Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane


Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

Detailed master class telling how to tie a bear with the knitting needles. This "candy" Bear was created by a needlewoman named Mary Jane. The translation of the text from the master is made by She-Ptashka, for which it is someone thanks! Pictures with translation are constructed for more convenient reading. Each picture with a description of knitting opens in a new window, all increase. Keep yourself on your computer and print for convenience in your work.

Description of knitting a bear (all pictures increase!)

Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

Candy bear knitting needles from Mary Jane

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