Septic tank: comparison of septicists, negative feedback, reasons



Can a modern cottage or country house do without Septic (septic facilities, structures), when there is no centralized highway sewage drainage wastewater. Manufacturers offer a bigger septic selection, and what to stop, how to make the right choice, you will learn about this from this article.

Comparing the characteristics of the leaders of sales of wastewater treatment facilities, we will deal with the advantages and disadvantages of different types of models, and provide customer feedback on the popular sewage treatment tank.

Many models of wastewater treatment facilities have disadvantages that are unreasonably reflected on their ranking. The basis of popularity always lies with the demand for the construction, as well as the installation of sewage designs was carried out.

Development leaders In the model range of septics are:

  1. The design of wastewater treatment plants "Tank".
  2. Septic Triton and Triton Mini.
  3. Building "Topp", which is produced by Topol-Eco.

The first three favorites of septic facilities are confident competition such septic colors as: "Tver", "Poplar", "Junulos". Consider the advantages and disadvantages of septic chosen for villages and cottages.

Septic tank, models


Specialists who often establish different models of wastewater treatment plants, note that often the PR of different septic models does not correspond to reality. This advertisement deliberately makes a good image of cleaning designs, but critical statements on various information resources about sales leaders, including a septic tank, say that this model is really good in the work and not all feedback about it is a promotional move.

Important! Negative image Models of wastewater treatment plants "Tank" arises due to the reasons not related to their design, but indirect:

  • The owner of the country site incorrectly estimated the volume of household waste and chose a model of the sewage treatment, which cannot cope with an increased load.
  • In the process of installing treatment facilities, technological disorders of the installation occurred.

The model range of wastewater treatment plants "Tank" offered by the manufacturer.

ParametersTank 1.Tank 2.Tank 2.5Tank 3.Tank 4.
Number of people (people)from 1 to 3from 3 to 4from 4 to 5from 5 to 6from 7 to 9
Performance l / day600.800.1000.1200.1800.
Overall dimensions (m.)1.2x1.0x1,71.8x1.2x1,72,03x1.2x1,852.2x1.2x2.03.8x1.0x1,7

The advantages of sewage treatment facilities From the model range "Tank", which are often found in customer reviews for country sites:

  1. Affordable price of sewage designs.
  2. High-quality cleaning.
  3. There is no cost of maintenance, complete autonomy of the structure in work.
  4. Easily serviced.

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How to install a septic tank


The manufacturer of the treatment facilities, the Triton Plastic company recommends special attention after the purchase of wastewater treatment facilities to carry out the correct installation, then the efficiency of the septica will delight the owners for a long time.

Special attention is paid to the place of installation of wastewater treatment facilities, its appearance after transportation (the presence of dents, damage). It is necessary for the installation of the cleaning designs to choose the owner, where there are no groundwater on the ground water or are deep enough. Septict can be installed independently, but it is recommended to call installers engaged in this work professionally.

Order of installation work:

  • For digging, you attract (hire) an excavator, the rest of the work are made manually.
  • It is necessary to leave the distance for filling between the wall of the pit and septic, not less than 25-30 centimeters.
  • The bottom of the pit is necessarily sprinkled with a layer of sand, a "pillow" is made, under construction with a height of 50 millimeters.
  • For snowing septica, a mixture of sand and cement is used as a ratio of pieces of 1: 5. It is necessary to rub the snowwork, check the access to the water structure, it is necessary.

Important! The sewage treatment plant must be fired faster, and the water level is 200 millimeters above the backfill. Use the manufacturer's instructions for installing the septica when installation work is carried out on their own.

Reviews of the owners of sewage treatment plants "Tank"

There are always no equal opinions about a particular treatment plant.

About the model range "Tank" speak a lot positively, but there is also Negative feedback which is based on such data:

  • Septic

    Not all models correspond to the claimed 100% purification, and only 98% purified.

  • When insufficient cleaning occurs, you must additionally equip the infiltrate, even equip an additional filtration field. Reducing the useful area of ​​the land.
  • The speed of operation of the treatment facilities is always faster than the natural discharge of water in drainage wells.
  • Requires insulation, if it is located in the zone of strong frosts, freezing of the soil.
  • When groundwater is close to the surface, an additional installation of equipment for the withdrawal of purified waste is required.

Important! Selected septic tank, so that there was no complaints, must correspond to the parameters of the used water for cleaning and the number of people permanently residing in the house of approximately known how many guests are often in the house.

