the minds of those who solve their own hands to warm the garage doors. In practice, the most acceptable options are:

  1. Folgized insulation with reflective effect. It is a leaf of the insulation with a thickness of about 12.5 mm, and consists of a foamed polyurethane layer, sandwiched between the pair of aluminum foil layers. This is a very flexible and malleable rolled material, when buying which it is necessary to find out its degree of isolation under different weather conditions.
  2. Polystyrene foam is another option of what the garage sash can be insulated. As a result of its hardness, such a insulation is implemented by sheets, it is somewhat more difficult to work with it than with foil, for example, but also the insulating properties in its order of magnitude higher. It is recommended to buy polystyrene foam with the greatest value of R, which is just recovered in the store.

How to warm the garage doors yourself

It is strictly not recommended to insulate the doors with mineral wool, thermal insulation foam or insulating fiberglass mats.

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The procedure for performing all works

Deciding with the choice of insulating material, it's time to start the warming itself, which is made as follows:

  1. Before insulation of the garage doors, you need to attach a crate of wooden bars or metal plates on their inner side. All this is attached to the base by using screws or other reliable fasteners by type of screws.
  2. All internal cavities are filled with a technoplex, foam, foaming or expanded polystyrene. Regardless of what exactly you will work, the insulating layer should be additionally fixed with the adhesive substance, according to user parameters similar to the mounting foam.
  3. All mounting seams, gaps and cavities are necessarily filled with a sealant with a minimum expansion indicator. You can use the same mounting foam, but with a small finite expansion coefficient.
  4. The mechanical protection of the insulating layer can be any finishing material for external work: plastic, moisture-proof MDF or the same metal profile. All this is attached to individual elements of the crate.

How to warm the garage doors yourself

If it still passed a solid solution to insulate the door in the garage with the help of mineral waters, it is necessary to take care of the presence of waterproofing mess from all sides of the insulation, for the purpose of segipping, a conventional polyethylene film can be used. If you neglect this recommendation, the insulation will quickly become vapor1mable, will lose the lion's share of its protective properties and accumulate excessive moisture.

In order for garage flaps, warmed by heat or foam, guaranteed the maximum maintenance of heat and fixed air humidity, it is important to prevent the formation of condensate between the invalid side of the gate and the insulator itself. Here you can advise only one thing: how closely press the material to the base, and use the adhesive mixture.

How to warm the garage doors yourself

The final stage will be complete sealing of places of adjusting garage sash to the main frame. It can provide foam or soft rubber, which are fixed with liquid nails, for example.

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Additional warming events

If you take into account all the designs of the garage gates, you can find several more ways for their extra isolation from the penetration of moisture and cold. This refers to:

  • Installation of a small inlet door on the plane of garage sash. Its presence will give the opportunity to quickly enter the construction in order to normal visits, without having a wound room as a whole;

How to warm the garage doors yourself

  • In the area of ​​the location of the entrance gate, you can install a specific man-made curtain made of broad ribbons of tarpaulin or thick polyethylene. On the video below, you can see a phased creation of an airbag, which is a lot of specialized stores, but may well be made on your own. For this, from polyethylene, a thickness of at least 0.8 mm should be cut the strips with a width of 0.2-0.3 meters. The length of the tape should be such that after all technological bending, they are 1-1.5 cm. Not delivered to the floor. Tapes should hang straight, easy to skip the car and quickly return to the original position. And if it fails to find the corresponding polyethylene, it is permissible to replace it with tarpaulin or dense fabric;
  • All iron elements are appropriately covered with coloring compositions with heat-absorbing abilities.

How to warm the garage doors yourself


As mentioned above, insulated gates are not able to completely prevent heat loss. The next step will be the insulation of the walls, which is cheaper, which can be done by gluing foam plastic to the walls. So that such a finish served as a longer, it is recommended to cover the layer of the most ordinary finish plaster. If we are talking about external walls, the foam is recommended to hide siding, plastic and other moisture-proof materials.

How to warm the garage doors yourself

The roof can also be insulated with foam plastic, which is attached to the base of dowels, long nails or screws, after which it is covered with any sheet material with protective properties.

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