How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design


How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

The decorative design of the interior with its own hands is not only saving money, it is also the realization of its creative potential. The room you have issued yourself can be proud to show friends. And, of course, in it you will feel comfort and harmony with you. Do not be afraid to create decor elements yourself. It is not so difficult, as it seems!

Art decouphage

Previously, it was called simply "crafts", now this lesson has gained the fashionable setting of "Decoupage". Decoupage is the cutting of pictures printed in printing houses, on various objects and the subsequent autopsy of them with varnish. A real master can perform crafts in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from a skillful painting. Decoupage in the interior is applicable for any room at home. If you disassemble the creation of a craft to the steps, it turns out that everything is very simple:

  1. Motive selection. Usually, special decoupapable napkins are used for this.
  2. Cutting images.
  3. Preparation of the base (the basis can be glass, fabric, wooden, ceramic items).
  4. Sticking clippings.
  5. Opening with varnish.

With this technique you can create an absolutely any thing for your home. When you master the decoupage aza, decorative boards will settle in your kitchen, in the bedroom - unusual caskets, and in the hallway - original hangers. Decoupage in the interior is stylish, fashionable and exciting!

How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

Stylish pillows

Interior decoration with her own hands can make any room individually and stylish. Pillows are such unobtrusive decor elements that fit into the bedroom, in and living room and even in the kitchen. Ideas for decorating pillows will be for every taste. Here are just a few options:

  1. Try making sofa pillows for the house from the old sweater. Such crafts will look very cozy and homely. An old factory sweater you can search on the mezzanine, and if you can't find it there, try to walk in second-hand (believe me, the creation of the original craft is worth it). Directly on the switch you need to make the pattern of pillowcases, which "sits" to your pillow. When the pattern is ready, cross the sweater as an ordinary pillowcase.
  2. If your ideas assume the creation of your home of the European interior, buy stamps in the store for the needlewomen. With the help of such stamps and paints for the fabric, you can create original and stylish pillowcases. In addition, ready-made crafts can be additionally decorated with lace and unusual buttons.

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How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

We decorate the windows

The window is the most important part of any room. Through it we look at the world, it is the main source of natural lighting. Decorative interior design is impossible without harmonious window decoration. The ideas of jewelry can be diverse. We offer you to decorate it in two ways: Create interesting curtains and unusual garland.

In order to independently create eco-friendly and exclusive curtains you will need flax, cellophane, fabric paints, flat brush, scissors, tape. You can sew curtains yourself, and you can buy ready-made altar linen curtains in the store and decorate them. To do this, from cellophane you need to cut stencils (if you do not know how to draw - not trouble, find the picture on the Internet and move it to the cellophan), scotch and glue the stencil to the fabric and appline the picture. When the curtains are dried, treat them as indicated on the package with paint.

In addition to curtains, flower garlands can be made. Such crafts will require you pieces of multi-colored felt, satin ribbons, paper, handle, scissors and glue. Felt cut out flowers of different sizes and secure them with stacks among themselves. The resulting multi-level flowers turn on the tapes (it is better to take ribbons of different lengths). Ready garlands can be mounted directly to the eternity.

How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

Decorating furniture

If you are tired of old standard furniture, you can easily decorate it. In fact, decorate the furniture is much easier than it seems at first glance. In order to realize your ideas, you need only a few species of multi-colored adhesive tape and scissors. Everything else can make your fantasy!

How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

For those who decided to decorate the furniture like a similar method, there is one advice - play contrasts! Combine black with white or red, blue with yellow, purple with pink. Imagine a color circle and take the colors that are located opposite each other. Do not invent too complicated ideas. For example, the pattern of geometric shapes will always be in fashion. You can decorate with colored sticky ribbons anything at home: dresser, old cabinet, refrigerator, couch and stools.

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Decor of old jeans

Denim crafts are always in fashion. They can be made independently, and even better to attract their children to their fulfillment. The kids will be very interesting to participate in the process of decorating their room. Old jeans, denim jackets and shirts have home all. These are the elements of the clothes that we buy constantly. When your favorite jeans hurt, do not throw them out, but give them a new life!

From jeans you can make a lot of things. If the fabric is enough - create small sofa pillows. If it is smaller, you can sew small toys for kids, pads for needles, tag for kitchen. If you show creative and enable fantasy, old jeans will turn into fairy-tale heroes and charming animals that will not leave anyone indifferent.

How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

Vases and baskets

Room decoration with their own hands very often includes the use of all sorts of artificial colors, feathers, branches. But where to keep all this beauty? You can make small vases and baskets independently. Below are simple ideas, the implementation of which will help you quickly and easily decorate your room.

To create an unusual vase you will need a long and durable cotton rope, glue, adhesive gun, a big needle, colored neon threads. One edge rope Lubricate the glue and wrap it so that it turns out a small dense ring. Apply glue on the outside of the ring and attach the next round of the rope to it. When the bottom of your vase is 11-12 cm in diameter, start climbing up, creating a wall for a vase. As soon as the vase acquires the desired shape, secure the edge of the rope with a glue gun. You can decorate the vase using the needle and neon threads.

To make a basket, take long sheets of thick paper (for example, packaging), glue, paper clips and prepare a sewing machine. First of all, make paper stripes 3 cm wide. To do this, roll up the paper several times and step on the typewriter. Glowing stripes so that you have a kind of cross. Do not forget to fix all your actions with glue. Carefully collect a basket so as not to make mistakes use clips. As soon as the basket is ready, remove the paper clips and proof products.

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If the artificial flowers (purchased in the store or made on their own) are best suitable for the vase, then the basket can be filled with something unusual, for example, tangles of yarn. In addition, such baskets will become comfortable and aesthetic places storage for needlework.

How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

Vinyl stickers

If it so happened that you do not know how to draw, it's not for you, this is not for you, crafts you consider children's occupation, and you still want to decorate the room at home, try to resort to vinyl stickers. Thanks to the widest assortment of such stickers, they can be chosen for any home. Their advantage is that they are glued on any surface, and easily removed.

If we are talking about a children's room, then you just need to decorate it with vinyl stickers! For girls, choose stickers with locks, princesses and heroines of Disney cartoons, and boys will delight with machinery and dinosaurs. If you do so that the vinyl stickers are combined with furniture (for example, "sit" kitty to the dresser) - it will look especially impressive.

How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

Simple ideas

The most simple ideas for home decoration with your own hands is the use of finished products. Pictures, photos and posters that can not only spend on the walls, but also dispel on the shelves - these are great decor elements. In addition to standard paintings written by gouache, watercolor or butter, modern leather patterns or panels from non-standard materials are well suited for home.

In order for the picture or photography in the best way in the overall concept of the room, it is necessary to pick up the correct framework for it. An ideal solution will be an independent creation of such a framework. Ideas for creating frames can be any way, as an option, you can apply all the same decoupage technique.

How can I decorate the room with your own hands, decorative interior design

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