Often about the model range of "tank" of sewage designs Write positively:

We already live for 5 years in the cottage settlement, the house was built on his own. The septic selection was carefully related to the selection, the characteristics and installation requirements were compared. The construction "Tank" attracted attention to its price, strength characteristics, manufacturer's guarantees.

On the recommendation chose to install the desired location, all work did on their own , Only drove the mechanized driven. We can estimate the work of the sewage treatment plant during this time.

Evgeny Mikhailovich, Moscow region

In our private house Septica set 2 years ago. We have no problems with his work, the only made repairs when there were frosts, in 1 compartment broke out the pipe. The problem was eliminated by specialists very quickly, our fault was our, it was just a lot of guests in the house. In general, our family is satisfied with the choice.

Igor Romanovich, Tver region

Comparison of opinions, septic tank "Topp", "Junulos"


Consider the popularity of the treatment facilities "Topp" and Yunilos, which received many good reviews of owners of country houses in their characteristics. Attracts many buyers of their Unpretentiousness in work and high degree of reliability. What do the owners say:

  • It is not necessary to buy additionally biological preparations that are necessary to accelerate the decomposition of biological waste.
  • Easy to work.

Buildings "Topp" are represented by the following structures:

ParametersTopman 5.Topa 8.Topman 10
Number of people in the house (person)fiveeight10
Performance l / day1000.1500.2000.
Overall dimensions (m)1.1x1.2x2.51.6x1.2x2.52.1x1.2x2.5

All cases considered by complaints from the owners of septic septicists of these models are caused by the following:

  • Invalid independent installation of wastewater treatment plants.
  • Failure to comply with the manufacturer's instructions in the installation of sewage designs.

Important! Septic is always selected by the criterion of sufficiency of its parameters to ensure the needs of people living in the house.

Experts recommend to stop the attention of buyers on such a septicism as "Junulos", which can work without pumping . This process is required for all septicists held once a year. For Junulos, this can not be done, but to do the procedure yourself, draws out the solid precipitate to the shovel on its own, or hire workers.

ParametersYunulos Astra 3.Yunulos Astra 5.Yunulos Astra 8.
Number of people in the house (person)3.fiveeight
Performance l / day1000.1500.2000.
Overall dimensions (m)1.0x0,82x2.031,03x1.0x2,361.5x1.04x2,36

The work of these sewage designs requires additional energy costs, which negatively affects the popularity of structures.

Choose other septic tanks for giving

The solution for acquiring on its own sector of treatment facilities is often their cost. The proposed Septic Triton is a good combination of the cost of structures and the quality of its work.

Characteristics of the model series "Triton":

ParametersTriton-mini.Triton ED 1800TRITON-T 1Triton-T 1.5Triton-T 2
Number of people (people)from1 to 2.from 3 to 42.3.four
Performance l / day250.600.300.500.600.
Overall dimensions (m)1.2x0,82x1,71.2x1.2x1,71.2x1,171.2x1,621.2x1,8

The "mini" version producers created in compact sizes, which is suitable for a small cozy dacha. Small dimensions simplify the delivery of sewage treatment facilities. With small sizes, good cleaning of household wastewater is obtained along the selected parameters.

Less good reviews Owners leave about Spectacle "Tver", the reasons for the same, poor-quality installation of sewage disposals. The cause of criticism lies in great requirements that make a tank to its installation. In general, they work correctly.

Number of people (people)from 1 to 3from 3 to 5from 5 to 7from 8 to 10
Performance l / day750.1000.1500.2000.
Overall dimensions (m)2.25x0,85x1,672.5x1.1x1,673.5x1.1x1,674.0x1,3x1,67

Professionals advise that ordering septic tank is preferably under the "key", which will provide long and long work.

Tips for specialists in septic

Selection of suitable septicity always remains for its owner, experts advise Compare some parameters famous brands of sewage treatment facilities:

  • Septic

    Compare "Junulos" and "Topp", as they work almost by the same principle. Septic typhus "Junulos" is made from better material, as it were to the continuation of the design solutions Septica "Topp". Constructions "Junulos" are more suitable for the climatic zones of Russia.

  • The construction of the "Tank" on the quality of cleaning is better than "Junulos", stronger.
  • Septic "Yunulos" works high-quality structures "Tver", less needs maintenance than "Tver". The remaining parameters are similar.
  • When the "Topp" and "Tank" are compared, such indicators are taken as discharge of purified waste. The construction "Tank" is done only in the ground, and the septic tank "Topp" can reset the purified drainage into the drainage database.

Which septicch is to choose, solve the owner of the site, and here we used to show their advantages and disadvantages.

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